包含标签:Java 的文章
Java-8 – you can know the size of the stream without using terminal operations
I have three interfaces public interface IGhOrg { int getId(); String getLogin(); String getName(); …… -
RX Java – how do I pause observable without losing the emitted items?
I have an observable that emits a tick every second: Observable.interval(0,1,TimeUnit.SECONDS) .take(durationInSec…… -
Java – how to wait for a page refresh in selenium
This is an extension of my previous question unable to understand on getting the value The situation here is as follow…… -
java – request. Is the servlet path returned by getservletpath () normalized?
1)request. Getservletpath () can return any path, such as / testfolder // testfolder/file. Txt, or whether the path is…… -
Java – game code behaves differently between MAC and windows
import java.awt.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.JFrame; public class Game extends…… -
Does Java – JIT optimize new objects?
I created this class, which is immutable and has a smooth API: public final class Message { public final String em…… -
Java – the best solution for anagram checking?
I'm going through a permutation / crossword problem and want to enter the most effective check method@ H_ 403_ 7@ now,…… -
What is the correct way to print to users in Java
My computer science teacher told me that I should not print strings from getter and other methods, and I should print …… -
Java – configure the case style of the IntelliJ switch
IntelliJ keeps formatting my switch case as follows: switch (enumVal) { case X: //do stuff…… -
Java – how to get JSON objects from the JSON array in restassured
Anyone can help me solve this problem: I'm a novice to restassured and deal with JSON in our automated script I have a…… -
Java – use a body that is not entirely JSON
I am developing a web application based on Jersey rest API I am developing the post service according to the client re…… -
Java – Android / Google drive image upload
First of all, I'm a French student. Please forgive my English I've launched a photo app, and now I hope it can save th…… -
How do I display tabs with spaces?
I have a java program that draws each character (in its own frame) from a text file on a JPanel with a grid Code of dr…… -
If the file does not exist, what will readalllines return?
The Oracle document says here, files The readalllines (path, charset CS) method returns the lines in the file as list …… -
Java –: the selected pseudo class style does not apply to cells
I have some tableviews in the scene. I want to highlight the selected cells According to JavaFX CSS reference, there i…… -
Java – ` annotationconfignnonembeddedwebapplicationcontext ` has not been refreshed
When installing the springboot Legacy (web. XML) war application using the delegatingfilterproxy, I received the follo…… -
JavaFX – how to set the margins of borderpane in fxml?
I want to run this fxml code in JavaFX: <BorderPane fx:controller="com.bryantmorrill.chat.main.Controller" xm…… -
Java – spring switch implementation based on runtime conditions
This is the simplified version I want to implement For example, suppose I am an interface called color There are many …… -
Exponential backoff in rxjava
I have an API that accepts an observable that triggers an event I want to return an observable. If an Internet connect…… -
Java object < = relational operator check
In Java, when = = is used to compare two objects, their references are also compared But what happens when other relat…… -
Java – link list class and default linked list class from scratch?
As a project / assignment student, I have been writing my linked list data structure. I want to know whether "real wor…… -
How efficient is java serialization?
We have a class named row, which represents a row in the result set We need to write a list < < row > submiss…… -
Java – how to add cookies to the htmlunit request header?
I'm trying to visit a website, but I can't add the collected "cookies" to the outgoing post request header I have been…… -
Java – repeat once integer n times
I tried to make a pyramid out of integers 3 33 333 So based on the answer I found, I did this: int n = 8; String n2 = …… -
Java – forces abstract methods to execute predefined code – similar to overloaded return statements
I have an abstract class of abstract methods public abstract class Foo{ public int bar(); } This is inherited and …… -
Is this the correct implementation of the bridge pattern in Java?
I'm trying to improve my understanding of design patterns, and I'm a little confused about bridge patterns You can see…… -
Java – SQS expiredtoken: the security token contained in the request is expired status code: 403
I have a long - running worker process running on EC2 that uses items from the SQS queue After some time (8-12 hours, …… -
Java – how do you ensure that spring @ EventListener is called first?
When implementing the applicationlister interface, there is an option to implement ordered to specify the call order S…… -
Java – undefined behavior
I did some simulations on C and I encountered a strange problem I have the following function to return the vector of …… -
Embedded wharf java. lang.IllegalStateException:! STOPPED
I tried to make a simple servlet in an embedded jetty container public class Application { public static void main(S…… -
Java – obtain the currently logged in user from the spring angle
I use spring security in the spring boot application. I want to get the currently logged in user from the principal #g…… -
Unable to run program “…” error = 2, no such file or directory (Java)
I'm trying to create a java program that will set up an SSH connection for me on my MacBook It prompts me for a user n……