包含标签:Java 的文章
A Java class that implements a method with parameters that are subtypes specified in the interface
I had some trouble mastering generic drugs I've read Oracle's tutorial on generics, which doesn't seem to solve my pro…… -
Java – what are the benefits of defining Tomcat and DB pools in Tomcat in the spring configuration file
What are the benefits of defining DB pool in Tomcat and spring configuration files <Resource name="jdbc/DBCPosPool"…… -
Java – how to kill a running thread while waiting?
When I try to kill my bandit thread, some people die, but some people fall into wait() blocking. What is a better way …… -
Java – JAXB generates simple types without restrictions
I am generating my first JAXB data binding I have a schema that contains an XS: simpletype: <xs:simpleType name="NI…… -
Java algorithm for extracting information from string
I'm trying to implement intelligent search in my application For example, find a 28 - year-old Christian male from Bra…… -
Java – get JPopupMenu size before display
I click the right mouse button to display JPopupMenu I want the top right corner of JPopupMenu to be in the click posi…… -
Java – OSGi / equinox, declarative services and deferred loading
I'm trying to use declarative services to create a service package to provide functionality for another package Howeve…… -
Java – how to name getters / setters in Android projects
topic Suppose there is a public class named private int_ Private variable with xtouchdown = 0; What is the getter / se…… -
Java – integrate hibernate validator with wicket
I have some entities, and some fields are annotated with hibernate validator, such as: @Entity public class MyEntity {…… -
Interface in Java
Code 1: public class User1 implements MyInterface { @Override public void doCalculation() { } } public class …… -
How to use JNI in a multithreaded environment_ CreateJavaVm(C)
I am working in JNI using C as my mother tongue I can create (c) shared libraries, and I can call Java functions with …… -
How can I use this generic specifically in Java to specify calls to generic functions?
I have a base class with few derived children named childn I also have a container class with childn specific methods …… -
Java – use Unicode to display the euro symbol and change the characters to uppercase
I have to use java to achieve this goal Part 1: output € 188 using character raw data type Use Unicode as the euro sym…… -
How can I programmatically add a self signed certificate to issue HTTPS requests from Java code?
The following code snippet is to get a JSON response from an HTTP URL: private static void getJson(String location) { …… -
What is the default GC schedule in Java 6? (1.6.0-25)
I wonder what is the default schedule for GC to run on Java 6 (64 bit) computers? I know it can be triggered without a…… -
Java – messagebodywriter with media type = Application / JSON, GlassFish not found
I am using jax-rs to create a simple restful JSON. My first method works normally, but when I add the second method to…… -
Java – executors do not run all threads
I'm new to Java and I'm trying this I have a method that I want to run in parallel I want 10 threads to call this meth…… -
Java – want to know that create = null instead of out Consequences of close() Out is an instance of fileoutputstream
I want to know the consequences of making the output stream null instead of closing it If I do out = null, will this l…… -
Java – c3p0 prepared declarations are closed for no obvious reason
I'm using c3p0 I created a collection as follows, cpds = new ComboPooledDataSource(); cpds.setJdbcUrl(...); /* connect…… -
Java – convert timestamp to UTC time zone
public static long getCurrentEpochTimeStamp(String timeStamp) throws Exception { public static long getCurrentEpochTim…… -
How to fix “missing return statement” in Java
I'm making a Java method for an Android application that returns the directory where the application should work in an…… -
Java – how do I read files from a jar archive?
See the English answer > How do I read a resource file from a Java jar file? 8 File file = new File("test.jar"); St…… -
Java – SWT – modify window close button (red x)
When the user closes any application window using the window close button (red x) It will cause the widget is disposed…… -
Java – create 2D hash set function
I'm trying to make a 2D hash set I have a loop through integer pairs: ResultSet getAssociations; Statement get…… -
How do I go back to a specific line in Java?
I'm writing code that involves if else statements to ask the user if they want to continue I don't know how to do this…… -
Java – Maven dependency problem – artifact not found in central repository
I'm trying from this site http://www.joptimizer.com/usage.html Build the project I downloaded the source jar file, unz…… -
Java – jmh does not pick up classes for benchmarking
There is a mistake, jmh did not promote my class to the benchmark package com.stecurran.jmh.entry; import org.openjdk…… -
Java – sets a 4-bit nibble in the int type
We need to propose a method to set 4-bit nibbles in int setNibble(0xAAA5,0x1,0); // => 0xAAA1 setNibble(0x56B2,0xF…… -
Java – sort in array
When I try to sort, I have a problem with my method: This is what my code looks like: public void sort() { boolean …… -
Java generics – insert internal type parameters
I'm new to Java I just want to pass comparable < string > into the method parameter of generic type < e exten……