Oauth2 provider server implemented on Java
I'm searching for a work oauth2 provider server implemented on Java,…… -
Java – why is the utteranceprogress listener not called to speak text?
I tried to call some methods to start and end text to speech, so I used setonutteranceprogresslistener, but it didn't …… -
Java – Android background text Icon for a button
I want to have an image set as the text on the background and the icon on the left of the text iPhone: Android I have …… -
Java one time mode
C # supports the one - time mode of deterministic garbage collection using dispose pattern Does java have such a patte…… -
Java – there is a system in IntelliJ out. Shortcut to println package statement
In my opinion, sometimes I want to print the value of a variable, so I repeat the following operations: >Write Sout…… -
Java – wait() on servlet throws an exception
I run a web application on the JBoss application server, and I'm trying to implement event library response from the s…… -
Java – how to calculate the number of elements that match the streams predicate?
In Java 7, I have this Code: public int getPlayersOnline() { int count = 0; for (Player player : players) { …… -
Java – use spring to get the declaration of the error message “CVC ELT. 1: element” bean “not found
I tried to set up a simple spring application and I got the following exception This is indigo running independently d…… -
Java – Method of using Google Eclipse Plug-in in Google cloud endpoints
I encountered a strange behavior when using the Google App Engine Eclipse Plug-in to generate endpoints I have an endp…… -
Java – where is the calling event scheduling thread?
I read that all code for constructing swing components and handling events must be run by event dispatch thread I know…… -
Java – which API can I use to format ints as 2 digits?
What API can I use to format ints as 2-digit numbers? For example, in this loop for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { …… -
Capture the content of standard output in Java
I'm calling a function that prints some strings in my console / standard output I need to capture this string I cannot…… -
Java – how to handle properties in interceptor bindings
I have a note: @Inherited @InterceptorBinding @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({METHOD,TYPE}) public @interface Example { }…… -
Normalize java bean property names
I have a bunch of third-party Java classes that use different attribute names to implement the same attributes: public…… -
Java – set the attribute ‘antijarlocking’ to ‘true’ and no matching attribute was found
My context XML file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Context antiJARLocking="true" path="/candy"/>…… -
Using build Java replaces build XML, using Java and ant libraries as building systems
I've been disappointed with groovy based ant alternatives Ant builder doesn't work in eclipse, eclipse's groovy plug-i…… -
How are Java applications deployed in the “real world”?
As a novice in the Java programming world, this problem always bothers me I first thought that all java files were com…… -
Java – how to resolve the invisible ‘implicit super constructor classa() Must explicitly call another constructor?
I have a class "classA", which has a private constructor public final class ClassA{ private ClassA{ } public st…… -
Java – send a message from wearable to mobile phone and reply immediately
I've been fighting the Android wear message API, and I can finally accept that I need some help My application is very…… -
Java – how to mark JTable cell input as invalid?
If I use JTable and specify the classtype of the column on its model, it is as follows: @ h_ 502_ 2@DefaultTableModel …… -
Read txt files from specific packages
I'm trying to read a text file in a specific package, but it can't be found I can read it and insert an absolute path,…… -
Java – how to find all points in the path in Android?
After a while, I asked a question to see if I could find a specific point on the road; But this time, I wonder if ther…… -
Java – long long is not greater than long MAX_ VALUE
If I have a mission Long c = a + b; Is there a simple way to check that a B is no better than long MAX_ VALUE / Long. …… -
Does Common Lisp have a Java like set interface / implementation class?
I need an element like this, which doesn't contain duplicate elements of any element Is there such a thing in Common L…… -
Java – where is the calling event scheduling thread?
I read that all code for constructing swing components and handling events must be run by event dispatch thread I know…… -
Java – no segment * file found
I need to access the Lucene index (created by crawling several pages using nutch), but it gives the error shown above:…… -
Java – use ant to build a project that contains actionbar Sherlock as a library project
My Apache ant project uses actionbar Sherlock as the project library to build a problem I have successfully used "Andr…… -
wait. Until (expectedconditions) no longer works in selenium
So far, I have used 2.45 In version 0, all waiting is completed as follows: webdriverwait wait = new webdriverwait(web…… -
Java – multiple choice test
I'm doing single - choice and multiple - choice tests I have several questions and four answers to each question Each …… -
Java – convert file to multipartfile
Is there any way to convert a file object to a multipart file? So can I send this object to the method of the object t…… -
Hashtable and integer keys in Java
I am trying to create a hashtable as follows: Hashtable<int,ArrayList<byte>> block = new Hashtable<int,…… -
Java – Android testing using appium and gradle
I recently started to think about doing some functional tests with appium I want to run appium test through Android st……