How do I apply calculations on the springs @ value property? //timeout in ms timeout = 20000; @Value("${timeout} / 1000") private …… -
Java – ArrayList changes a property value of all objects
Java Spring Collection List<CustomObject> myList = new ArrayList<CustomObject>(1000); // list with thousnd…… -
Java – spring boot application failed to start
I recently started using spring boot to develop a web application, ANF, and tried to create these two files according …… -
Java – filter ArrayList with dates by start and end times
I am implementing a simple listview, where the data source is an ArrayList, which contains name, start and end dates I…… -
Java – how do I force MKDIR to overwrite an existing directory?
I need my program to create a directory with a specific name and overwrite any existing directory with that name At pr…… -
Java – Android NullPointerException when trying to retrieve data from sqliteopenhelper
When trying to retrieve all SQLite rows from sqliteopenhelper, I encountered the following error in logcat Caused by: …… -
Java – why does 10 > > 2 5 > > 2 evaluate to zero?
Consider the following codes: int a=10,b=5; int c=a>>2+b>>2; System.out.println(c); At run time, the (surp…… -
Java – use TreeSet for sorting without providing comparator
I know that TreeSet in Java will automatically sort its elements in ascending order to ensure the order For example, i…… -
Java – why does my socks proxy code throw a socketexception: a malformed reply from the SOCKS server?
Why does my socks proxy code throw a socketexception: a malformed reply from the SOCKS server? I tried on urlconnectio…… -
Java – spark job server: “the server cannot respond to your request in time”
I'm using spark job server to run spark jobs. It works normally But when I try to do a big job (it takes more than 40 …… -
Java – JBoss wildly and Jersey web service deployment error jbas011859: naming context is read-only
I am using Jersey servlet (1.18.1) to process Java Web services projects When I deploy my ear file to JBoss wildfly (8…… -
Java – a case insensitive sort set – maintains the same string in different cases
Today I have a case insensitive sort set, such as: Set<String> set = new TreeSet<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE…… -
Why Java io. File does not implement autoclosable?
See English answer > why Java io. File doesn’t have a close() method? 5 try (File file = new File(FILE_NAME)) { …… -
Java – how Jenkins finds out if a given slave server is running a job
I have this unique requirement to check whether a given node is running a job I'm thinking about using groovy because …… -
Java – GCM: how to send heartbeat to GCM server
I want to send a heartbeat from my application to the GCM server, so the connection will remain active How can I do th…… -
Volatile in double check locking in Java
See English answers > why is volatile used in double checked locking class Foo { private volatile Bar _barInsta…… -
Java – extract the first letter from each word in the sentence
I have developed a voice to text program where users can say a short sentence and insert it into a text box How do I e…… -
How to use Java Time parses the date in the string from the year and week
In old Java, I could do this: System.out.println(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy w",Locale.UK).parse("2015 1")); // shows M…… -
Can an object array be regarded as a collection of objects in Java?
The collection definition of Oracle site is: A collection — sometimes called a container — is simply an object that gr…… -
Java – GlassFish 4.1 deployment failed on eclipse Luna using JDK 8
You cannot use JDK 8, GlassFish 4.1 to deploy GlassFish on eclipse Luna jsp. Exception stack trace: org.glassfish.tool…… -
Java optional question, did I do this?
I have a "bad habit" of throwing zeros somewhere, such as enumerator when something doesn't exist Example: private enu…… -
Distributed HashMap or distributed information storage in Java
Does anyone know a good java framework for distributed hash mapping (DHT)? I used overlay Weaver some time ago, but th…… -
Java – why didn’t this gridbaglayout appear as planned?
I try to achieve the final result required by setting an arbitrary width in gridbaglayout For reference, here is: This…… -
Java ternary operator syntax
See English answers > terminal operator, syntax error when using assignment In the first case, the ternary operator…… -
Java – in POM The Proguard configuration file is included in the XML
I tried to confuse Java class files I've used ant before, so I've built it through 'build XML 'contains the following …… -
Java – thread safe enum singleton
Enumeration helps create singles I know enumeration methods are not thread safe, so I try to make them thread safe Any…… -
Java – additional conditions for adding querydsl to on
Can I execute the following queries in querydsl? SELECT p.* FROM parts_table p LEFT JOIN inventory_balance_table i ON …… -
Java – GWT code server uses Maven prototype and does not find modules in the newly generated project
I have been working with GWT and eclipse for some time. I want to play with Maven and GWT plugin (GWT Maven plugin, en…… -
Java – use the original string in the modified mail request body
I want to send user: user in the post request body I'm using lib Please advise me I've tried this before @POST(/login)…… -
java – log4j. Properties does not work properly on wildfly
I have a log4j in my classpath Properties file It is located on APP / XX jar / log4j. Properties location I noticed th…… -
Assembly – returns the location of the program counter after the interrupt handler?
Hi, I want to know where the program counter is when the program returns from the interrupt service program? I know th…… -
Java – unable to run program “/ applications / utilities / terminal. App”: error = 13, permission denied
I encountered a lot of complex problems when running the following code: package practice; import……