包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – making a flash screen with an eclipse progress bar
My main class loads the configuration from the file and then displays a framework I want to use a progress bar like ec…… -
When a java program suddenly exits, can you perform some operations?
If the program exits suddenly or there are any exceptions, I need to log For example, when someone presses Ctrl C whil…… -
Java – how to track listeners in firebase on Android?
I have a list of chat rooms for a given user in one location and the total number of messages for a given chat room in…… -
XML schema types that use JAXB to generate Java primitive types do not need to be added
I am using JAXB (xjc version 2.2.4-2) to generate Java classes from XML schema XML types mapped to Java raw data types…… -
Detect OS sleep and wake up events in Java
Is there any way for Java programs to detect when the operating system is about to go to sleep, or fail, or at least d…… -
Java – mongodb is obviously too big for a 16MB hat
I have a mongodb series Simply put, it has two columns: user and URL It has 39274590 lines The key to this table is {u…… -
Java – easymock and modified a variable method parameter
How to use easymock to modify the variable method parameters of simulation methods? For example, I have a class that u…… -
Does anyone use the spring framework of Java config now?
I am browsing the spring Java config page It says Does that mean it's out of date? Does anyone use it in their project…… -
Rotate the coordinate plane of data and text with Java
I need it: The following code sets this problem It works except for two problems: 1.) Draw the data point, the upper l…… -
Java – Android: a simple GridView that displays text in the grid
I followed this example in the Android tutorial on GridView, but I want to use textview to simply display some text in…… -
Is there anything wrong with this java code?
class Creature { class Creature { private int yearOfBirth=10; public void setYearOfBirth(int year) { …… -
Java – install jpype in mountain lion
I'm trying to install jpype.com in mountain lion I follow all the steps suggested in this article: how to install jpyp…… -
How to generate serialVersionUID programmatically in Java?
I am developing a project to generate java files I want to be able to add serialVersionUID just like using the serialv…… -
Java – JMX monitoring using ZABBIX
I need to check the memory size and CPU utilization of my application, find ZABBIX as a monitoring tool, and hope to b…… -
Multithreading – is this a race condition?
Definition of competitive condition: racial condition or racial hazard is a defect in the system or process, in which …… -
Java – jsplitpane: is there any way to show / hide one of the panes?
I have a jsplitpane with two components a and B, but sometimes I want to be able to hide B to meet any of the followin…… -
Java – Android – why is using interfaces considered a best practice for communicating between activities and fragments?
In this document "communicating with other fragments", Google tells us that the best practice for transmitting activit…… -
Java – how to avoid concurrentmodificationexception when iterating over this collection?
I need to iterate over a series of projects & sometimes added to the collection at the same time However, if I add…… -
Array – how to use data Vector. Generic. Mutable?
How to sort long list data (string, floating point, etc.) read from large files Solution In general, how is this done …… -
Error converting date in Java
String date = jsonobject.getString("needbydate"); String date = jsonobject.getString("needbydate"); DateFormat df = ne…… -
Java – Dbunit does not clean up and insert the database after each method, so the test is not independent
I have a Dao class test. I use Dbunit to create and populate the database (using Derby in memory) This is the code (Te…… -
Java – Maven: the jar will be empty – nothing is marked as contained
I have a little problem with Maven When I run the command MVN package, I get the following warning: [warning] jar will…… -
Java – NetBeans keep transferring Maven repository indexes, even if I have disabled it
Although I have set index update frequency to never: NetBeans often try to transfer Maven repository indexes, which co…… -
Java – in SpriteBatch Nested shaperenders in begin / end begin / end
Whether shaperender can be used to draw shapes between the start and end calls of SpriteBatch I tried, but there was n…… -
Java – why are short primitive types significantly slower than long or int?
I try to optimize the RAM usage of Android games by changing the int primitive to short Before I did this, I was inter…… -
Java – why doesn’t Proguard confuse method bodies?
I'm using Proguard to confuse my Jar program Everything is normal, but Proguard does not confuse local variables in th…… -
Is it possible to get from javax naming. Initialcontext get “everything”?
See English answers > code to list all the entries in JNDI on remote machine Solution Check Javadoc and I can see L…… -
Java – ‘placeholder’ character to avoid positive comparison?
I'm studying codingbat exercises for Java I encountered the following problems: My code is like this: public int match…… -
Description of volatile variables in Java documents
Here http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/concurrency/atomic.html mention Can anyone provide an example? T…… -
Multithreading – how to update GUI from thread using Delphi
I am using Delphi anonymous thread to execute code If I do this from within the thread, changes will occur, but once t…… -
java – Collator plus Comparator
I have a bean collection optionitemdto (attribute tag and value), and I am now sorting by tag using such things: Colle…… -
Java – how do I call the default implementation of “toString”?
If toString is not defined, Java uses some hashes to print the class name If toString is defined, how to implement thi……