Automatic properties documentation for Java applications
Is there a "Javadoc like" tool to configure properties in Java applications?
I am currently using a Java application that is configured using a common Java properties file This is an "enterprise application", so we have dozens of properties and it is difficult to support their documents
So I want to find a tool or framework that can describe attributes in code, such as using comments, and then export the document to a file
We have used Javadoc and swagger for documentation – this is very convenient It is helpful to have something similar for attributes
You can use propdoc to generate documents from property files Propdoc is a utility designed to improve the recordability of Java properties files
It can read standard Java property files and parse Javadoc - like comments from property comments The result is a metamodel that can be used to generate documents of attributes in the file
There is a default template that will generate your document in HTML format You can customize the template as needed It is very basic and easy to use
You can refer to and get the code propdoc
Propdoc is a preparation tool for property file generation You can also create your own by referencing its source