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Android – why is my soundpool muted?
I set up my soundpool and load sound resources in oncreate(): soundPool = new SoundPool(4, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, …… -
Java – eclipse has a shortcut to generate resources (constructor, get / set…)
Currently in eclipse, if I want to generate a constructor or getters / setters I go to the class name and right-click …… -
Android – how to use bitmaps to avoid memory overload?
My application uses bitmaps that display images the second time a user enters a specific activity Bitmap bm = BitmapFa…… -
Android – how about a password line
I need to programmatically set EditText to display text such as password, and I also need to use this EditText as a si…… -
Android – what is the preferred way to save / restore screen state using flow mortar dagger2?
I'm trying to convert the acticity fragments application to flow mortar dagger2 Invalid Sign I spent a lot of time loo…… -
Android: cannot specify list for asynctask. Return type: doinbackground
I have the following asynctask based code block. I try to return a list variable by returning loadfeed(), and the retu…… -
Is java – volatile reference a safe way to pass motionevents between threads?
I'm curious about the security of this method. I've considered passing touch events in my Android application (and tes…… -
Android – an object that implements the Parcelable interface containing a list throws a NullPointerException
I'm trying to create an object with a list of objects that can be. I can't read the parcel object back Who can point m…… -
How to set the time for the alarm clock of the next day in the android app?
I'm creating an Android application and I have a problem. (I'm a novice in Android Development) In my application, I w…… -
Android – how to make text in textview non clickable in layout XML?
I have different table rows. Each table contains some non clickable and non selectable information text. However, when…… -
Android – delete objects from ArrayList?
I have a listview. By default, my listview contains check boxes and all selected check boxes. If we uncheck any check …… -
Android – causes: java.lang.illegalargumentexception: provider = Network
Try to find the current location of my device.code here package com.example.location; import; …… -
Android intent and startactivity in libgdx (non activity or androidapplication class)
Please help me how to run the following code in the libgdx thread - in render(), create(), etc public class MyGame imp…… -
Android – how do I get the window width and height of an activity?
I have a listfragment, which adds two views in the onactivitycreated() method - a MapView general view (persistent tit…… -
Android – how do I send applications to the background?
How do I send my application to the background code? How do I capture events when I press the home key? Thank you. res…… -
Android fills the text in textview on the left, image on the left and text on the right
I have a textview, which contains the image on the left and the text on the right: I want to create a space between th…… -
What APIs do Google Android apps use?
There is a Google Mobile App for Android. To receive all information, you must use some APIs How do I retrieve this in…… -
Java – for loop efficiency
I'm writing an Android game and trying to be as efficient as possible I know that for loops are more effective than fo…… -
How to add a section title to a custom list view in Android?
package com.VRG; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import…… -
Android, how to determine whether a restart has occurred?
How will I programmatically determine when the Android device will restart (whether it is started individually or by t…… -
Write long text to display on the Android screen so that the screen will score down
I want to display 2-3 pages of text. I try to use the scroll view, but the text is cut off. I'm a novice in developmen…… -
Android – can I combine my code into some kind of “global activity”?
Is there any global activity on Android that I put my code in one activity that will affect all activities in my proje…… -
Android – progress dialog usage of thread
This is my code, public ProgressDialog loadingdialog; public void ShowManager() { //do something } public void sta…… -
How to add an ArrayList to other ArrayLists in Android?
I created three ArrayLists and stored data. I need to pass an arraydata to other pages, so I add my individual array t…… -
Android – the ADB devices command does not display anything
I'm currently busy with the Android SDK. I've done it, but when I enter $sudo ADB shell, it gives sudo: ADB: command n…… -
Android – listview caching with different color filters does not work
I am using a listview using viewholder mode and gain the advantage of caching mechanism. This is a code fragment. I tr…… -
How to programmatically display spinner pop-up in Android
I'm facing a problem with the spinner. Suppose a spinner dialog box pops up. If the screed lock occurs when I unlock t…… -
Androidruntimeexception “calling startactivity() from outside the activity context requires flag_activity_new_task flag”
I created multiple layouts in listview, but when I click I to get an androidruntimeexception, "calling startactivity()…… -
Android – how do I retrieve fragment instances of XML definitions?
In short, the problem is that I can find my element through ID, but it always requires me to convert it to view, and I…… -
Android – toast in onclick method in fragment
I have the following clip: public class FragmentSocial extends Fragment implements ActionBar.TabListener, OnClickListe…… -
Java – Android OpenGL: illegalargumentexception direct buffer using native commands
Android developers! I'm in trouble. My Android application must use OpenGL to draw a few lines. I take this as an exam…… -
The Android application faces an error when adding to Lib using android-support-v4.jar and tries to log in using Proguard in IntelliJ idea
I'm trying to sign my application. If I don't check Proguard, the login process is OK. But if I use Proguard, I'll get……