包含标签:Java 的文章
How to delete all images / drawings from PDF files and leave only text in Java?
I have a PDF file that is the output of the OCR processor. The OCR processor recognizes images and adds text to the PD…… -
Java – how to use the Detect the first and last lines in readline()?
I read each line of the file in the following way BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inFile)); whi…… -
JAVA_ Home cannot find sudo
I have a bash script on a Linux box that runs jar files When I log in as a regular user, I do not have permission to r…… -
grails – java. lang.ClassNotFoundException:org. apache. batik. dom. svg. SVGOMDocument
Pay attention to many questions and answers about using batik. I can't fix my mistakes. I can't find anything that may…… -
Java – Apache Tomcat 7.0 is not decompressed war?
I want to deploy my application to the server, and then I can access the application like this:…… -
Can Java break / label statements be used as “goto” in bytecode obfuscation?
I'm trying to decompile some Java Class file, I encountered some code in which tags are used in a way that doesn't thi…… -
Java – what’s the difference between converting @ Autowired to a variable and a method?
Class A { Class A { private B instanceB; @Autowired public setInstanceB(B instanceB) { this.instanceB …… -
java. util. stream. What happened to streamable?
Early jdk8-ea JavaDocs like this indicated that there was a Java util. stream. Streamable interface, which seems to ha…… -
Java NIO Files. Createfile() failed with nosuchfileexception
I tried to put some core files in the dev - Test - prod setup Basically, if the document is newer, it needs to be copi…… -
Java – certificates need to be ignored when using resttemplate
I am sending a request to the following address The certificate is invalid. I want to ignore it I wrote the following …… -
Java – use generics in parameters of exceptions
I'm trying to store a collection of generic objects in exceptions and have trouble figuring out generics Specifically,…… -
Java – how to start GWT super development mode
There is already an answer to this question: > 5 super dev modes in GWT Now I can start using development mode, the…… -
The right way to use varhandle in Java 9?
I spent a lot of time investigating some new features of Java 9, but I didn't find any useful and practical examples C…… -
Java – access jar resources
I have a jar file and resources (mainly configuration cache, log, etc.) that I want to distribute I have a problem wit…… -
Java – spring welcome file list mapped correctly
I know that in spring, I must define the welcome file, which should be outside the WEB-INF folder, so I define it as f…… -
Java swing – running on EDT
I have a few questions about swing and use EDT to update the GUI I've just started reading this, so I'm a new beginner…… -
RSA encryption in Java: cross platform issues?
situation I am using RSA encryption in Java I am loading the data on HTC saphire (32b) developer's mobile phone with A…… -
Java – can Maven generate exe files and Mac OS X applications?
Let's say you created a java desktop application with jars and some dependencies and possible license text files I kno…… -
MediaPlayer. Java. In the displaying () method lang.IllegalStateException
public static MediaPlayer mp=null; public static MediaPlayer mp=null; public static void playGeneric(int name,final Im…… -
Use “this” and method (in Java)
What about using the "this" method in Java? Are there selective or mandatory situations? The only thing I encountered …… -
Does Java – Maven dependency plugin use the same other types of artifact resolution as other mavens?
If I use the Maven dependency plugin, I cannot use the version range In addition, it seems that the version of a defin…… -
Java EE – compare openejb with GlassFish
Can we replace GlassFish with Tomcat / openejb for lighter applications? What are the limitations of openejb instead o…… -
Java – notificationlistenerservice: NullPointerException on getactivenotifications
According to this tutorial, I try to implement notificationlistenerservice in my application: http://www.kpbird.com/20…… -
How to call C from Java?
I want to call a C method from Java I read about JNI, but I didn't get how to get all the library files. I should keep…… -
Java – Reference “this” when calling the super constructor?
I have a Class A and write a subclass B. only one constructor is parameterized B must call this super constructor of A…… -
java 7 uuid bug?
I believe I may have found a UUID multithreading error in Oracle java7 update 5. I wonder if anyone can confirm it wit…… -
Java – how do I get a subclass recorder?
I have a subclass and a superclass In superclasses, I have a way to record something When I create an instance of a su…… -
Java – nested bounded wildcards
When I try to compile the following code: LinkedList<List<? extends Number>> numList = new LinkedList<L…… -
Java – vector graphics in IText pdf
We use iText to generate PDF from Java (based in part on the suggestions on this website) However, embedding an image …… -
Java – forces JTable to model “commit” data while still in edit mode
I have a JTable as follows Therefore, when JTable is still in edit mode (a keyboard cursor flashes in the divide colum…… -
Java – random and uniform distribution
I know that if I use the random generator in Java and generate numbers with nextint, the numbers will be evenly distri…… -
Java – what is the difference between length and length?
See English answer > length and length () in java7 arrayone.length; However, for things like array lists or strings……