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Java – is the master partition inactive or unassigned a known node?
I run elastic search version 4.1.0 on Windows 8 I try to index documents through Java When running JUnit test, the err…… -
Remove fields from old Java classes that implement serializable
Suppose I have a version of the MyClass class, where I have two fields int count and string name I have saved the byte…… -
Java – repairing flight path with spring boot
When the migration failed in the spring boot project, I didn't quite understand what I should do I passed in my POM Fl…… -
Java – saves the state of the WebView and reloads the location
I know a lot about this, but they seem old and no longer work - at least for me I try to save the location of the web …… -
Java – combine two different types of observable
See English answers > rxjava merge observables of different types @Override public void call(String s,Boolean b) { …… -
No Java util. List is implicitly converted to scala list
I'm interested in scala collection. Java conversions has a very basic problem I would expect the following code to wor…… -
Floating point precision error in Java
I want to know what is the best way to fix precision errors in Java As shown in the following example, there is a prec…… -
Java – Samsung Galaxy 7 “(gt-p6210) does not detect USB debugging?
I am using Ubuntu Linux 10.04 PC because my Samsung Galaxy 7 "(gt-p6210) Homeycomb 3.2 did not detect the development …… -
Java ee6 program scope
I need a schedule that runs every 5 minutes from 10 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. how can I do this with the @ schedule annotation…… -
How to use getsystemcpuload() in JMX
Hello, I can't use getprocesscputime() or getprocesscpuload() or getsystemcpuload() in my java program I have used the…… -
Java – do you have to learn AWT before learning swing?
If I want to write desktop applications using Java in windows, should I buy a book about swing and just skip reading b…… -
Java – jax-ws always sends MTOM attachments inline
Basically, I want to create a web service client to send an MTOM SOAP message through a proxy method I have created my…… -
Java – write JUnit tests for @ exceptionhandler
I am writing a rest service using spring MVC This is the outline of the course: @Controller public class MyController…… -
Java – compiled in CMD but error in NetBeans
I have a small java file given below class abc{ public static void main(String args[]){ Object a= 9; …… -
Java – how to correctly specify the default value in the spring @ value annotation?
Initially, I had the following specifications: @Value("#{props.isFPL}") private boolean isFPL=false; This will correct…… -
actionscript-3 – AS3 Vector. Sort() does not use sorting options?
In AS3, array Sort () uses some good sorting options, such as: > Array. Descending – sort arrays from large to smal…… -
Java – how do I add / delete clips on buttons?
At present, I have a "relax_layout" container, which I use to add my clips What I want to achieve is that when I press…… -
Java – get localized week number using jodatime
I tried to get the current number of weeks with jodatime In France, week is defined as follows: >One week from Mond…… -
The Java – JAXB XML adapter works through annotations, but not through setadapter
I know all about how to use xmladapters to convert unmappable types, or just change how some objects are serialized / …… -
Java – okhttpclient broke after updating retrofit to retrofit 2
This error occurred after updating from retrofit to retrofit 2 The LIBS version I use in my application is: compile 'c…… -
Effectively implement Java Native Interface webcam feed
I am developing a project to receive video input from webcam and display the moving area to users My "beta" attempt in…… -
Java – if an exception is thrown, ensure that the object is closed
I'm creating JDBC statements and resultset Findbugs correctly points out that if exceptions are thrown, I won't close …… -
Java SFTP upload uses jsch, but how to overwrite the current file?
I tried to use jsch to upload two files to a server with SFTP If the directory is empty, uploading files works normall…… -
Jdk8 Java Does time have a Jackson data type module?
I'm working on the new jdk8 Java Time course looking for a module I've seen fasterxml GitHub project listing, but I ha…… -
Java – why is PriorityQueue not like a queue?
I'm using priorityblockingqueue and priority fields In my tests, I used system #currenttime () as the priority - the c…… -
Java – how to reuse application filters and maps in streams?
I have a group of domain objects inherited from the shared type (i.e. grouprecord extension record, requestrecord exte…… -
=Vs = in Java
I am familiar with the = operator in Java. If it is executed as follows: i = 2; Is the same: i = i 2; But what is it =…… -
java. Lang. NoClassDefFoundError: javax / El / propertynotfoundexception when I send an invalid value to the controller
I use mockmvc to test my controller @Test public void updateEvent() throws Exception{ MockHttpServletReque…… -
Android style development: detailed explanation of layer list examples
How to achieve the background effect of tab and the rounded rectangle with shadow in the above figure? Most people wil…… -
Android implements QQ list type classification and suspension prompt
design sketch: The realization of this effect is realized by using a user-defined expandablelistview, setting an indic…… -
Solution to the invalid problem of Android HTML5 audio autoplay
In the development of Android HTML5, many people have encountered the problem that the audio tag autoplay is invalid o…… -
Super simple way for Android to realize the native sideslip menu
Let's take a look at the renderings first When you click the menu to change the icon, for example, click happy, and th……