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Java – Tomcat and null pointer exceptions when accessing session properties
I have been developing a project using net beans IDE for 6 months to develop an e-learning web application Everything …… -
Another static / non static problem with Java
OK, use the eclipse IDE and stumble over static / non - static issues I think I understand it, but not completely. It'…… -
java – BorderLayout Swing
I'm using a borderlayout In the north, I have a panel called pannorth, where I add some components (for example, I jus…… -
Java – JSON deserialization problem
There is an array. When the size is 1, the JSON data I receive does not contain []; like {"firstname":"tom"} When the …… -
Java – how to store objects from a database?
I am developing a Java application that will graphically depict and organize hundreds of objects Each of these objects…… -
Java server client thread problem
Hello I created a thread because I created a client socket when connecting, and it runs through the whole session The …… -
Java – IllegalStateException: unable to overwrite guava map Reasons in put
I use to create a map new MapMaker().softValues().maximumSize(cacheSize).makeMap(); This seems to work, but after depl…… -
Java – does the implementation of hasmap store key value pairs in the linked list
I read in a book that when we place an element in a HashMap, it is stored internally in a bucket My question is >Do…… -
Ant exclusion file
I have to write an ant goal for the JUnit report This is an existing application Some test class files are called test…… -
Java – can I decompile jar files to get raw resources?
I have a big problem I'm writing a program. It took me three months. Today I accidentally deleted the source code I wo…… -
Java – conflict listfield click and menu click
In my application, I have placed listfield on the screen Now my problem is that when I click on a list item (when the …… -
Java restrictions
How to use the combination of scheduledthreadpoolexecutor, scheduledfuture and executorcompletionservice to restrict c…… -
Java – did I close this Oracle pool connection correctly?
I tried to connect to my web application using a pool in Java I'm using Oracle database. Here's my code: public class …… -
Java – streaming data using httpurlconnection
I want to use httpurlconnection to open a long-term connection with the server through HTTP post and process the strea…… -
Java – how do you know all the exceptions that a method can throw
Is there any way to get some details about the exception security of Java standard classes? Mainly using C and C #, I …… -
Java – redraw graph on Jung
I use Jung (Java common network / graphics framework) to build graphics using the following code: Now, I want to add m…… -
Java – visually browse jackrabbit content?
I want to delete my current content from my database table And bring them to the content repository (JCR) Is there any…… -
What is the difference between the intent of the Java – interface and the abstract class of the abstract method?
Interpretation / preamble In Java, if you use abstract methods to declare abstract classes, such as public abstract cl…… -
Java – Android: can I draw a view on MapView as a overlay
In fact, the subject is a problem I want to draw a view on the map as a overlay, but my view contains a linear layout …… -
Java – how to check whether the user name exists in the database before submitting to create a user with Hibernate?
Hi, I have a simple login service. I use GWT, hibernate & HSQLDB Now I can create an account, but I need to add a …… -
Java – from Mp3 or Wav file calculation frequency?
I'm trying to do some note recognition on MP3 or WAV files The question is: how to use FFT on files? I prefer Java sol…… -
Is there any way to create a variable number of arrays using loops in Java?
I wonder if there is a way to create arrays in Java based on variable numbers Therefore, if I need to create 10 arrays…… -
Java – project Euler #11
I recently started using java to test my skills I have problem 11, so that all previous problems are correct There is …… -
Java – play frame JPA problems with save()
I'm trying to save a simple object in the database, but it gives me some problems This is my object class: @Entity @Ta…… -
Java Swing custom controls
I want to know how to create a new swing control My problem is that some components are missing on swing (for example,…… -
BlackBerry Java detects screen foreground events
In my BlackBerry application, I have a home screen The user can then navigate to the settings screen When the user ret…… -
How to simulate file IO in Java?
How to create an imitation Java io. Class of file w.r.t: mockfile File read / write? I use my own method everywhere in…… -
Invoke Python script in Java code (runtime.exec)
I tried to run Python scripts in Java, but I ran into some trouble Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process p = r.exe…… -
Java – you need to read in the ArrayList and separate positive and negative numbers
I need to read 10 integers into ArrayList and program them into two groups: "positive integers" and "negative integers…… -
Java / Android: get Facebook user information from graphic API and display it in textview
I'm working hard to learn java now, and I've been in-depth learning since Android faceobok API Now, I'm trying to get …… -
Java:System. Getenv (“appdata”) returns null. What is it now?
I just found that when a java program is started on windows as another user through "run as..." (from the context menu…… -
Java – how to set a formula in JDBC Preparedstatement
I have a Preparedstatement that I use to insert a pile of rows containing a large amount of column data However, for o……