Java – what does t mean when used as a method signature? Is it a return type?
abstract public <T> T iterEdges(EdgeFun<T> func,T accum); abstract public <T> T iterEdges(EdgeFun<…… -
Java – how do I import my own classes?
I have this Java class: package myClass; public class myClass { private int herAge ; public void setHerAge (i…… -
Java generalized linear model library
I'm trying to port some R code to Java / Scala and need an equivalent GLM function Is there any Java / Scala library t…… -
Java – Braintree does not update the user’s preferred / default payment method
When a customer wants to select his payment method when creating a sales order, I see that it has changed in dropinui …… -
Java – how to change Derby to read / write mode
I have a derby database that gives me a read-only error The database worked normally until last week when there was in…… -
Java – is there a limit on the size of the response I can read over HTTP
I have a java program that calls a URL The response to the URL is JSON / string I have to write a program to get data …… -
Java uses regexp to split space?
I try to match and capture commands and parameters from the following inputs: !command param1 param2 I am using the Ja…… -
How many parameters does the varargs tool allow in Java?
I'd like to know how many parameters can be passed using the varargs tool in Java Is there a JVM or memory limit? As f…… -
Java – container level versioned library shared by war
In a java servlet container (preferably tomcat, but if this can be done in another container, then say so) I want some…… -
Symfony – the difference between get (‘doctrine ‘); And getdoctrine();
In symfony, I found three ways to access the doctrine service and entity manager, as shown below: $em = $this->getD…… -
Arrays – function [hashtable []] parameter, which can be from pipeline or parameter
This is a function that accepts a hash table array through parameters: function abc () { Param([Hashtable[]]$tabl…… -
Java – how to obtain module int_ Max’s results?
If I try to apply: integer valueOf(String.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE)“9”); But I need to get the remainder modulus from…… -
Java – why system Nanotime() is incorrect at the beginning of the iteration?
I noticed system The mode of nanotime() Whenever I start an iteration, nanotime () becomes very incorrect in a few lap…… -
Java – stringreader from string Error given in split output
An exception occurred while using stringreader When creating an object, the string I parse is through string Split gen…… -
Java – how to open PDF in a new tab and display it in the browser (no download required)?
I have a PDF link. When I click it, I want it to open a new tab and render it in the new tab, instead of asking me to …… -
Java – run akka with runnable jar
I'm trying to use NetBeans to implement akka. Net in the Java Maven project When I run it from NetBeans, it works norm…… -
Timestamp and time zone conversion in Java and MySQL
I am developing a Java application with MySQL database on a server located in a different time zone from me. I am tryi…… -
Java – Jersey records all response times of the service
I have a Java application and I want to record all execution times of each rest service How to measure the execution t…… -
R. Do all x elements exist in Y
In R, how to test the elements of a vector that does not exist in another vector? X <- c('a','b','c','d') Y <- c…… -
Java – compare 2 integers, strange behavior
See the English answer > why is 128 = = 128 false but 127 = = 127 is true when comparing integer wrappers in Java? …… -
Java – how do I set alerts that are always displayed?
Now, I just want to get some kind of battery status indication when the user accesses the application For example, if …… -
Java – reload via array
So suppose I have an array of length 5 (let's call it myArray [5]) If I add 4 to myArray [3], such as myArray [3, 4], …… -
When should I use POJOs (not EJBs) in Java EE applications?
I am currently learning Java EE I use Oracle Java EE 7 tutorial According to section 34.1.1 of this tutorial In Sectio…… -
Java – how to replace a JPanel with another JPanel in the same location?
I have a JFrame of about four frames After a given action, I want to replace one panel with another in the same positi…… -
Java – reduce the recording of the same exception
Is there any smart way to reduce the record of "equal" exceptions? For example: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wr…… -
Java – algorithm for bucket lookup of hash code
See English answers > What hashing function does Java use to implement hashtable class? 5 When the lookup is comple…… -
Java – JBoss wildly and Jersey web service deployment error jbas011859: naming context is read-only
I am using Jersey servlet (1.18.1) to process Java Web services projects When I deploy my ear file to JBoss wildfly (8…… -
Java – protects int, visible only to the specified method
Is there any way to make me invisible to other methods in the same class? private int i; private void updateI(int i) …… -
Java – how to fix com mysql. jdbc. exceptions. jdbc4. Mysqlnontransientconnectionexception: no operation is allowed after the connection is closed Exceptions?
This is a query for my records public void saveTotal(JTextField txtGtotal,JTextField txtPTotal) { try { Re…… -
The Java 8 stream aggregates a map
I tried to do something that seemed straightforward, but so far I have no luck I have a list of maps from a bunch of p…… -
Java string finder – how do I switch case sensitivity?
I have a method to search the file for the string you give it and return a count But I have a case sensitivity problem…… -
Java – missing datasource explorer in eclipse Kepler
I recently downloaded eclipse Kepler Datasource Explorer is missing in this version of Kepler Datasource Explorer can ……