FileNotFoundException when using java properties file
I asked this question after doing a lot of research, and implemented it in my code after research, but I finally got F…… -
Java – how do I add a scrolling view to the entire activity?
I tried to add a scrolling view around everything on the active layout, but it gave me an error that it can only be pl…… -
Java – hashtable: why do get methods synchronize?
I know that hashtable is synchronous, but why is its get () method synchronous? Is it just a reading method? Solution …… -
Java – JSP – date format and Google cache
I want to display the formatted date on the JSP page, so I use: <fmt:formatDate pattern="MMM d" value="${myEvent.da…… -
Java – print and access lists
I am reading the file and storing it in T1 How do I access elements in T1? When I try to print it, I get an address in…… -
Java – numberformatexception when converting from string to byte
Something strange happened to me I have a binary number in string form, especially "01001100" But I get the above exce…… -
Bitwise XOR Java length
I use Oracle Java 7.51 on Ubuntu 12.04 and try to do so long a = 0x0000000080000001 ^ 0x4065DE839A6F89EEL; System.out.…… -
Java – in clojure, is (=’a’a) refers to ‘the same atom’?
In some implementations of Common Lisp, we can say that for the following expressions (eq 'a 'a) It's true, because 'A…… -
Java – when I say red, bufferedimage draws white
It must be a very stupid solution, but I'm blind I have this Code: BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(800,600,Buffer…… -
How can I pixelate JPG with Java?
I'm trying to pixelate JPEG using java 6 and I don't have much luck It needs to work with Java - not an image processo…… -
Java – why use constants instead of enumerations?
I have seen the use of many constants in many Java libraries, in which enumerations can be easily used Even in swing, …… -
Java – always return to the login screen
I have an application that starts the splash activity screen for 5 seconds, then opens the login activity screen, then…… -
Java – spring boot security will not throw 401 unauthorized exception, but 404 not found
My authentication is based on spring boot security example What do I need to change to throw 401 exceptions? I have an…… -
Java – convert images to black-and-white images
I use the following command in ImageMagick to convert the image to black and white: convert myimg.png -monochrome out…… -
Java – how to make a method take any type of array as a parameter?
I want to be able to take any array type as an argument in the method: public void foo(Array[] array) { System.out…… -
Java close PDF error
I have this java code: try { PDFTextStripper pdfs = new PDFTextStripper(); String textOfPDF = pdfs.getText(PD…… -
Java – prevents ehcache from attempting to access the Internet at startup
I have a fairly simple non clustered application running ehcache with spring and hibernate I received this error at st…… -
Increase hexadecimal value (Java)
Can you add hexadecimal values to Java? Hexadecimal value = hexadecimal value Solution This depends on how hexadecimal…… -
Java – refactoring foreach to for loop
I have a Java foreach loop (here is a simplified version) List<String> names = getNames(); for(String name:names…… -
Super cannot be the first line constructor in Java when solving the problem
I'm using the csvreader class, which takes local files as input But now, I need to be able to read local files and fil…… -
Java – I can have different copies of static variables for each different type of inheritance class
I want the same static variable with different values, depending on the type of class So I will public class Entity { …… -
What is an effective way to parse strings in Java?
How should I use java to parse the following string to extract the file path? ? Represents any number of random chara…… -
We need advice on server software implementation using java NiO
I'm trying to calculate the load on the server I have to build I need to create a server and register one million user…… -
Java – how to make a variable of type float null
If my float variable is set to 0, my code works, but if my variable is null, I want my code to work How can I do that?…… -
Java – syntax errors on tokens. Delete these tokens
This is the code I provided for the problem package; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Ca…… -
Java – how to find the length of a group?
I tried to find a set of lentgh from my preferences set = prefs.getStringSet("key",null); int X = set.leng…… -
Java – Egyptian scores in C
The ancient Egyptians only used fractions in the form of 1 / N, so any other fractions must be expressed as the sum of…… -
How to combine two resultsets in Java?
I have two result sets (RS1 and RS2) with the same fields Now, how to merge the two result sets into one so that dupli…… -
Why is lockless concurrency so large (in clojure)?
I was told that clojure has lock - free concurrency, which is important I use a lot of languages, but I don't realize …… -
Java – add values to terms in the map
I'm trying at @ L_ 403_ 0 @ to add a specific value to the map, where the key is very complex, but the value is a simp…… -
Java’s RAM usage does not correspond to what the task manager says
I play the Java JVM by making 1024 ^ 3 (basically 1GB) byte arrays Before using the task manager (viewing the process)…… -
Java – how do I add a scrolling view to the entire activity?
I tried to add a scrolling view around everything on the active layout, but it gave me an error that it can only be pl……