Generics of Java generics
I have a generic class that represents a piece of text The text fragment can have any of a variety of different modes (different types of highlighting) These patterns are represented by enumerations The enumeration of each item may be different, but it must implement an interface that provides a way to combine two of them (can be highlighted and bold) So I have an interface:
public interface TextFragmentMode<E extends Enum<E>> { /** * Will combine the supplied mode with the current mode and return the * result. * * @param mode The mode to combine with. * @return The combined mode. */ public E combine( E mode ); }
Then my textfragment is a container of a text string and a pattern But when I try to declare a class:
public class TextFragment<E extends TextFragmentMode<E extends Enum<E>>> { StringBuilder text; E mode; ...
I received the following error:
Where, according to eclipse syntax, highlight refers to
E extends Enum<E>
Partial code Who knows what I did wrong? I must have missed something about generics
——————- Edit --
I finally took the time to read Josh Bloch's "effective Java" in the second edition, and it turned out that he took this use case as item 34: using interfaces to simulate extensible enumerations Just like what I want to say, like great thoughts, it will make too much sense!
Textfragment & lt e – substitute; Two things need to be said about E
>"Extended" textfragmentmode < E & gt;. > To do this, you must also constrain it to extend enum < E >
Because of the courage of Java inheritance, you need to write in the opposite way:
public class TextFragment<E extends Enum<E> & TextFragmentMode<E>> {