包含标签:Android 的文章
Android MMAP file mapping to memory introduction
Android 2020 Link to this article: introduction to Android MMAP file mapping to memory During Android development, we …… -
Default interface methods are only supported starting with Android N
Operating environment Click the green hammer "make project" and the following error appears Default interface methods …… -
Several common operations of Android bitmap: zoom, crop, rotate and offset
Android bitmap related operations Several common operations: scaling, clipping, rotation, offset Many operations need …… -
Duplicate class android.support.v4.widget.TintableCompoundButton found in modules classes.jar
For an old Android project, change support-v4 in gradle to the reference of Android x, and compile and report an error…… -
Android mediaplayer plays audio
Link to this article: playing audio with Android mediaplayer It mainly introduces how to play audio with mediaplayer. …… -
Building an adaptive interface for Android constraintlayout
Original link Constraintlayout lets you create complex large layouts using a flat view hierarchy (no nested view group…… -
Android downloads audio files using urlconnection
Link to this article: Android downloads audio files using urlconnection Use mediaplayer to play online audio, please r…… -
Debug the Java part of the Android framework
Note: debug the Java code of Android framework. Take android-28 as an example. An API 28 simulator is required. There …… -
Android uses ADB pull or push to copy mobile phone files to the computer, copy mobile phone database to the computer, and copy computer database to the mobile phone
Let's talk about ADB command configuration first. If you encounter ADB, it is not an internal or external command, nor…… -
Baidu authorized callback address
http://developer.baidu.com/console#manage/apilist ! appid=1845049 Appkey is applied on Baidu open platform to identify…… -
Some experience with Android studio
1、 Mac or win 7 configuration environment, taking gradle as an example (1) , you can find gradle to download here, or…… -
Android creates folders, generates files, and writes the contents of text files
1、 Add permissions first 2、 Create folders, generate files, and write text file content codes 3、 Renderings 1. Fold…… -
error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2) ,can’t load transform_ config.xml
This error occurs: Error opening trace file: no such file or directory (2), can't load transform_ config.xml This is b…… -
Mac Android signature generation keystore
1. Open terminal 2. Go to the root directory of the Java installation, that is, enter 3. The current user does not hav…… -
Three solutions for black and white screen when Android starts app
You will wonder why some apps will appear black or white for a while before entering the activity interface when they …… -
Android removes the title bar
Modify in androidmanifest.xml hold <application android:allowBackup="true" android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher" and…… -
Android Bezier curve line chart
1. Bezier curve: http://baike.baidu.com/view/60154.htm , understand what Bessel curve is here 2. Directly above: 3. Mo…… -
Android button width is scaled
<LinearLayout android:layout_ width="fill_parent" android:layout_ height="fill_parent" android:orientation="horizon…… -
Read the process of Android touchevent event event distribution, interception and processing
What is an event? Events are a series of touchevents caused by the user touching the mobile phone screen, including ac…… -
Loading pictures asynchronously universal image loader
Project address: https://github.com/nostra13/Android-Universal-Image-Loader -
Build the slidingmenu environment using the open source framework on GitHub, and the problems that cannot be found by the getsupportactionbar method
http://blog.csdn.net/lovexieyuan520/article/details/9814273 Build the slidingmenu environment using the open source fr…… -
Specification for using SharedPreferences in Android projects
1、 What is SharedPreferences from? SharedPreferences is one of the four Android data storage technologies (SharedPref…… -
Android Battery power progress bar, scroll up and down the picture progress bar (battery)
Recently, to make an app, you need to simulate a progress bar of battery power, and set the percentage according to th…… -
Installation of Android development environment under Ubuntu
I. install JDK website: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk7-downloads-1880260.html Create a n…… -
Android defines a one-dimensional array in the resource file (RES / strings. XML), and indirectly defines a two-dimensional array
We often define strings and one-dimensional arrays in the resource file (RES / strings. XML). What about two-dimension…… -
The first installation of Android Studio 1.0 encountered a problem and the SDK could not be downloaded
I believe you will encounter many problems during the installation of Android studio, especially if you can't download…… -
XStream fast transform XML
Project address: http://xstream.codehaus.org/tutorial.html (the following is from the official website) 1. Create clas……