包含标签:Java 的文章
Detailed introduction to multithreaded producer consumer problems in Java
Multi thread producer consumer problem in Java preface: In general, I like to ask some thread questions in the intervi…… -
Spring boot + mybatis multi data source switching (example explanation)
Since the company's business is divided into multiple databases, colleagues will call multiple databases when developi…… -
Core Java HashSet (recommended)
When the students are looking at this question, I first put forward two questions, and then you will understand this a…… -
How to use function reference in java8 learning tutorial
preface In the last article, we explained how to define and use lambda expressions with examples, and the special spec…… -
An example of dynamic proxy mechanism in Java
An example of dynamic proxy mechanism in Java When learning spring, we know that spring has two main ideas, one is IOC…… -
Integration of struts + Spring + Hibernate Framework
Prepare the Lib package combined with the three frameworks The steps of combining spring 3 with struts 2 are as follow…… -
Java uses divide and conquer algorithm to realize sorting number index function example [binary search]
This example describes how Java uses divide and conquer algorithm to realize sorting number index function. Share with…… -
Java project security processing method
1、 There is a problem with parameter display in URL. Solution: 1. The normal get request is modified to post request …… -
RxJava2. x+ReTrofit2. X multi thread download file sample code
Write before: Received the company's demand: to do an APK upgrade function, the principle is actually very simple. Bai…… -
Large file upload instance using memory mapping in Java
When dealing with large files, if you use ordinary FileInputStream, fileoutputstream or RandomAccessFile to read and w…… -
Spring can dynamically modify the time parameters and manually start the shutdown operation
Spring implements timed tasks in three ways: the timer class of Java, spring task and quartz. This article only introd…… -
Java imitation 12306 picture verification code
Due to a new project, I intend to make a simple picture verification code. Let's talk about the idea first: on the ser…… -
Java random password is generated and matched with email and mobile phone number
No more nonsense. I'll post the Java code directly. The code has some comments and is not well written. Please take ca…… -
Explain the implementation and application of Java Dynamic agent in detail
Explain the implementation and application of Java Dynamic agent in detail In fact, Java dynamic proxy is not commonly…… -
An example of lock free programming of CAS instruction in Java language
The first contact with the relevant content should start with the volatile keyword. You know that it can ensure the vi…… -
A brief analysis of value transfer between JSP pages
This paper analyzes the problem of value transfer between JSP pages. Share with you for your reference, as follows: Th…… -
Httpclient basic analysis
This article describes the basic knowledge of httpclient and explains the related concepts. It is shared here for your…… -
The method of reading files and traversing directories by line in Java file operation
Read file by line Recursively traversing directories Traversing the directory above is a recursive method. Let's take …… -
Spring boot project construction tutorial and notes
Spring Boot Spring boot is a new framework provided by pivot team. It is designed to simplify the initial construction…… -
Using the Preparedstatement object in JSP to operate the database
The Preparedstatement interface inherits the statement and is different from it in two aspects: the Preparedstatement …… -
Explain the multi environment configuration of spring boot configuration file in detail
I Benefits of multi environment configuration: 1. Different parameters can be configured for different environment con…… -
Java console output distance between two points
Calculate the distance between two points and output it on the console. This problem is still very simple. Let's take …… -
Java virtual machine loading and initializing a class class code parsing
In Java application development, only the class type loaded by Java virtual machine can be used in the program. As lon…… -
Java format time example
To format the date, you need to use a class: Java text. DateFormat Dateformat has no constructor that can be used dire…… -
Java wechat development API step 2: get and reply to messages
How to get and reply to messages through wechat development API is introduced below 1、 Description * this example is …… -
On the difference between Java serialization and Hessian serialization
In the remote call, the parameters and return values need to be transmitted through the network. This use requires ser…… -
Java traversal properties file operation guide
In the process of Java project development, it is essential to use the properties file as the configuration. Many such…… -
Java LRU algorithm introduction and usage examples
This paper describes the introduction and usage of Java LRU algorithm. Share with you for your reference, as follows: …… -
Usage Summary of some JSTL core tags in JSP
I JSTL introduction JSTL (JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library) is the standard specified by JCP (Java community proc…… -
Java programming interface callback general usage code analysis
Interface callback means that the reference of the object created by the class using an interface can be assigned to t…… -
Example of circular queue implemented by Java array
Reviewed the next data structure, using java arrays to achieve circular queues. Class of queue Create objects and test……