Java – create JSON strings using gson
I'm finishing class, public class Student { public int id; public String name; public int age; } Now I…… -
java – NoClassDefFoundError:org / aopalliance / intercept / MethodInterceptor
My new spring and hibernate I don't know what I'm doing wrong Project structure: – library On the web xml <?xml ver…… -
Java – Tomcat 7 suspends initialization of spring root webapplicationcontext
I tried to deploy a spring web application to Tomcat 7.0 24, but it hangs at startup, and the last line is displayed a…… -
Java – memory efficient multivalued mapping
Hi, I have the following questions: The most efficient memory is to store string in sorted string array and provide co…… -
Java – how to delete system. Java from the code base out. println
We have a huge (old Java) code base in which many files (about 5K) have system out. println. We plan to delete it for …… -
Java – what is the best way to modify “write static fields” from the instance method “findbugs” warning?
I have a similar class, findbugz complains about "writing static fields from instance methods (initialize () and kills…… -
Java – unresponsive threads involving swing and AWT eventqueue
I have an unresponsive application that seems to be in an impasse or stalemate Look at the following two threads Note …… -
Java – how to parameterize the Maven surefire plug-in so that I can choose which TestNG suite to run
I have many test suites in TestNG These are XML files When running integration tests from maven, I want to be able to …… -
Cheat single inheritance in Java?
I heard that there is a way to cheat single inheritance and implement multiple inheritance in Java Does anyone know ho…… -
Optional parameterization using generics in Java
Can I specify a default type when parameterizing a class? // abstract class public abstract class AbsClass<T1 e…… -
jsf – java. Lang.illegalstateexception: cannot find factory javax faces. context. Backup of facescontextfactory
I created my Hello World JSF project, but when I deployed to Tomcat 7, I got this exception: java.lang.IllegalStateExc…… -
Java – how to prevent borderlayout east from embracing one side of the screen?
If I add a component like jbuttons in the east or west, how can I prevent it from being on one side of the screen? I w…… -
Create a hard link in Java
At present, I pass the runtime Exec() uses the 'ln' command The only problem is that in order to do this fork, we need…… -
Java – how to add Web Tools Platform (WTP) in eclipse Kepler
I installed eclipse Kepler. Com on my system So far, I have developed J2SE application Now I want to develop J2EE appl…… -
Java – the difference between salt and key encryption
OK, so I'm trying to learn a little about encrypting messages in my java application I just found that salt is differe…… -
Using type hints to return values in clojure
I'm developing some Java / clojure interoperability and found reflection warnings for the following code: (defn load-i…… -
Java – unexpected results of implementing simple motion blur in libgdx
In the attached two photos, the desktop screenshot function of libgdx is as expected Unfortunately, my Galaxy nexus sc…… -
Can the list passed to the function be modified by another thread in Java?
Integer getElement( List<Integer> list ) { Integer getElement( List<Integer> list ) { int i = Random.g…… -
Java – what settings do you need to make to use jsr-303 annotations in spring?
I downloaded spring 3 and put it on my classpath, but I couldn't import the @ valid annotation However, I can import o…… -
Java Web application initialization and shutdown
I try to initialize and close a webapp Including initialization and shutdown: > Hibernate(v3.6); > C3P0(v0.9.1.2…… -
Java – date that can be empty in FreeMarker
This is part of my freemaker template: ${order.needByDate?if_exists?date} I hope it works as follows: >If needbyda…… -
Java XPath: get all elements that match the query
I want to make an XPath query on this XML file (as shown below): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- …… -
How to start “main” in a new Java process?
The question is simple How do I start a main method in another java process? Now I do this: startOptions = new String[…… -
Java – create a custom 404 / 500 error page in the play framework
How to create a global custom to use play to view their 404 / 505 error page? Solution In play framework 1, you only n…… -
Java – no virtualmachineerror guarantee
I come from C In the C world, we pay attention to exception security and note that mutator can provide different guara…… -
Java – how to solve the problem that the current thread cannot find a session
I try to do the implementation of general Dao according to article Here is my genericdaoimpl class @SuppressWarnings("…… -
Writing a Russian PDF using the Java pdfbox Library
I'm using a named PDF@R_694_2419 @Java library, trying to write text to PDF It works for English text, but when I try …… -
Java: convert string date to month name year (MMM yyyy)
I'm new to Java I am trying to convert the date from string to MMM yyyy format (March 2016) I tried this Calendar cal=…… -
Hindley Milner algorithm in Java
I'm writing a system based on simple data flow (imagine it like a LabVIEW editor / runtime written in Java) Users can …… -
Is it acceptable in Java to use thread #stop() to kill a running thread?
Unfortunately, you cannot specify a timeout when using regular expressions for strings in Java Therefore, if you don't…… -
Java: write large files?
to greet, I am currently using bufferedwriter BufferedWriter mbrWriter=new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(memberCSV)); …… -
Java – Subversion: errors in previous versions
I like subversion's blame action (it shows the submission of the last change to each line in the source file) Alas, we……