Java – how to encrypt the password of jconsole password file
I am using jconsole to access my application MBean and use password Properties file However, according to sun's specif…… -
Can I create a Java UDP socket to listen for all addresses?
I want to have a datagram socket to listen to unicast and broadcast messages Is that possible? Solution By definition,…… -
Java – vaadin flow: the difference between components and elements
In vaadin flow, there are elements besides components In the Javadoc of the element, say: What does this actually mean…… -
Java – why is string:: isempty valid when a static context cannot reference a non static method?
I understand the error message I know I cannot access non - static methods in a static context But why can I do the fo…… -
Java – is there any way to set timeout in Tomcat?
Can I set timeouts for JSP pages in Tomcat per page or server level? Solution For the server level, you can try this j…… -
Java – when using Proxool, do you need to explicitly close each getconnection()?
I'm writing new database connection code and think I'll try Proxool as the connection pool implementer Usually, progra…… -
Java – pass reference type variables as method parameters
After running the following code, I get this output: Who can explain why the value of a variable of type person is cha…… -
Java-8 – stick with Java 8 streams
I'm trying to learn how to use streams in Java 8, but I don't know how to operate here I have a list of courses I need…… -
Java – parameterized query: check whether the field is in the value array in the select statement
I'm trying to configure a parameterized query to have the following effects: SELECT field1 FROM myTable WHERE field2 I…… -
Java – calendar #getfirstdayofweek() returns an incorrect value
I may ignore some incredibly obvious things, but why final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(Locale.GERMAN); Sy…… -
Java – object reference types in Ruby
I am a novice in ruby and am currently trying to use some examples in the ruby book as a guide: class Account attr_acc…… -
java-ee – ColdFusion web. xml?
For deployment descriptors in J2EE Web containers / Web XML file, does ColdFusion simulation exist? I know that CF run…… -
Java transient key word method sugar?
Why not resolve transients by using annotations instead of introducing keywords? It seems that the transient keyword d…… -
Java – map filter lambda expression using two fields from different class hierarchy routes
We have a method that receives class objects at the top of the class hierarchy It uses a condition based on a field de…… -
Java – how to determine the controller (spring) for a given URL
How to use spring defaultannotationhandlermapping to find the controller that will eventually process the given URL I …… -
Java; Runtime interpretation; Policies for adding plug-ins
I started my first big project It will be a program very similar to Rosetta stone It will be a program for learning a …… -
Java – returns a non hidden file
See English answers > how to negate a method reference predict 12 In Java 8, this can be shortened to: Returning a …… -
Java – slim application server for demonstrating web applications?
I have a small pet web application project. I want to talk to those who don't have an application server (and who don'…… -
How to read XLS charts in Java?
I am using the POI API to read templates n to create XLS files in Java I want to get the chart from the template Is th…… -
Create a tool for dynamically generating code in Java (in eclipse)
In visual studio, I was able to define a structure in the XSD file and add a special attribute to it, which will cause…… -
Java – regular expressions that match strings from partial or hump cases?
Given a partial or humped string, I want a regular expression match For example, if the search set contains the string…… -
. net – LinkedList. Contains. What is the method used to compare objects?
LinkedList. Contains method (.NET 2) How to compare objects in it? (equal to "CompareTo") MSDN knows nothing about it …… -
Multithreading – pthreads – how to parallelize jobs
I need to parallelize a simple password cracking program to use it on N processor systems My idea is to create n threa…… -
. Net – ORM example using a single table instead of a single table for the entire hierarchy?
From +Vietnam+Of+Computer+Science. Aspx start "Developers usually take one o…… -
Java – unit test edge cases using JUnit
I have a utility class called stringprocessor In the breaklongwords () method, zero width spaces will be added to the …… -
Java – decimalformat() and problems with Russian computers
I have a BigDecimal, and I convert it to string to make some modifications DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFo…… -
Java – kotlin stream Peek (…) method
Java. In kotlin util. stream. Stream<> . What is the best choice for Peek (...)?…… -
Java – convert 2 decimal to integer
I want to convert the number 2.55 to 255.55 in Java I tried the following code, but I got 254 instead of 255: final Do…… -
Java – simulate / test core objects in my system
I was asked to change some classes that are core to the system we work on Each problematic class needs 5-10 different …… -
Java – Android: firebase search query does not work properly
I'm new to Android application development I created a simple search query to search my firebase database by name (see…… -
Java enum valueof has two parameters?
Why does valueof have two parameters? In Java documentation for valueof But most of the examples I see online say: enu…… -
Java – how to use the two objects of the most special type as the return type?
What I basically want is to infer a more professional type, as shown in the following example: Predicate<Object>……