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Java – scroll to specific text within the jtextarea
I'm trying to implement a function in the current program I'm writing. I want to learn how to scroll down to specific …… -
Java – how to find UTC offset using joda?
I want to end with a string in the form of - 5:00 (if we're in New York State) What is the best way to use joda? Solut…… -
Java – JSTL: check whether the string is empty
See the English answer > evaluate empty or null JSTL C tags8 This is hard coding I'm trying to replace with JSTL Th…… -
Java – how to determine whether a string is an English sentence or code?
Consider the following two strings. The first is the code and the second is the English sentence (the phrase is accura…… -
Java: Micro optimized array operation
I am trying to make a simple feedforward neural network Java port My current code is as follows (delete error handling…… -
Java – when the first day of the week is in the previous year, how to strictly analyze a date with only one year and one week?
My goal is strict parsing (for example, banning dates like 98 / 99) However, the following code raises a Java text. Pa…… -
Are loops allowed between Java platform modules?
This is Java Module declaration of RMI module: module java.rmi { requires java.base; requires java.logging; …… -
Java – how do I map values to enumerations?
Given an enumeration, each instance is associated with some values: public enum sqlState { SUCCESSFUL_COMPLETION("00…… -
Java – how to use spark to process a series of HBase rows?
I tried to use HBase as the spark data source So the first step is to create an RDD from the HBase table Because spark…… -
Java – eclipse can have multiple output folders like multiple source folders
I have an eclipse project that has two source folders – 'SRC' and 'test' I want to build from these two folders into a…… -
The Java – JDK API documentation is incorrect for the ArrayList constructor Is this a bug?
The JDK DOC of ArrayList constructor indicates that the initial capacity is 10 This is actually wrong because the init…… -
Java – build custom connection logic in cascade to ensure only map_ SIDE
I have three cascaded pipes (one connected to the other two), as described below, >Lhspipe – (larger size) >Rhsp…… -
Java – divides integers into sums and products
This is what I need to do: write an algorithm to decompose a given integer into sum products, but each subsequent numb…… -
Java – libgdx and scrollpane with multiple widgets
Trying to add multiple items to the scroll bar, I soon found that all "addactor" functions were not supported So, I ad…… -
Java – eclipse can have multiple output folders like multiple source folders
I have an eclipse project that has two source folders – 'SRC' and 'test' I want to build from these two folders into a…… -
Exception in thread “main” Java util. Missingformatargumentexception: format specifier ’10s’
There is no doubt that I will miss something very obvious here, but I can't understand it Any help would be appreciate…… -
Parsing queues in Java and simulating queues with LinkedList set
Description of queue in API: The collection used to save the element before processing it. In addition to the basic co…… -
Java – how to limit a self referencing type?
I have things (for example, context, number) that I can perform operations on my own type: interface Number<N> {…… -
JDBC operation MySQL database instance
This article describes the method of JDBC operating MySQL database. Share with you for your reference. The details are…… -
Multithreading – is there a way to kill all forked threads in a ghci session without restarting it?
Based on my previous question, I would like to ask if there is any way to kill all user created threads in ghci sessio…… -
Java implements the method of reading files in segments and uploading them through HTTP
This example describes the method of reading files in segments and uploading them through HTTP in Java. Share with you…… -
Java implementation of reverse order of single linked list
The following code accurately introduces the reverse order of single linked list implemented by Java. The specific con…… -
How does the prime test in Java work?
The following code snippet checks whether a given number is prime Can someone explain to me why? This code is to give …… -
Java – spring batch reads jobs from multiple sources
How do I read items from multiple databases? I already know that this is a possible document ... <job id="readMulti…… -
Method of quickly converting map into JSON format in Java
In daily use, we usually encounter map to JSON. If we traverse, it will waste a lot of time. In fact, we have such a j…… -
Java implements eight common sorting algorithms: insert sort, bubble sort, select sort, Hill sort, etc
This paper implements eight common sorting algorithms: insert sort, bubble sort, selection sort, Hill sort, quick sort…… -
Java uses deque to implement stack
This article illustrates how Java uses deque to implement stack. Share with you for your reference. The details are as…… -
Several steps of JDBC linking database
This article lists the four steps of JDBC linking database for your reference: JDBC: Java database access solution. Se…… -
Java – creation of suffix array nlogn
I've been learning how to create suffix arrays. I understand that we first sort all suffixes according to the first ch…… -
java. net. Socketexception: pipe breakage
I receive this error or my JSP page every day: Message: pipe breakage Stack trace:…… -
Java – read files using the IntelliJ IDE
I've been an eclipse user for a long time, and I've started playing IntelliJ idea ide So from my understanding, a proj…… -
Simple example of using JDBC to operate database in Java
I haven't written any database applications for a long time. Here's a review of Java JDBC. 1. Using java JDBC to opera……