包含标签:Java 的文章
Detailed explanation of Java synchronized nested usage code
When synchronized is used too much, it may cause deadlock. What's the matter with deadlock. First look at the followin…… -
Detailed explanation of Lombok installation and use in spring boot
preface As we all know, spring boot is a very efficient development framework. Lombok is a set of code template soluti…… -
A brief talk on methods and method overloading in Java
Today, let's talk about methods and method overloading in Java and some points that need attention; method: The method…… -
Shiro control concurrent login limit and login kick out implementation code
We often find it useful that when user a logs in in Beijing, and then user a logs in again in Tianjin, it is necessary…… -
Detailed examples of Java callback mechanism
Detailed examples of Java callback mechanism preface Recently, I came into contact with the callback mechanism. When I…… -
Application example of delayqueue in Java multithreading concurrent development
In the process of learning java multithreading concurrent development, I learned that the delayqueue class is an unbou…… -
Java uses math Example of calculating pi value by random () combined with Monte Carlo method
This article illustrates how Java uses math Random () combined with Monte Carlo method to calculate pi value. Share wi…… -
Java file directory read write delete operation detailed implementation code
I Get the information entered by the console user It can return the information entered by the user. The disadvantage …… -
Java application domain analysis
If you are a beginner or just beginning to learn java programming, you may think about exactly where Java programming …… -
What is null in Java and matters needing attention in use
1. Null is neither an object nor a type. It is only a special value. You can assign it to any reference type, or you c…… -
Implementation code of jasperreport for dynamic column printing in Java
Implementation code of jasperreport for dynamic column printing in Java The notes in the following code are very clear…… -
[Java IO stream] example explanation of byte stream and character stream
Byte stream and character stream There must be read and write operations for files. Read and write correspond to input…… -
Instance parsing constructor initialization in Java
1. Initialization sequence when Java creates an object, The system first allocates memory for all instance properties …… -
A simple example of implementing skip list in Java
Jump linked list is a randomized data structure. Based on parallel linked list, its efficiency can be compared with bi…… -
Solutions to cross domain problems in spring MVC
preface Cross domain means that the browser cannot execute scripts from other websites. It is caused by the browser's …… -
How to use lambda expressions in java8 learning tutorial
preface In the previous article, we introduced the syntax of lambda expressions, the usage scenarios of lambda express…… -
Detailed introduction to multithreaded producer consumer problems in Java
Multi thread producer consumer problem in Java preface: In general, I like to ask some thread questions in the intervi…… -
Spring boot + mybatis multi data source switching (example explanation)
Since the company's business is divided into multiple databases, colleagues will call multiple databases when developi…… -
Core Java HashSet (recommended)
When the students are looking at this question, I first put forward two questions, and then you will understand this a…… -
How to use function reference in java8 learning tutorial
preface In the last article, we explained how to define and use lambda expressions with examples, and the special spec…… -
An example of dynamic proxy mechanism in Java
An example of dynamic proxy mechanism in Java When learning spring, we know that spring has two main ideas, one is IOC…… -
Integration of struts + Spring + Hibernate Framework
Prepare the Lib package combined with the three frameworks The steps of combining spring 3 with struts 2 are as follow…… -
Java uses divide and conquer algorithm to realize sorting number index function example [binary search]
This example describes how Java uses divide and conquer algorithm to realize sorting number index function. Share with…… -
Java project security processing method
1、 There is a problem with parameter display in URL. Solution: 1. The normal get request is modified to post request …… -
RxJava2. x+ReTrofit2. X multi thread download file sample code
Write before: Received the company's demand: to do an APK upgrade function, the principle is actually very simple. Bai…… -
Java regular replacement mobile phone number code example
In our daily life, we often encounter replacing the 4-7 bit string of a mobile phone number with an asterisk "*" with …… -
Example of integer product calculation function of Java analog computer
This paper describes the integer product calculation function of Java analog computer. Share with you for your referen…… -
Detailed explanation of image factory in Java design pattern
1、 Concept Provides an interface to create a series of related or interdependent objects without specifying their spe…… -
Analysis of DLL file dynamic loading method in Java Web project (detailed steps)
I believe that many Java friends have experienced calling C or C + + methods by calling JNI in Java, so how to realize…… -
Java sorting algorithm_ Select sorting (example explanation)
Selective sorting is a very simple sorting algorithm. We can know from the literal meaning, Selection is to select the……