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Java – Eclipse JSP – no color, code completion and error detection
I tried to find a way to have color and code completion and error detection in JSP pages I have Eclipse Java EE IDE fo…… -
You can use Java util. Is logging configured to use compressed log files?
Can I configure Java util. Logging to compress the log file when it "scrolls" to a new log file? For example, an excer…… -
Java – differences between JDBC
What is the main difference between spring JDBC and JDBC? Solution Let me look at a simple example of using JDBC: fina…… -
Java – too much parameter code in a factory constructor?
I have a factory class that currently has six parameters in its constructor. I just need to add another one Usually, i…… -
Java – how to call the functions of the main activities from a custom arrayadapter?
I've seen a lot of similar problems and don't seem to have any work I have a main class of such functions, edit, displ…… -
Java – how do I sign Mac OS X applications in Linux?
For OS X, I distribute Java applications to DMG Due to the release of mountain lion, the following error message will …… -
Conditionally remove Java methods at compile time
I'm trying to implement something like a c# preprocessor I know that Java does not have the same preprocessor function…… -
Java – the broadcastreceiver did not receive the action of completing the download
I'm trying to capture download completion events, but my broadcastreceiver doesn't receive them This is the receiver: …… -
Java – use Apache POI to make columns read-only
I am using Apache POI to generate Excel files I need to make column 4 read-only, and the other 2 columns will be edite…… -
Java – automatically call superclass methods
Consider class class A{ public void init(){ //do this first; } public void atEnd()…… -
Test whether the font is first-class in Java
I'm listing all the constant width fonts available on the user's machine I can get all fonts in swing in the following…… -
How to transfer files between TCP server and TCP client in Java
I have implemented simple TCP server and TCP client classes, which can send messages from the client to the server, an…… -
Java – why does the LinkedHashMap class implement the map interface?
See English answers > Why do many collection classes in Java extend the abstract class and implement the interface …… -
Java – converts a list to a list (or any class that extends number)
I want to create a very general utility method to use any collection and convert it to a collection of user selectable…… -
Java – what version of JBoss am I running?
(as the question:) how do I know what version of JBoss I am running? I'm also curious about what version of Tomcat I'm…… -
Multithreading – dual locking mode in C 11?
The new model of C 11 allows multiprocessor systems to work reliably, wrt Reorganization order As Meyers and Alexandre…… -
Java InputStream. Read (byte [], int, int) method, how to block until the exact number of bytes is read
I am writing a simple client / server network application to send and receive fixed size messages through TCP sockets …… -
Why does my java custom cell renderer not highlight when rows / cells are selected?
I have a custom cell renderer to wrap cells with words, so more content can be read This is the code: import java.awt.…… -
How to instantiate the Java Boolean wrapper class?
In Java, I can write code like this Boolean b = true ; It will work. I now have an object with a value of "true" How d…… -
Java – PDF file download using BlockingQueue
I'm trying to download a PDF file using urlconnection Here is how I set up the connection object URL serverUrl = new U…… -
Java – why do anonymous classes access non final class members of closed classes
We know that the final local variables can only be accessed in anonymous classes. Here is a good reason: Why are only …… -
Using classpathxmlapplicationcontext in a stand-alone Java class
I haven't touched spring yet I saw the following code in a separate java project in my system You can help me understa…… -
JavaFX IllegalStateException when processing jfxpanel in swing
I just came across something strange about JavaFX and swing When processing a JavaFX panel that has been added to a JF…… -
Java – “package should contain content type part [m1.13]”
I tried to write to an excel file, but I kept getting an error: According to my understanding, I missed a jar file Any…… -
What is the correct action to take when closing a window in Java / swing?
I wrote this test code in my customuipanel class: public static void main(String[] args) { final JDialog dialog = …… -
Java – the difference between sha256 and RSA and sha256, and then RSA
What is the difference between using the following two methods to calculate a signature? >Use signature GetInstance…… -
Java – Maven: “error reading prototype directory”, not proxy
Command: mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false -DgroupId=org…… -
Java – how do I format numbers in the expression language?
How do I format and output numbers (such as long or BigDecimal) in El? For example, I want to limit some decimal numbe…… -
Is there a Java Translation Library working offline?
I really need to find a Java translation library that can be translated Solution For translating individual words, see…… -
Java – controls the position of page breaks
According to the documentation, displayTag can be configured through paging banner. The placement attribute places a p…… -
Java: how to replace the last 16 bits of long with short
I have a long, short time Ex (divided into 16 bit blocks for ease of reading): > long = 0xffff 0xffff 0xffff 0xffff…… -
Is there a for Java application server Net simulation?
There is something in the Java community called Net? Similar to tomcat, resin and jetty I'm not interested in JSP equi……