包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – how does CompareTo work?
I know CompareTo returns negative or positive results related to one string and another, but why: public class Test { …… -
In Java, the playback framework handles and blocks I / O asynchronously
My application uses the play framework to handle rest requests I need to perform some potentially persistent blocking …… -
What are the benefits of Java EE – jrebel?
I've been checking jrebel According to their website: This seems to be the same as what eclipse, NetBeans and IntelliJ…… -
Java – project $$enhancerbycglib $$67a694bd appears in Hibernate
I have a document entity mapped many - to - one to the project entity When I call document During getproject, in the d…… -
cmd. exe powershell HashTable
Using CMD When exe is called, is there a method in the power shell that can pass hashtable as a parameter? I want to c…… -
How do I extend the test timeout in circleci?
I run some tests in circleci, some tests take longer, and then 10 minutes, because its UI tests run on headless browse…… -
Java 8 – ternary operator return function not compiled
Can anyone tell me why not compile? public class TestClass { private boolean doThis = false; protected void …… -
Java – Hibernate: standards and collections
I have a question about hibernate and criteria I have two classes: public class Place{ long id; String name; …… -
Java – stackoverflowerror when calling recursively
The problem is a strict theory, but I can't find the answer Consider this short procedure: public class SBtst { i…… -
Java – cross reference and garbage collection
There is an extensive object graph application The graph mainly consists of a set of subgraphs connected to the rest o…… -
Java – spring security configuration error: beans have the same ‘order’ value
I have a web application in which I implement spring security, my spring security XML is <?xml version="1.0" encodi…… -
Java – JSP El: dynamically create attribute names
See the English answer > how to get value of bean property when property name itself is a dynamic variable1 I have …… -
Java – make Jfilechooser display image thumbnail
I want to create a Jfilechooser with a thumbnail view of the image file So I subclass fileview and zoom in the method …… -
What is the reason for this strange Java behavior?
I want to test the '= =' operator on long. This is what I found: the following code: public static void main(final Str…… -
Java – how to set the direction of jtextarea from right to left (in joptionpane)
I have JScrollPane and jtextarea. I try to set the direction of jtextarea from right to left, so the text will start f…… -
Manage java version compatibility
I read "jdks are generally forward compatible, and jres are generally backward compatible" What version checks do java…… -
Java – redirect timeout after httpsession
I've been reading many posts on this topic, but I can't get a solution for my example I am using Java EE 6 and JSF 2.0…… -
Java instanceof and class name
I just asked this curiously. Maybe it's meaningless When we use instanceof in Java, for example: if (a instanceof Pare…… -
Java – how do I access static members in a velocity template?
I don't know if there is a way to do this in velocity: I have a user POJO, an attribute called status. It looks like a…… -
What is the main difference between the optional Scala option of Java 8 and Haskell’s may?
I've read several articles about the upcoming optional types in Java 8, and I want to know why people keep suggesting …… -
Java – is entitymanager really thread safe?
I'm talking about the basic usage here: @Stateless public class BookServiceBean implements BookService { @Persistenc…… -
Java – under what conditions do we need to use composite keys in the database
I've seen that we can use compound keys, where the primary key consists of a combined primary key of two tables Like p…… -
Java – unable to resolve HttpServletRequest
I have imported the following I want to get the preferred language browser HttpServletRequest request = ServletActionC…… -
How do I convert year and week to Java date objects?
How do I convert year and week to Java date objects? I'm using jodatime, but it's also good to use the standard Java c…… -
Java – singleton using atomicreference
Is the deferred initialization singleton correctly implemented using atomicreference? If not – what are the possible p…… -
How to use Java stream to collect multiple lists into one list?
There is already an answer to this question: > java8 lambda: concat LIST1 List<MyListService> services; serv…… -
Java – what’s the big difference between using include or loop through lists?
Performance wise, there is really a big difference between use: > ArrayList. contains(o)vs foreach | iterator > …… -
Tuning GC for Java audio applications
I noticed that when playing audio in Java, the marksweepcompact phase in GC is too long and leads to short silence, wh…… -
Java – @ formdataparam not found in Jersey 2.17
I'm new to web services, so I've started the basic examples This one involves file upload I am using the latest (2.17)…… -
Java – passing methods as parameters – is this possible?
I tried to migrate to Java 8 and have some methods in my Dao class to do the following @Override @SuppressWarnings("un…… -
Java – mention and reorder the same thing?
Read from effective Java. Without synchronization, the following sequence a can be converted to sequence B by the virt…… -
java – android. permission. WRITE_ SECURE_ Settings error
Hello, my problem is that when I try to change the weather or no GPS settings are enabled, I get the following error 1……