Java – why return null (Boolean value required) as the result of ternary operator compilation?
See English answers > Booleans, conditional operators and autoboxing I'm not allowed to write public boolean x() { …… -
Java – volatile semantics relative to other fields
Suppose I have the following code private volatile Service service; public void setService(Service service) { this.…… -
Java – a collection behaves like a queue, but allows me to get multiple elements at once?
I'm looking for a data structure that behaves like a queue (it may be a queue implementation), but allows me to get mu…… -
Java – what is the Maven coordinate of the Tomcat JDBC connection pool?
What is the Maven coordinate of Tomcat JDBC connection pool? Solution Through the improved search function on the Mave…… -
Java – where to use callable and runnable interfaces?
I am a novice in Java. I am reading the concept of multithreading. I have experienced these two concepts in various im…… -
Java – how to set the distance between vertically sorted elements?
I have this Code: JPanel myPanel = new JPanel(); myPanel.setLayout(new @R_778_2419@Layout(myPanel,@R_778_2419@Layo…… -
Java – @ cacheable breaks dependency injection
I stumbled upon a case in which the AOP proxy created with @ cacheable was created in spring 3.1 Dependency injection …… -
Java – why must an abstract method be implemented by the first concrete class rather than a further chain?
I'm curious why abstract methods must be overridden by the first concrete implementation class rather than hierarchy c…… -
Return ArrayList from WebService in Java
I have a problem returning ArrayList from Web Service (Java) I have written a test web service and client that consume…… -
Is there an alternative HTTP tunnel using RMI in Java 9?
So I see that the HTTP tunnel through RMI has been deleted in Java 9 We sell commercial Java software running in Tomca…… -
Document – get the global coordinates of the node in JavaFX
How to get the actual location of nodes in the scene Absolute position, regardless of any container / conversion For e…… -
Java – run each JUnit test using a separate classloader (no, really)
How can I have JUnit use a separate classloader for each test class it executes? I'm writing a JUnit testrunner for a …… -
java – ResultSet. getTimestamp(“date”)vs ResultSet. getTimestamp(“date”,Calendar.getInstance(tz))
java. util. Date,java. util. Timetamp seems to have caused great confusion to many people There are so many problems i…… -
Java – empty array is an empty list
Arrays. Aslist (E [] e) returns the view of the array as a list, but it throws a NullPointerException when the array i…… -
Java – templates in spring MVC web applications
I have many common areas in my web application design, such as footnote, title, sidebar, block... And change some thin…… -
Java – example implementation of httpservletrequestwrapper, setreadlistener / isfinished / isready?
I try to adjust an httpservletrequestwrapper (see how to read InputStream multiple times) so that the HTTP post body c…… -
Java – what is digital promotion?
Can anyone tell me what digital promotion is? Solution Number promotion is to convert a smaller number type to a large…… -
Java – how do I retrieve the size of a file from a URL download (using an HTTP connection)?
I am using a project to download files using an HTTP connection I display a horizontal progress bar with progress bar …… -
Java – soap WS – make @ webparam optional
I have a very simple method. I use jax-ws annotation in WS API: @WebMethod public MyResponse sendSingle2( @WebPara…… -
Java – @ AspectJ cuts into all methods in the package
I have this working code for a specific package, but I want to configure it for all controllers, services and Dao pack…… -
Java – spring boot: persistence cannot be used
I've entered this stage, and - although I'm learning a lot - I'm starting to despair I've tried all the suggestions on…… -
Prepared declarations collected in the in clause of the datastex Cassandra CQL driver
I am trying to run the following query SELECT edge_id,b_id FROM booking_by_edge WHERE edge_id IN ? I bind Long's Java …… -
Why does the same code work differently in Java?
I wrote the following code in Java and C, but the output of these programs is different Can you describe it This is ja…… -
Libgdx collision detection with tiledmap
I'm trying to implement a collision detection system by tiling maps I have a 2D Pokemon style game with a tiled map Sp…… -
Java – custom string class creation
I tried to use Java. Net in my eclipse workspace Lang package to create a custom class string Now I'm confused 1) why …… -
Java – dagger 2
Using dagger 2, I tried to inject singleton objects at multiple locations within a single range However, it seems that…… -
Java – how to deal with underflow in scientific computing?
I'm studying probabilistic models. When reasoning about these models, the estimated probability may become very small …… -
Java – after reasoning, l must be specified as long, F and D as float and double
Here are a few related questions According to the title, why should you specify the variable type as long or float, do…… -
Java – how do I call a parent private method from child?
See English answers > How can a derived class invoke private method of base class? 7 public class A{ private in…… -
java – Mockito ClassCastException
The method I want to test has a for loop and the logic of each element in blist: class A { void someMethod(){ …… -
Java – timer – how to calculate the difference between two dates using joda time?
I want to use joda time to get the difference between P (start time) and Q (end time) twice P and Q may be different d…… -
How to use byte array as a short article in Java
I have a byte array with size n. this array really represents n / 2 with different sizes Before writing an array to a ……