包含标签:Java 的文章
Detailed explanation of string data type conversion in Java
In Java, string is the final class, and the provided string cannot be modified. String type is often used in projects.…… -
Java – the most efficient way to return common elements from two string arrays
In Java, what is the most effective way to return common elements from two string arrays? I can do it with a pair of f…… -
Method of quickly converting map into JSON format in Java
In daily use, we usually encounter map to JSON. If we traverse, it will waste a lot of time. In fact, we have such a j…… -
Specifying external fonts in JavaFX CSS
Can I use CSS to specify fonts in JavaFX applications? I have an fxml scenario and the corresponding CSS file In Java …… -
Java – create an array of methods
I'm designing a text - based adventure game for school progress I set each "level" as a class and each explorable area…… -
Implementation example of binary tree data structure in Java
Let's look at a specific exercise practice: The topic constructs a binary tree according to the pre order traversal se…… -
Java – spring batch reads jobs from multiple sources
How do I read items from multiple databases? I already know that this is a possible document ... <job id="readMulti…… -
Emberjs with Java rest backend
I'm working on Java (possibly Scala) for a project that will use ember and ember data I know I can write back ends to …… -
Java – understanding the future / threads
I tried to use futures for the first time It looks smart. You can cancel a job, but it doesn't work as expected In the…… -
Java implementation chain surface test questions
This note has been sorted out for a whole week. Each line of code is written by yourself, and the test run is successf…… -
Java – simple rest resource versioning in jax-rs based implementations?
The best practice of rest resource version control is to put the version information into the accept / content type he…… -
How does the prime test in Java work?
The following code snippet checks whether a given number is prime Can someone explain to me why? This code is to give …… -
Java – how to use a jobobject array? (JNI)
Actually, I call a C function: What I want to do is get the value of the original object Considering the Java code dec…… -
Java – allows equal comparison between ‘Boolean’ and ‘object’?
Following code public class TestComparison { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { boo…… -
Is DirectX feasible for Java?
Is there an easy way to use DirectX in Java? In particular, DirectX's video API I know c# may be a more natural choice…… -
Is rxjava cache () the same as replay ()?
I want to know if there is a cache () operator that can cache x emissions, but it will also expire after a specified t…… -
Java – how to callback after the view is fully rendered?
How to callback after the view is fully rendered? I tried to call a method to take a screenshot of the parent view If …… -
Java se: open the web page and click the button
I have a Java 7 program (using webstart technology, only applicable to Windows 7 / 8 computers) I need to add a functi…… -
Java’s tostring() is equal to the clojure function
Some of the Java code I use calls toString () on my clojure function object, which returns something like # < ns $s…… -
Java – use common IO to compress the directory into a zipfile
I am a beginner of Java programming. I am currently writing a program that must be able to compress and decompress Zip…… -
Java – how to use RandomAccessFile to read utf8 encoded files?
I have text files encoded in utf8 (for language specific characters) I want to read line by line String str = myreader…… -
Why use Java io. Console?
Hurry up here Using Java io. What are the benefits of console instead of using BufferedReader with inputstreamreader f…… -
How to create a Java application that can be run by clicking?
I want a Java application that can be launched easily So far, I've managed to create a jar file, but I don't see any b…… -
Java – OSGi weavinghook example
Is there an example of using OSGi 4.3 woven hook service? What about AspectJ, ASM and javaassist? Does anyone really u…… -
Java – how to use joda time jar to calculate accurate time difference
I from http://sourceforge.net/projects/joda-time/files/joda-time/2.2/ There is a problem with the downloaded joda time…… -
Java – simulating objects in JUnit tests – best practices?
Do you think it's best to laugh at people in JUnit testing? I don't see much advantage Of course, it makes sense if yo…… -
Java – customizing autowire candidate beans in spring 3
I have a service interface serviceinterface and the following structures of some components that implement it: product…… -
Java – delete file extension
See the English answer > How do I trim a file extension from a string in Java? thirteen package.zip image.jpeg …… -
How to make the second GitHub pull a request when a is suspended
I have used other versions of control systems before, but I have little experience with GIT and GitHub I want to contr…… -
Java – JSP, which can be like yield, layout and content in ruby / rails / Erb_ For similar
I'm trying to figure out how to reuse JSP code most effectively Example: main_ layout. erb. html <html> <he…… -
Record Java comments
Are there any libraries that can record variables by adding comments: @Log String someValueToLog = someMethod(); @Log…… -
Java – using spring MVC and accepting post requests with wrong JSON will result in returning the default 400 error code server page
I'm using the rest API Receiving a post message with bad JSON (such as {sdfasdf}) will cause spring to return a 400 er……