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PHP – send a notification to Android immediately after an update occurs in the MySQL database
In my Android application, new users initially use the application to register themselves. If the user is approved by …… -
Android – duplicate alerts don’t work
I know this kind of question has been laughed at many times... But please read my question first, and then vote or mar…… -
Android – react native: how to import local images using dynamic names
I have about 100 local hero images that need to be imported into the list view. This is my hero.js renderRow(hero) { r…… -
Java – “unable to parse: com. Google. Firebase: firebase core: 9.0.0”
I want to use fire base for authentication in my Android application >I created the application, then downloaded th…… -
Java – user registration page not verified
<?PHP $name = $_POST["name"]; $age = $_POST["age"]; $email = $_POST["email"]; $passw…… -
Android – appbarlayout combines my custom view with layout_ Behavior overlap
I have a custom header whose custom behavior interacts with the coordinator layout. This header depends on the appbarl…… -
Android – colorful EditText tips
Is there any way to set multiple colors for the prompt of EditText when wrapping…… -
Android – delay starting activity from chat header service
I have created an application with Facebook, chat header and other services. Click on the chat header and I am startin…… -
Android – example of conversion of shared elements from activity to fragment
Android – handles the transformation of Android shared elements. I have an activity a, which contains a list with imag…… -
Android – caches all data in the. Gitlab-ci.yml file
I'm new to gitlab CI. I'm trying to use cache in. Gitlab-ci.yml file (on Android platform). Gitlab CI works well, but …… -
How do I exit AWS cognito – Android?
So this is the code I use to sign my user awareness (I hope I'm correct). Now, how do I exit? At present, I have my ow…… -
android – Google Maps v2 Custom Tile Provider
I'm developing a custom tile provider to display traffic data on Google maps. At a high zoom level, it's good for me M…… -
Android – onpause is called immediately after onresume
Edit * this problem occurs when testing on Android devices. This problem does not occur when testing emultor I am star…… -
RSA encryption differences between Android and Java environments
First of all, I apologize for the amount of code I'm about to release. I'm trying to use the RSA public key in my java…… -
Android – Google sign in failed only on (some) Xiaomi devices
I use Google login in my app. I'm using Google play service version 9.0.2 compile '…… -
Java – Android UDP is unreliable
I have extreme UDP packet loss using Android, which makes no sense. The situation is as follows: @ h_ 419_ 1@ @H_ 419_…… -
Android – how to adjust the HTML / CSS layout of the browser in the instagram application?
I've been searching in Google, but I can't find the clue to my problem. I have a small website (HTML / CSS only), whic…… -
Java – classnotfoundexception: the class “”. Unity plug-in was not found
The application crashed on the test device, but not on my device. I tried to install the appmetrica plug-in, but it di…… -
Android – how to optimize multiple image stitching?
I am using multi image stitching in Visual Studio 2012, C. I modified stitching according to my requirements_ Detailed…… -
Android – how does the Bluetooth A2DP profile work?
I want to create a Bluetooth music player application to transfer audio from one device to another. I have read all th…… -
Android – textrendering in textview and EditText
I have a simple layout like this: <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" andr…… -
Android – whether sharing preferences are shared among users
I have some questions, please help me, the following is my question? >Is the sharing preference data shared among u…… -
Java – how to merge two Android studio projects into one [copy]
See English answers > how to create jar for Android Library Project 8. I have a sinch project for messaging and my …… -
Android – open PDF in WebView with file size over 1MB
Invalid Sign Can you tell me how to finish the task? Thank you in advance resolvent: The only free solution I know is …… -
Android – changes the repository schema of data on the server over time
I am paying attention to the clean building proposed by the famous Robert C. Martin. The aerial view of the clean buil…… -
Android – how to use Google play purchase validator to effectively purchase express servers
I hope to integrate the in app settlement function of Google play into the unity project that has obtained payload JSO…… -
Java – Android studio 2.3 error: “gradle sync failed: Reason: services. Gradle. Org”
After opening a new project in Android studio 2.3, I receive an error, such as: Google search just gave me a log file …… -
Java – the method gettext() must be called from the UI thread (Android studio)
I'm trying to create a login for the application. But I have a problem This is my code: package com.forgetmenot.loginr…… -
Android – press the button twice
I have a problem with Android. I have a button. I program the button to view textview when I click, just like displayi…… -
Java – progress bar on button in relative layout problem in Android studio
OK, this is a strange question. I hope someone can explain it to me I have a custom button layout and create a button …… -
Android vs IOS choice
I am a java developer and I want to start developing mobile applications. The question is, which Android or IOS seems …… -
Android – the new preference library supports incorrect themes at runtime
I'm trying to use the new preference V14 support library. In order to provide material styles for preferences, I use t……