包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – stackoverflowerror when calling recursively
The problem is a strict theory, but I can't find the answer Consider this short procedure: public class SBtst { i…… -
Java – cross reference and garbage collection
There is an extensive object graph application The graph mainly consists of a set of subgraphs connected to the rest o…… -
Java – spring security configuration error: beans have the same ‘order’ value
I have a web application in which I implement spring security, my spring security XML is <?xml version="1.0" encodi…… -
Java – JSP El: dynamically create attribute names
See the English answer > how to get value of bean property when property name itself is a dynamic variable1 I have …… -
Java – make Jfilechooser display image thumbnail
I want to create a Jfilechooser with a thumbnail view of the image file So I subclass fileview and zoom in the method …… -
What is the reason for this strange Java behavior?
I want to test the '= =' operator on long. This is what I found: the following code: public static void main(final Str…… -
Java – how to set the direction of jtextarea from right to left (in joptionpane)
I have JScrollPane and jtextarea. I try to set the direction of jtextarea from right to left, so the text will start f…… -
Manage java version compatibility
I read "jdks are generally forward compatible, and jres are generally backward compatible" What version checks do java…… -
Java – redirect timeout after httpsession
I've been reading many posts on this topic, but I can't get a solution for my example I am using Java EE 6 and JSF 2.0…… -
Java instanceof and class name
I just asked this curiously. Maybe it's meaningless When we use instanceof in Java, for example: if (a instanceof Pare…… -
Java – how do I access static members in a velocity template?
I don't know if there is a way to do this in velocity: I have a user POJO, an attribute called status. It looks like a…… -
What is the main difference between the optional Scala option of Java 8 and Haskell’s may?
I've read several articles about the upcoming optional types in Java 8, and I want to know why people keep suggesting …… -
Java – is entitymanager really thread safe?
I'm talking about the basic usage here: @Stateless public class BookServiceBean implements BookService { @Persistenc…… -
Java – under what conditions do we need to use composite keys in the database
I've seen that we can use compound keys, where the primary key consists of a combined primary key of two tables Like p…… -
Java – unable to resolve HttpServletRequest
I have imported the following I want to get the preferred language browser HttpServletRequest request = ServletActionC…… -
How do I convert year and week to Java date objects?
How do I convert year and week to Java date objects? I'm using jodatime, but it's also good to use the standard Java c…… -
Java – singleton using atomicreference
Is the deferred initialization singleton correctly implemented using atomicreference? If not – what are the possible p…… -
How to use Java stream to collect multiple lists into one list?
There is already an answer to this question: > java8 lambda: concat LIST1 List<MyListService> services; serv…… -
Java – what’s the big difference between using include or loop through lists?
Performance wise, there is really a big difference between use: > ArrayList. contains(o)vs foreach | iterator > …… -
Tuning GC for Java audio applications
I noticed that when playing audio in Java, the marksweepcompact phase in GC is too long and leads to short silence, wh…… -
Java – @ formdataparam not found in Jersey 2.17
I'm new to web services, so I've started the basic examples This one involves file upload I am using the latest (2.17)…… -
Java – passing methods as parameters – is this possible?
I tried to migrate to Java 8 and have some methods in my Dao class to do the following @Override @SuppressWarnings("un…… -
Java – mention and reorder the same thing?
Read from effective Java. Without synchronization, the following sequence a can be converted to sequence B by the virt…… -
java – android. permission. WRITE_ SECURE_ Settings error
Hello, my problem is that when I try to change the weather or no GPS settings are enabled, I get the following error 1…… -
Java – garbage collection and manual memory management
This is a very basic question I'll use C and Java to make it, but it's really language independent struct Obj { bo…… -
Java – spring asynchronous method called from another asynchronous method
I'm using spring 4 and I noticed a strange behavior... If I call asynchronous methods multiple times from a regular in…… -
Java – use BigInteger multiply operator
I wonder if there is a way to multiply BigInteger variables because the * operator cannot be applied to BigInteger So …… -
Java – is it a best practice to create an unused reference to the value returned by the called method?
I have a friend whose teacher thinks this is a good habit: public void enterAnythingToContinue(){ String junk = in…… -
Copy data files when building in Java / eclipse
With my java source code, I have some data files that I want to copy to the build directory when the source code is bu…… -
Java – environment variable classpath < > classpath of clojure Why?
Here, I check the environment variable classpath Here, I examine what Java thinks it is daniel @ daniel-laptop:〜/ ps…… -
Java – how to correctly escape triple nested quotation marks in JSP Tags
We have just upgraded Tomcat. The newer Tomcat does not like to nest quotation marks in tags, so we must alternate bet…… -
Grand central dispatch – use ‘sync’ to schedule queues and use with What is the difference between work items marked by wait?
I'm learning Apple's GCD and watching the video concurrent programming with GCD in swift 3 At 16:00 in this video, a f……