JPA temporary information was lost during creation
I have an entity with a transient field When I want to create a new object instance, I lose my transient information T…… -
Java – calling a method is faster when you initialize an object or save it as a variable and call the method
Suppose there is a classA class that gives the value I need through non - static methods If I only need the value of o…… -
Multithreading – testeract 3.00 multithreading?
I read some other posts and suggested that they add multithreading support in 3.00 But I don't know if I add it after …… -
What experience have you had with functional Java projects?
I am reading the following questions – how safe would it be to use functional java to add closures to a Java productio…… -
What does this () mean in Java
There is already an answer to this question: > what the use of this() in LinkedList java2 It appears to work only w…… -
Java – Android Maven does not start the simulator
When I right-click My Android project and select run – > Android application The simulator is started and the chang…… -
Java – operator = = wrap differential behavior on class objects
Any body can explain what happened in my output static void main(String args[]) { Integer aa = Integer.valueOf("12…… -
Can anyone simply describe the difference between the three closure proposals and their current state in Java?
I'm reading closures that will appear in Java 7 I'm a little confused because on the one hand, there are many good art…… -
How to use org. Org in Java apache. commons. Lang namespace?
I tried using org. Org in eclipse apache. commons. Lang. notimplementedexception, although you can see from IntelliSen…… -
How to understand “consistency before occurrence is not enough” in Java
In Chapter 17 of Java language specification, there was a part explaining why "lack of consistency" Here is an example…… -
How to use the java7 file attribute APIs to get the digital groupid / userid?
I can use the following code to get the name of the file owner; final PosixFileAttributes basicFileAttributes = …… -
Why do we need abstract classes in Java?
Why do we need abstract classes in Java? If you will never be an object, why do you do it? How do you use it? Why is t…… -
Java – how to design a system to send records and retry sending if no confirmation is received?
I'm working on a project where I need to consume a lot of records, and then I send these records to other systems usin…… -
Java – Android studio – gradle 1.5 – core library options
There is a problem with my android project and gradle 1.5 I know that searching from Android devices may not be the be…… -
Java – why does UDP datagram fail even when the process is running locally?
Then I am developing a java interface between the streaming media server and the flash client I noticed that even if b…… -
Java – large inner classes and private variables
One thing I've experienced several times is that a service class (such as JBoss service) has become too large due to t…… -
Java – how to bind this service in Android?
This is the code in my activity Start the intention and connect, right? hello_service = new Intent(this,HelloService.c…… -
Java – use gradle to upload the source to the nexus repository
I successfully uploaded my jars to a nexus repository, which uses the Maven plug-in for gradients, but did not upload …… -
Java – how to dynamically set the layout in Android
Then, suppose there is an activity called mainactivity. There are two layouts, layout1 and layout2, with few buttons T…… -
Why package info Java useful?
When I run checkstyle on my java project, it loses package info Java file For some courses, but not all I don't know w…… -
Loading JDBC libraries on arm without executing Java application
OK, we have a Java application "app. Jar" in a UNIX home directory with an external SQLite driver library - myapp/app.…… -
Java – how to convert a stringreader to a string?
I'm trying to convert my stringreader back to a regular string, as shown in the figure: String string = reader.toStrin…… -
Java – hibernate update JPA foreign key
New flag new flag new flag new flag new flag new flag new flag new flag new flag new flag new flag new flag new flag n…… -
Java – spring opensessioninview filter with @ transactional annotation
This is about spring opensessioninview filter using @ transactional annotation in the service layer I've experienced s…… -
Rfc4226 hotp Java implementation
I tried to copy hotalgorithm Java code (hotalgorithm. Java) and compare it with the official hotp RFC 4226 example imp…… -
Java EE – MVN Tomcat: run – change the default Maven Tomcat port
Try following my spring roo tutorial steps: $mkdir sample $cd sample $roo roo> script --file filename.roo roo> q…… -
Java data types retain only dates
Which data type in Java can only save dates without time components? For example, just to store 12 / 07 / 2012 I'm per…… -
How do I configure a mail server for use with JavaMail?
I'm trying to use the following code: import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import*; import ja…… -
Java – how to compile Maven projects efficiently and quickly
I have a maven project with 13 sub modules I have two questions about how to optimize the build process: >I want to…… -
Java hibernate HQL query and nolock
Is there any way to run these queries, just like I added (nolock) prompt to them? Solution If you really need this, yo…… -
Java comparison array
I have two arrays of unknown types... One way to check elements is the same: public static boolean equals(Object a,Obj…… -
Java – JUnit tests JNDI initialcontext outside the application server
Context context = new InitialContext(); Context context = new InitialContext(); dataSource = (DataSource) context.look……