grails – java. Lang. illegalaccesserror: attempt to access class XYZ from class ZXY
I have a Grails application. If I start it through it, it works normally grails run-app In the early stage, I have dep…… -
Java – write lock to HashMap
I have an asynchronously updated HashMap I need to perform operations involving the map, which requires that the map d…… -
Java – NullPointerException when accessing array in class
I am new to this forum and Java The following code compiles, but when I try to enter a value for a variable, I get Nul…… -
Java – how many string objects are created for the following?
String summer = new String("Summer"); String summer = new String("Summer"); String summer2 = "Summer"; System.out.prin…… -
Java – spring MVC class suddenly cannot find dispatcherservlet
My webapp is running and everything is fine until I try to implement some fileUpload Feb 11,2014 4:11:35 PM org.apache…… -
Java – the best layout / nested layout for this structure
I'm new to swing. I'm trying to create an interface, such as: ——————————The text text of the information text 124124 1…… -
Java general Observer mode to achieve the original type is not selected.
I'm currently trying to take advantage of the general implementation of observer mode in Java. I find it seems to work…… -
Is it normal to put all Java Swing GUIs in one class?
I just started swing development and had problems Is it normal to put the whole GUI into a single class? The applicati…… -
Java – how to use selenium to record test cases in IE
I'm a beginner in selenium My application is only ie compatible I know that we can run test cases in any browser using…… -
Java – how to reverse a map
Let's look at a map: > A – > {1,2,3} > B – > {3,4,5} > C – > {2,3,5} I need to reverse this map and …… -
Java – jsonpath finds all objects (restassured)
This is my JSON: [ { "id": 9741962,"name": "getName","isActive": true },{ "id": 1,"name": "New","isActive": tr…… -
java. lang.NoSuchMethodError:org. apache. log4j. Logger
We use ivy to manage multi - Project Java applications, and recently this error began to appear when we built What cau…… -
An object can create multiple threads in Java
I am a novice in multithreading. I wrote the following code during practice I want to call the createthreaded method t…… -
Java – recursively sort ArrayLists into a tree
I have an ArrayList of objects But I need a tree with the following parameters: >Some objects should not have child…… -
Java – a data structure for saving the contents of the parsed CSV file
I'm trying to find the best way to parse CSV files in Java Now each line has x messages For example, the first line ca…… -
Java – add() in fragmenttransaction cannot be applied?
Could not be added to the fragment transaction due to the following error. How would you do this? add() in FragmentTra…… -
Java – jpaitemwriter: no transaction is in progress
I want to use jpaitemwriter to batch persist entities But when I use the following code to insist, I am told: Hibernat…… -
Java – use spring JSTL and spring form tags together
Can I mix JSTL and spring form tags in JSP pages of spring MVC applications? <form:form method="POST" action="<c…… -
In Java 8, how to reference a method without parameters and return void?
I have a bunch of methods with this signature: public void sideEffects() {...} public void foo() {...} public void bar…… -
Java – Error installing JDK
The following error occurred while installing JDK 1.7 on Windows 8 I downloaded the latest version of JDK from Oracle …… -
Java – how to prevent JComponent cleanup?
I'm making a molecular design application I can draw lines and circles, but it clears the old lines every time I click…… -
Java – why is the URL not fully decoded?
I'm writing a java program. My URL needs to be decoded. I'm using it URLDecoder.decode(url,"UTF-8") How to implement i…… -
Java – set block data from schematic in bukkit?
I tried to load and paste in bukkit Schematic file (not linked to mcedit API) Here are the functions / methods I use t…… -
Java – AdMob doesn’t work because (I think) Google playback service
I'm trying how to advertise an AdMob banner for at least 6 hours 01-21 18:59:26.768: I/Ads(26882): Use AdRequest.Build…… -
Java – count of string objects created
I'm reading the certificate and I'm having a confusing problem here The book says that this line of code creates only …… -
Java / refactoring switch case
I tried to reconstruct the next case: class Gen{ public void startClick(A a,B b,List<C> lstC,SortX sort){ …… -
Java – why does log4j completely record everything in debug?
So I have a problem. When I switch the root logger to debug, log4j seems to want to record everything that can be "deb…… -
RX Java operator; Encapsulate data streams into custom operators
Let's say I'm observing an observer in a very specific way resultObservable = anotherObservable.filter(~Filter code~).…… -
Fork / join Java EE applications?
I know that separating threads is a big taboo in Java EE applications However, I have an application that is a perfect…… -
Java – strange behavior of quickfix / J after “sending test request test”
I am using quickfix / J to receive messages, but a test request has been sent The log file (fix. 4.2-a-b.event. Log) s…… -
Java – private constructors and instances – multiple choice
I try to find the answers to the following questions I tried to find the answer on Google, but people seem to have dif…… -
How to add a date to the java simple date format
How can I add 120 days to the date I currently use simple date format? I've read very few posts about it, but I can't ……