Java – programmatically check whether there is enough memory on the SD card
My application is saving the file on the SD card, but before saving the file, I need to check whether there is free me…… -
Java – how to determine whether a string is an English sentence or code?
Consider the following two strings. The first is the code and the second is the English sentence (the phrase is accura…… -
Validate certificates for Java certificate store via cli
How do I validate x509 (or der format) certificates on the Java certificate store from the command line? I've studied …… -
Java – JSTL: check whether the string is empty
See the English answer > evaluate empty or null JSTL C tags8 This is hard coding I'm trying to replace with JSTL Th…… -
Java – the response of a web service using Apache CXF displays “unbound operation information..”
The problem description may be long Please be patient and provide any help, because I am a new network service What I …… -
Java – how to find UTC offset using joda?
I want to end with a string in the form of - 5:00 (if we're in New York State) What is the best way to use joda? Solut…… -
Java – querydsl – subquery in set expression
I use spring data JPA and querydsl (3.2.3) My simplified model is as follows: @Entity public class Invoice { @Many…… -
Java – scroll to specific text within the jtextarea
I'm trying to implement a function in the current program I'm writing. I want to learn how to scroll down to specific …… -
Java – git process: how to configure the one click release process in Jenkins?
We use the standard git stream branching model (development, master, release, patch, etc.) As part of our workflow, we…… -
Exception in thread “main” Java util. Missingformatargumentexception: format specifier ’10s’
There is no doubt that I will miss something very obvious here, but I can't understand it Any help would be appreciate…… -
Java – how do I use enumerations in getters and setters?
So what I want to do is this: Write a user class A user: >There is a user name, such as' fj3 '> there is a UserT…… -
How to prevent method overload in Java?
You can prevent overriding methods by using the keyword final. Similarly, how to prevent overloading? Solution You can…… -
Java – eclipse can have multiple output folders like multiple source folders
I have an eclipse project that has two source folders – 'SRC' and 'test' I want to build from these two folders into a…… -
Design – what makes Erlang suitable for soft real-time applications?
Some background I am working on building a programming language for digital media programming. It should support non s…… -
Java – mockito – “wanted but not called; but there are other interaction errors with this simulation”
I verified that a function was called using mockito, but mockito told me that the function I was verifying had never b…… -
Java – libgdx and scrollpane with multiple widgets
Trying to add multiple items to the scroll bar, I soon found that all "addactor" functions were not supported So, I ad…… -
Does the Javadoc tool recognize comments in methods?
I wrote a lot of comments in my business logic: /** * Do some important stuff. * @param pDog * @param pAllDogTraini…… -
Java – why should the resttemplate get response be XML in JSON?
I used resttemplate (org. Springframework. Web. Client. Resttemplate) to struggle with an additional spring behavior w…… -
Java – divides integers into sums and products
This is what I need to do: write an algorithm to decompose a given integer into sum products, but each subsequent numb…… -
Handling large datasets in Java / clojure: Littlebig data
I've been using clojure for graphics / data processing applications (you can see a screenshot here) (although usually,…… -
Java – invalid spring 3 validation
There is a user entity in my application that needs to be verified public class User { private String userName; priva…… -
Java – build custom connection logic in cascade to ensure only map_ SIDE
I have three cascaded pipes (one connected to the other two), as described below, >Lhspipe – (larger size) >Rhsp…… -
Haskell – specify the GHC option on the command line through cabal (cabal install) without editing the package Cabal file
When I install vectors with: cabal install vector I got a lot of specconstr restriction warnings. If I can specify - f…… -
Can “void” be considered a primitive type in Java?
I noticed the solar eclipse JDT uses void as a primitive type Can this be considered correct? Solution I found that in…… -
The Java – JDK API documentation is incorrect for the ArrayList constructor Is this a bug?
The JDK DOC of ArrayList constructor indicates that the initial capacity is 10 This is actually wrong because the init…… -
Use sun misc. Unsafe get the address of the Java array item?
I'm trying to understand Sun misc. Unsafe's document - I think no one really bothers to make it readable because it's …… -
Java – how do I load the camel attribute into a bean?
I've been reading the following pages about camel properties: I…… -
Java – eclipse can have multiple output folders like multiple source folders
I have an eclipse project that has two source folders – 'SRC' and 'test' I want to build from these two folders into a…… -
How do I use regular expressions to get a second matcher in Java?
See English answers > match at every second occurrence VA-123456-124_VRG.tif I tried this: Pattern mpattern = Patte…… -
Java – how to get publickey object from EC public key byte?
I am developing an application. I need to verify sha256withecdsasignatures with the help of secp256r1 (NIST p-256, p-2…… -
Java – how to use spark to process a series of HBase rows?
I tried to use HBase as the spark data source So the first step is to create an RDD from the HBase table Because spark…… -
Java – why is HashMap faster than HashSet?
I've been reading / searching why HashMap is faster than HashSet I am not familiar with the following statement >Ha……