Amazon elastic search – use Java SDK to interact with Amazon elastic search service
I can't find an example of how to use Amazon SDK to interact with Amazon elastic search cluster Can someone give me an…… -
Java operators >, > >, and > > >
>Indicates greater than, for example: if (a > b) The result is a boolean type >>Indicates a signed right s…… -
Java – spring upload file problem
I need to upload the file from the browser to the server I use spring 3.2 as my web framework So I configured my appli…… -
Disadvantages of using Java Native Interface
I can't get two disadvantages of using JNI I want to know more about them: >It is difficult to debug runtime errors…… -
Java implements compressed string and Java string filtering
Topic 1: input a string of lowercase letters (a ~ z) through the keyboard. Please write a string filter program. If mu…… -
Generics of Java generics
I have a generic class that represents a piece of text The text fragment can have any of a variety of different modes …… -
Java imitation Windows calculator example
The interface of this calculator imitates the simple calculator provided by windows, including interactive interface a…… -
Adjust JPEGs to lose color in Java (try to use multiple libraries)
I have tried several image adjustment libraries published on so and raw Java using getscaleinstance Although everythin…… -
Use stringescapeutils. In commons lang3 Alternative to escape javascript()
My task is to convert our code from using org apache. commons. Lang update to org apache. commons. Lang3, I found that…… -
Increase BigInteger performance of Java
How to improve the large integer performance of Java? For example, this factional program: import java.math.*; class F…… -
Example of converting Java integers (seconds) to minutes and seconds format
Integer (seconds) converted to minute second format (XX: XX: XX) -
Celery flower as a daemon
I run celery with redis backend I know that flowers are tornado applications, so I should use a process to run the tor…… -
Java – hotspot JIT inline strategy: top-down or bottom-up
Suppose we have 3 ways: Method 2 is invoked from method 1, and method 3 is called by method 2. If method 2 is inlined …… -
The state of the derived class object is called when the Base class constructor calls the covering method in Java.
Please refer to the following java code: class Base{ Base(){ System.out.println("Base Constructor"); …… -
Java – protected / public internal class
Can someone explain to me the difference between protected / public inner classes? I know that public internal courses…… -
Java – best practices for GWT service exception logging
I decided to add the logging system to my GWT service layer First, I want to record all exceptions thrown from this la…… -
Determines the exit status in the Java close hook thread
I want to determine the exit status of the process when shutdown is pending I want a logic based on status codes (0 or…… -
Java – no idea why: the resourceconfig instance does not contain any root resource classes
I'm new clothes and web services, and I'm trying to run a simple restful web service I follow…… -
@Managed beans in escbed @ EJB cause Java io. NotSerializableException
I've been banging my head with the @ viewscoped managed bean I am using the "schedule" component of the form to displa…… -
Java – how to call restful services through Apache camel?
I am currently using the HTTP method to call some URLs that will create JIRA problems Now I want to use Apache camel. …… -
Java – no idea why: the resourceconfig instance does not contain any root resource classes
I'm new clothes and web services, and I'm trying to run a simple restful web service I follow…… -
How to redraw the window (stage) in Java FX 2.2
I need to redraw a window when selecting combo box elements Here is my code functionCombo@R_683_2419@.valueproperty().…… -
Java – use annotations in hibernate to define default column values
I know there are many questions about so and network, but all the answers suggest using column definition, which is da…… -
Java – what is the purpose of partitioning
For example, if I want to split some elements, I can do something like: Stream.of("I","Love","Stack Overflow") .…… -
Java – transaction log Library
I need a transaction log library with the following functions: @ h_ 404_ 2 @ > maximum performance No flush, let th…… -
Using java to consume restful APIs
How would you use Java or just standard packages to use restful APIs? For example: Twitter API I know there are good j…… -
JPA – how to add a criteriabuilder with a custom “on” condition?
I want to use criteriabuilder to query and add 2 tables In mysql, the query I want is as follows: SELECT * FROM order …… -
Java – why should the value of an annotation attribute be a constant expression?
I have the following code @UIUnitTimeout(8*60*1000) // works @UIUnitTimeout(TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(8)) // does not…… -
Type javax servlet. ServletContext and javax servlet. ServletException cannot be resolved
I'm trying to include spring security in my web project, and I'm following this tutorial…… -
Java streams: get value groups through internal map keys
I have map < A, map < B, C > > and I want to get map < B, list < C > > from it using java stre…… -
Java – query returns multiple result sets
I have an MSSQL database and am running the following query: select * from projects; select * from user The above quer…… -
Java – add token to Lucene tokenstream
I wrote a tokenfilter, which adds tokens to the stream Tests show that it works, but I don't fully understand why I wo……