包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – executors do not run all threads
I'm new to Java and I'm trying this I have a method that I want to run in parallel I want 10 threads to call this meth…… -
Java – want to know that create = null instead of out Consequences of close() Out is an instance of fileoutputstream
I want to know the consequences of making the output stream null instead of closing it If I do out = null, will this l…… -
Java – c3p0 prepared declarations are closed for no obvious reason
I'm using c3p0 I created a collection as follows, cpds = new ComboPooledDataSource(); cpds.setJdbcUrl(...); /* connect…… -
Java – convert timestamp to UTC time zone
public static long getCurrentEpochTimeStamp(String timeStamp) throws Exception { public static long getCurrentEpochTim…… -
How to fix “missing return statement” in Java
I'm making a Java method for an Android application that returns the directory where the application should work in an…… -
Java – how do I read files from a jar archive?
See the English answer > How do I read a resource file from a Java jar file? 8 File file = new File("test.jar"); St…… -
Java – SWT – modify window close button (red x)
When the user closes any application window using the window close button (red x) It will cause the widget is disposed…… -
Java – create 2D hash set function
I'm trying to make a 2D hash set I have a loop through integer pairs: ResultSet getAssociations; Statement get…… -
How do I go back to a specific line in Java?
I'm writing code that involves if else statements to ask the user if they want to continue I don't know how to do this…… -
Java – Maven dependency problem – artifact not found in central repository
I'm trying from this site http://www.joptimizer.com/usage.html Build the project I downloaded the source jar file, unz…… -
Java – jmh does not pick up classes for benchmarking
There is a mistake, jmh did not promote my class to the benchmark package com.stecurran.jmh.entry; import org.openjdk…… -
Java – sets a 4-bit nibble in the int type
We need to propose a method to set 4-bit nibbles in int setNibble(0xAAA5,0x1,0); // => 0xAAA1 setNibble(0x56B2,0xF…… -
Java – sort in array
When I try to sort, I have a problem with my method: This is what my code looks like: public void sort() { boolean …… -
Java generics – insert internal type parameters
I'm new to Java I just want to pass comparable < string > into the method parameter of generic type < e exten…… -
Java – running functions on JButton
I'm trying to create a program in Java that uses a robot to press a specific key every few seconds It has a GUI with s…… -
Java – simple examples of errors in Hibernate beginner level
In order to learn hibernate, I wrote two examples of exercises However, they all have the following errors: Basically,…… -
java – Android – Webview Progressbar
I added a progress bar to WebView I want to have progress bar coverage on WebView. I want to display the percentage of…… -
Java – headless painting
I want to draw JPanel as buffered image in headless mode (there is no GUI on the screen) final JPanel panel = createPa…… -
Java – JBoss application server and Servlet
I downloaded the latest version of JBoss. Com from JBoss website I created a dynamic web project and created a servlet…… -
Is java – readfull() at risk of suffocation?
I notice that when I use readfull() on a file instead of read (byte []), the processing time is greatly reduced Howeve…… -
Java – no JIT optimization
Look at this question: code: class test { public static void main(String abc[]) { for( int k=1; k<=…… -
How to delete the question mark in joptionpane?
How do I get rid of any markers in the upper left corner of joptionpane? int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(nu…… -
Java: understanding the execution of static methods
There are printa in class A and printb in class B. There are two methods Printa is a static method and printb is a non…… -
Square root in Java
Should I write in Java like that? If not, how should I write it? import java.util.*; public class Soru { public st…… -
Filling Java beans with opencsv – Code Description
I just started using Java and have a lot of missing knowledge, but I need to write a simple class that will use opencs…… -
Java – why not use a pseudo-random number generator to generate test data?
Test the correctness from the Book Java concurrency in practice, chapter 12.1, especially 12.1 3 test security (the au…… -
Java – Eclipse: get null display
I tried to pop up a dialog box (i.e. a FileDialog) in the Eclipse Plug-in. In fact, I was running the relevant UI laun…… -
Java – find friends of all users: how to implement Hadoop MapReduce?
Say I entered the following: (1,2)(2,1)(1,3)(3,4)(4,1) The output is expected to be as follows: (1,(2,3,4)) -> (1,3…… -
Can I construct arrays in Java without the number of elements?
There are some problems when using arrays in Java If I declare a character array like this, my program will throw an e…… -
Java generics copy constructor
I want to write a copy constructor for a commonly defined class I have an inner class node, which I use as a node of a…… -
Can ColdFusion CFC be instantiated from Java?
I know that a Java class can be instantiated from ColdFusion, but can ColdFusion CFC be instantiated from Java code? F…… -
Gets the value selected from the radio button in Java
import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class RadioButtonTest extends JFrame { privat……