Java – what is the best way to modify “write static fields” from the instance method “findbugs” warning?
I have a similar class, findbugz complains about "writing static fields from instance methods (initialize () and killstaticfield())." I cannot set static fields in ctor
>What is the best solution to this problem? Will you put staticfield in atomicreference?
public class Something { private static SomeClass staticField = null; private AnotherClass aClass; public Something() { } public void initialize() { //must be ctor'd in initialize aClass = new AnotherClass(); staticField = new SomeClass( aClass ); } public void killStaticField() { staticField = null; } public static void getStaticField() { return staticField; } }
As close to your original design as possible
public class Something { private static volatile SomeClass staticField = null; public Something() { } public static void getStaticField() { if(Something.staticField == null) Something.staticField = new SomeClass();; return Something.staticField; } }
Refer to your static variable by class name, which will remove the findbugz warning Marking static variables volatile makes references safer in a multiparameter environment
Better yet:
public class Something { private static final SomeClass staticField = new SomeClass(); public Something() { } public static void getStaticField() { return Something.staticField; } }
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