Reading streams over HTTP networks using Java I / O
Now I'm trying to improve the performance of Java I / O I have some crazy questions about using Java I / O to read / w…… -
Java – smack 4 throws “sslhandshakeexception: validatorexception: suncertpathbuilderexception” on the connection
For the integration test of my XMPP stack, I set up a vysper server (0.7) on localhost Question: Caused by:…… -
Java – is it a good habit to use atomicinteger as an alternative to variable integers?
I have the following situations: public void callMe() { AtomicInteger howManyOdds = new AtomicInteger(0); AtomicInte…… -
Mirrored shapes in Java (swing)
hello everyone, I have a lesson about drawing and manipulating shapes in swing GUI I have a problem. When I try to mir…… -
Is there an activity failure that occurs in concurrency in Java 8
I will try to reproduce the code mentioned in the following valid Java (Second Edition) public class StopThread { p…… -
Java – use drawLine to extend the graphics class (double, double, double, double)
Question: / / where the story begins You can see it's terrible Actual prototype: public abstract void drawLine (int x1…… -
Displacement differences in Java and C – how to reconcile
I have some code in C, I'm trying to migrate to Java, and there's a problem I can't solve@ H_ 301_ 7@ Solution C code …… -
Java – defaulttablemodel does not return the value in the datavector
My question is related to JTable and defaulttablemodel DefaultTableModel model=(DefaultTableModel)jTable1.getModel(); …… -
Why doesn’t Java seem to respect my classpath?
I have jt400 in my directory jar: /path /jt400.jar / Test. Java content: import java.sql.*; //impor…… -
Java – the scan count returns a number significantly less than the dynamodb table
I'm running a sample Java program to query the dynamodb table, which has about 90000 items, but when I get the scan co…… -
Java – find integer patterns in arrays
For this problem, I will write a method called mode, which returns the most common element in an integer array Suppose…… -
Java – requires multiple input from the user
I'm trying to write a program that keeps asking users for an integer until they enter a non integer value, and the pro…… -
Java – serialize the object containing the ArrayList object
public class User implements Serializable{ public class User implements Serializable{ public String name; …… -
Java – how to add JButton to JScrollPane?
Hi, I want to make a desktop application here. I'm using JScrollPane I want to add a multipul button to the JScrollPan…… -
Multithreading – forces Perl programs to use threads to use all CPU capacity
I have a laptop equipped with Intel Core I3 CPU. I want to create a simple program in Perl to use 100% CPU capacity My…… -
Error: Java io. IOException: bad value class: org apache. hadoop. io. Text is not a MyClass class
I have my mapper and reducer as follows But I got some strange exceptions public static class MyMapper implements Mapp…… -
java – android. support. v7. widget. GridLayout cannot be instantiated
I'm trying to use GridLayout in my project, but ideally I use the Android support library, so I can locate a lower ver…… -
How to build a copy function map in Java’s lambda API
From the Java. Net that maps a pair of enums to values util. function. In bifunction, I want to build an enummap that …… -
Java swing – get hovering objects
I have a JList that wants to change the tooltip, depending on the hover item I tried to Google my question, but failed…… -
Java – how to make a cell non editable based on another cell value in an editable grid in GXT
Hi, I'm using GXT 2.2 3. Create an editable grid I created the following: List<String> eventList=new ArrayList&l…… -
java. Lang.exception: no certificate file specified or invalid file format
Through JBoss 5.1 1 while deploying, I encountered the following error: 2014-03-18 08:44:57,834 ERROR [org.apache.coyo…… -
Java – is there a way to compare two lists with streaming media?
I have a class named MyClass, which contains several members, one of which is mystring: public class MyClass{ //... …… -
JavaMail uses outlook in the company
I used JavaMail for the first time with some exceptions. I don't understand that I saw some mistakes in other question…… -
Java – intrinsic / monitor locking and inheritance
Background: I'm reading Java concurrency in practice. Listing 2.7 contains the following code This example indicates t…… -
Java – generics – method return type as extension class
I tried to do this in Java 6: abstract class CurrClass{ public <T extends CurrClass> T setField (String str)…… -
Java – generic methods do not recognize types correctly
I have a class whose members are defined as: Map<Class<? extends Model>,List<? extends Model>> mockS…… -
Split two points based on Java that do not include a single point
I have a string STR1 written in Java. I want to split it String str1 = "S1..R1..M1..D2..N3..S1.R1.M1.D2.N3.S1R1M1D2N3"…… -
Java – generate ECDSA signature using secp256r1 curve and sha256 algorithm – bouncycastle
I am trying to generate a signature using ECDSA with secp256r1 curve (P256) and sha256 algorithm for message hashing I…… -
Java – how do I call this class?
I have my main class to call a custom JFrame class called mainframe public class App { public static MainFrame mf; p…… -
How to automatically convert input characters to uppercase letters in Java
I'm using the scanner class to get input and want to convert the input to uppercase letters when displayed This is my …… -
Java – click the close x button to close the frame
I have got the answer through link1 and link2, but it doesn't help because frame.setVisible(false); The following exce……