A Java method that can only be called by its own class or other subclasses
I want my class to have a method that can only be called by itself or its subclasses The closest is protected access, …… -
Use volatile to ensure the visibility of shared (but not concurrent) data in Java
I'm trying to implement a fast version of LZ77. I have a question for you about concurrent programming Now I have a fi…… -
Java decompiler and Java disassembler
I'm preparing the core Java. I have questions Is javap a disassembler or a decompiler? What's the difference between t…… -
Java – treemap deletes all keys larger than a key
In a project, I need to delete all objects whose key value is greater than a certain key (the key type is date, if imp…… -
How to convert set to ArrayList
How to add all elements of set < < set < string > >? VaR to an ArrayList < < ArrayList < strin…… -
Java recursion: Examples
I know how recursion works, that is: Method calls itself until it reaches the base case, and then it can begin to solv…… -
Java: using static methods of the parent class in subclasses
I tried to refactor my code by using the basecomponenttype class and inheriting my code in my electricalcomponenttype …… -
Java – error 403 when trying to deploy Maven project using Tomcat Maven plugin
I'm trying to deploy my project to tomcat7 using the eclipse IDE, and I encountered this error: Uploading: http://loca…… -
Java – how does SSL protect data from sniffing?
I have a small website. Its security is very important to me I have no money to buy SSL certificate, so I want to make…… -
Togglegroup using togglebuttons JavaFX
How to deselect all togglebuttons in the togglegroup in JavaFX? There seems to be no clearselection () function like t…… -
Java – bean validation: how to manually create a constraintviolation?
I have a specific scenario where I can only manually check violations later in the process What I want to do is throw …… -
Java – is delayed initialization using immutable data always thread safe?
I have two classes a and B: class A { private final String someData; private B b; public String getSomeDa…… -
Java – why are the best practices for static classes different in OOP?
I'm currently reading about Java best practices. I find that according to this book, we must support non static static…… -
Java – a better way to implement an empty while loop to maintain control
I'm playing the background audio. I want the control of the program to remain stationary until the audio playback is o…… -
Java – StringBuffer class and Chinese character encoding
I wrote a method to return a string containing Chinese characters public printChineseMenu(){ StringBuffer buffer; …… -
Java – hibernate does not create tables – spring MVC
I have a spring project and I'm using hibernation When I started the project, DB didn't change I tried the difrenf con…… -
Java – why does the swagger annotation generate API docs with a default path prefix
I use the Maven plug-in below to integrate swagger with my application I configured the following in my spring servlet…… -
Java – use regexp to extract values between parentheses
Before management, I try to extract the value between parentheses (and) to check the existence of the value Please hel…… -
Java – Eclipse Plug-in: run the code immediately after startup
I want to display a message immediately after the plug-in starts If I put my code in activator At the end of the start…… -
Why does this multithreaded Python program print correctly from 0 to 99?
This is the code from Queue import Queue from threading import * threadLock = Lock() def do_stuff(q): while True: …… -
Java regular expression: if the closing bracket is the last character in the string, match any number of digits in the parentheses
I need some help to save my day (or my night) I want to match: >Any number of numbers > enclosed in parentheses …… -
Java – Android slidinguppanellayout up slide event
I'm using It works well, but I'm trying to find some ways to listen fo…… -
How to use the same add () method in two different classes
Is there any way you can use the same add () method between two different classes (add content to the array)? For exam…… -
Java – using action tabs and WebView
I want to have my application to display tabs at the top of the screen (make it work) and set up WebView. XML in the X…… -
Reading streams over HTTP networks using Java I / O
Now I'm trying to improve the performance of Java I / O I have some crazy questions about using Java I / O to read / w…… -
Java – smack 4 throws “sslhandshakeexception: validatorexception: suncertpathbuilderexception” on the connection
For the integration test of my XMPP stack, I set up a vysper server (0.7) on localhost Question: Caused by:…… -
Java – is it a good habit to use atomicinteger as an alternative to variable integers?
I have the following situations: public void callMe() { AtomicInteger howManyOdds = new AtomicInteger(0); AtomicInte…… -
Mirrored shapes in Java (swing)
hello everyone, I have a lesson about drawing and manipulating shapes in swing GUI I have a problem. When I try to mir…… -
Is there an activity failure that occurs in concurrency in Java 8
I will try to reproduce the code mentioned in the following valid Java (Second Edition) public class StopThread { p…… -
Java – use drawLine to extend the graphics class (double, double, double, double)
Question: / / where the story begins You can see it's terrible Actual prototype: public abstract void drawLine (int x1…… -
Displacement differences in Java and C – how to reconcile
I have some code in C, I'm trying to migrate to Java, and there's a problem I can't solve@ H_ 301_ 7@ Solution C code ……