包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – a better way to design this algorithm?
I'm working on a more complex version (the vehicle moves in X and Y directions) I did this example to get a better way…… -
Java – interpret scientific symbols as int or float?
If I use scientific symbols (such as 1e9) to encode a number in my code, the type of the number will be (int, long, fl…… -
Java – MySQL jconnector on COM myql. jdbc. utils. ReadAheadInputStream. Spend 50% of the time in fill()
I'm profiling my application, which uses spring hibernate MySQL Java connector Visual VM shows that when 1000 parallel…… -
java. text. Strange behavior in simpledateformat, expecting yyyymmdd to give yyyy MM DD
When using simpledateformat to parse strings to dates, I encountered a very strange behavior Consider the following un…… -
Java – OutputStream outofmemoryerror when sending http
I tried to publish a large video / image file from the local file system to the HTTP path, but after a period of time,…… -
Object oriented concept in Java
I've been using java for a long time. For a long time, I'm using GWT (Google Web Toolkit) for web development Its adva…… -
JPA independent custom type mapping / javax persistence. X replaces org hibernate. annotations. Type and org hibernate. annotations. TypeDef
I have a table gamecycle in a database, which contains a column date of type number The value in this column is 8 digi…… -
Java – liquibase does not see entity changes
I'm trying to configure a simple Maven project using liquibase I have a lot of problems, and the LCD version of Maven …… -
Java – use the WebService client generated by wsimport to change the URL
I am writing a module for a Java application that accesses web services described in WSDL The source WSDL is directly …… -
Java – hibernate HQL, execute multiple update statements in the same query
I want to execute multiple update statements in the same query in Hibernate HQL hql = " update Table1 set prob1=null w…… -
Java – implementation instances in interfaces
In my project, I need to create objects for each Java math operator, such as "add", "substitution", "multiplication", …… -
Java – a custom JPA repository method published by spring data rest
I'm already here http://docs.spring.io/spring-data/data-jpa/docs/1.0.x/reference/html/#repositories.custom -Implementa…… -
Java – I can’t distribute JAXB closed code?
In http://jaxb.java.net/ It says JAXB's dual license includes CDDL v1 0 and GPL V2; CDDL says: Distribution obligation…… -
Java – using @ viewscoped? In JSF 2.0?
Usage / advantages of using @ viewscoped under @ managedbean in JSF 2.0 Solution @Managedbean just declared that a bea…… -
Java – secure publishing when reading values in a synchronous way
My question relates to the secure publishing of field values in Java (as described here) As far as I know, a field can…… -
Import statement order in Java [closed]
wonder. What is the correct way to import statements? Is there more readability? Yes, >External classes (such as Ja…… -
Java – returns the JSON representation of a string with Jersey
I'm about to set up a rest - Web service with Jersey @GET @Path("user") @Produces( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public …… -
Java – when the onsaveinstancestate() method is called in all cases?
All the information I read mentioned several cases and concluded with "other cases" When calling onSaveInstanceState m…… -
Java – how to use hibernate to validate annotations with enumerations?
How do I use hibernate annotations to validate enumeration member fields? enum UserRole { USER,ADMIN; } class User…… -
Gmail – keytool error: Java Lang. exception: the input is not an X.509 certificate
I am trying to import the gmails SMTP certificate for JIRA, but I receive this error when importing using java keytool…… -
Java – a tool for generating graphical data for class dependencies
Are there any tools that can analyze java source files, build graphics from them, and provide graphics data in some st…… -
Remove duplicates from strings in Java
I tried to traverse a string to remove duplicate characters For example, string aabbccdef should become ABCD EF and st…… -
How to run JavaScript code in server-side java code?
I want to run JavaScript code on the server side I want to manipulate the result returned by JavaScript in JavaScript …… -
System. Exit (0) in Java
I am writing an application using swing I need to exit from the application and click JButton to use system Exit (), o…… -
Haskell: how does TVAR work?
How does TVAR work? From what I can see, it tries to run all transactions as soon as it receives them, but transaction…… -
The equivalent function of Arduino map in Java
Is there a function similar to the map function of Arduino for Java? I need to map a series of values to another value…… -
Java – fix binary search errors from Bentley’s book (programming pearl: writing the right program)
Binary search can be implemented in many ways - recursion, iteration, condition, etc I got this result from Bentley's …… -
Java – dagger 2 trouble @ inject firebasemessagingservice
I recently tried to migrate an application I was working on from GCM to FCM In doing so, I found that I had previously…… -
Java – how do I overload methods in an interface?
If I had this interface public interface someInterface { // method 1 public String getValue(String arg1); // met…… -
Java – how to use jee7 WebSockets to pass parameters to the @ onopen method,
I have this code @ServerEndpoint(value = "/websocket") public class Service { private String clientId; @OnOpe…… -
Accessing jruby script top-level environment variables from Java
j ruby 1.7. 23 (1.9.3p551) 2015-11-24 Java hotspot (TM) 1.7 on 64 bit server virtual machine 0_ 79-b15 jit [Windows 7-…… -
Get the enumeration value as a string list in Java 8
Is there a Java 8 method or a simple method that returns the enumeration value as a string list, such as: List<Stri……