Java – how to start GWT super development mode
There is already an answer to this question: > 5 super dev modes in GWT
Now I can start using development mode, the classic development mode
Debug configuration through the eclipse arguments tab
When I debug the URL generated by eclipse
Which is good, you can debug my code
The practical problem starts here:
I am eagerly waiting to launch my application with super dev mode
From Docs:
In GWT The following two lines have been added to the XML file
<add-linker name="xsiframe"/> <set-configuration-property name="devModeRedirectEnabled" value="true"/>
I compiled the project, and then I published http: / / localhost: 9876 / nothing
Strangely, there is no configuration guide in the document
What am I missing here
Thank you for any clues
Have you configured a second initiator?
>Open the window run configuration > create a new launcher in Java application > in the main tab:
>Add your project ("Browse") > Add main class: "com. Google. GWT. Dev.codeserver. Codeserver"
>In the parameters tab:
>Add "- SRC Src / package_name. ProjectName" (fictional example "- SRC Src / com. Google. My_project")
>In the classpath tab:
>Select "user entry" and add the jar "GWT codeserver. Jar"
>Save this configuration
After that, you can start the server, then start the second initiator and visit the page: http: / / localhost: 9876 /
I hope this will help you