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Java – how do I enable @ required?
How to enable the @ required annotation in Java (spring 3.1)? Not in XML, but in Java What other comment can I enable …… -
Java – what is the attributeoverride annotation used in Hibernate
@Entity @Entity class User { @EmbeddedId @AttributeOverride(name="firstName",column=@Column(name="fld_firstname") User…… -
How to use smack XMPP library to process TLS certificates in Java
Hi, everyone I have just started using XMPP in Java, including server and client XMPPServer server = new XMPPServer("l…… -
Java – definition: unfinalized and finalizable objects
In order to understand weak references in Java, I have to refer to the Java language specification The following secti…… -
How do I use jlists in JTable cells?
I want a simple way to put JList in the JTable column I already have jlists and tables, but when I put them into the t…… -
Java – runs background jobs without affecting the rest of the GUI
I'm looking for help with general methods I have written some java code to view unread messages in my mailbox on butto…… -
How to adjust the scroll bar using the images zoomin and zoomout in swing
I want to adjust the scroll bar when the images zoom in and zoom out. My image display on JPanel and JScrollPane conta…… -
Java – SharedPreferences cannot work across activities
I'm trying to save some filters / states in one activity and then use the data in the next activity I'm using shared p…… -
Java: what are the event notification options in my own API?
Suppose you have written an API that can collect data in real time in a separate thread Data access is thread - safe a…… -
Draw lines in java3d
I want to draw a line to specify the point in Java 3D What shall I do? For example, to draw a cube, we wrote Colorcube…… -
Java – how to detect whether the SWT dialog box is open and visible?
I have a SWT wizarddialog with many pages When this dialog box opens for the first time, I have to check some conditio…… -
Java – I can’t understand the whole content of Maven. Look at the formal definition
I'm a beginner in Java. I recently tried to use some existing libraries. Suddenly Maven is between the two I don't kno…… -
Images from Mathematica to Java
I tried to get a picture from Mathematica So my question: How to convert these graphics to Java??? Here is my sample c…… -
ODBC interface / driver written in Java
I am looking for a way to expose my Java EE application server through ODBC connection That is; I need to provide the …… -
Java – capture EditText lost focus
I am a long-term, self-taught amateur VB programmer. Now I am trying to teach myself Java and Android I say so, so you…… -
Overloading methods with derived types as parameters in Java
Suppose I have extended the existing code, but also avoid changing the code as much as possible Somewhere in this code…… -
Java – making a lazy iterator for arithmetic series?
This is a class I wrote to implement iteratable < integer > Arithmetic series (from step start to stop) package …… -
Java – captures groups in regular expressions only in outer parentheses
I want to use regular expressions to capture dates and other information from strings in Java I grouped my patterns as…… -
Java – how to specify / organize / clean up jar libraries in a project
When we develop a project, if we want to use struts or tiles or spring or anything else, we must import some JAF files…… -
How the Java language works
I don't know Java very well, so I want to ask how this language works I mean not only "language", but also virtual mac…… -
Java – impact of transaction timeout EJB on threads
Questions about EJB: Suppose I have a session bean with infinite loops It runs under EJB transactions Now when the EJB…… -
Java – finds the longest prefix of string s, which is the substring inverted by string s
Is there any way to use the linear time algorithm to find the longest prefix of string s, which is the substring of th…… -
Java – I received this warning: com sun. org. apache. xml. internal. serialize. Outputformat is a proprietary sun API and may be removed in future releases
My code is OutputFormat wOf = new OutputFormat( "XML","ISO-8859-1",true ); Help me solve this warning Thank you in adv…… -
Java – xmladapter to JAXB binding joda interval?
I have encountered a web service problem in my JAXB binding. I have been trapped for several hours: In order to prepar…… -
Java – two EJBs with the same interface Is this a good habit?
My use case requires me to have a class hierarchy, as shown below public interface ServiceA{ public void doSomething()…… -
Java EE – upgrade JBoss 5.1 from El 2.1 to El 2.2?
The problem is quick and simple JBoss 5.1 is out of the box and supports JSP, EL (expression language) 2.1 and servlet…… -
Java – integer (numeric) to string
This is my simple question We can convert integer, float and double into string, such as string s = "I"; So why do we …… -
Triangulation tutorial for Java – Android
I have made the GPS application give me the latitude and longitude of my current position, but the problem is that GPS…… -
Java – how to simplify my java
I wrote some java code in the spring framework I have two beans, man and man 1 Their structure is slightly different, …… -
Java – ant creates filesets from (absolute) attributes, dirsets
In ant, I define some attributes to define some paths (absolute) required to build the system Most ant tasks require f…… -
java – org. apache. struts. action. Actionmessage cannot be cast to org apache. struts. action. ActionError
I'm working on Struts 1 2. Application I created a formbean that extends validatorform and then overridden the method …… -
Java – JFrame multiple screens
I've been programming for Android, and I use intent to switch between specific screens I've always wondered how to do ……