JPA hibernate leaves the connection to obtain multiple queries
I have a jpql query that eagerly obtains multi-level associations, as shown below select distinct s from Singer s le…… -
Compressing binary data in Java
I tried to compress a set of binary data (the result set returned from the database) into a file It can be downloaded …… -
java – KeyEvent. Getkeytext() returns special characters (such as’ vk_enter ‘) in OSX, but there is no solution on Windows XP?
I'm using keyevents and KeyEvent.getKeyText(KeyEvent.VK_...) To get the text corresponding to keyevent In OSX (lion), …… -
Security – overrides the US of the application_ export_ Policy and local_ policy jar
Can we override us through JVM or application parameters_ export_ Policy and local_ policy jar? Solution There is no …… -
Java – Custom log4j scrolling appender
My class code is as follows public class LogLevelFilterFileAppender extends FileAppender implements Cloneable{ pr…… -
Frequency control in Java
Is there any class in Java that can control audio I have found the class composundcontrol through Javadoc, but it is a…… -
How do I perform “less” paging from a Java console application?
I need to execute the less command from my java console application, using paging However, I found that the only way t…… -
How to create in Java MPP file?
I can use the mpxj library to create in Java MPX file Solution I maintain mpxj. The short answer to your query is that…… -
Java – configure handlerinterceptors in the @ configuration context
I'm in spring 3.0 In 6, @ configuration is used to use dependency injection instead of XML definition file I use mixed…… -
How do I place the cursor in the NetBeans java file template?
I want to place the cursor in the Javadoc area when creating interfaces, classes, etc. in NetBeans You can use ${curso…… -
Streaming the contents of scanned images to files in Java
I'm trying to scan images using Morena and sane and save them to a file in a given format (TIFF or JPEG) using the swi…… -
Java – CDI constructor injection is not applicable to transient non serializable dependencies
I like CDI's constructor injection, but now I've found a use case where constructor injection obviously doesn't work a…… -
Java – embedded jetty 8 x / Spring MVC / WebApplicationInitializer
Does anyone have the following work samples: >Embedded jetty 8 X Application > use spring MVC > zero XML conf…… -
Java – invalid Jersey expires header
I am using Jersey bundle 1.11 to provide some restful web services Every time I use chrome to browse rest resources, I…… -
ORM relationship, PHP and SQL join
I'm developing a small PHP framework for a school project. I'm learning how to build the ORM part However, I can't fig…… -
Struts 2 merge tag: merge collection tag
< s: merge id = "mm" > < s: param value = "{'Java Web development practice classic', 'JavaWeb example classic…… -
Struts 2 “#” symbol: get the data in the collection and select it
Syntax: list. {?#conditional expression>value} For example, if a collection contains multiple student objects, obta…… -
Setstring method of Hibernate query interface: bind parameters with mapping type of string
Grammar 1 setString(int position,String val) Example String hql = "from UserForm where sex=?"; //定义查询HQL语句 Q…… -
Java judges leap year and average year and outputs the number of days of a month
import java.util.Scanner; public class Test27 { public static void main(String[] args) { // 在这里编…… -
JSP JSTL < SQL: query > tag: query through SQL statement
Syntax: The syntax format without query conditions is as follows: actions The syntax format of query cri…… -
What are the mainstream java web development frameworks?
Mainstream Java Web Development Framework 1) Spring framework 2) Spring MVC framework 3) Mybatis framework The word "i…… -
Hibernate EQ method: set equal condition
eq(String propertyName,Object value) Example Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(UserForm.class); //定义Crit…… -
Detailed explanation of java file class (file operation class)
Get file properties Example 1 public class Test02 { public static void main(String[] args) { String pa…… -
JSP JSTL < C: otherwise > tag: Specifies the default processing logic tag
< C: otherwise > label body < / C: otherwise > Example <%@page import="java.util.*"%> <%@tag…… -
Createcriteria method of Hibernate criteria interface: create a new criteria object
createCriteria(String associationPath) Example Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); //获取session对象 C…… -
Hibernate query interface setboolean method: bind parameters with mapping type of Boolean
Grammar 1 setBoolean(int position,boolean val) Example String hql = "from UserForm where isDel=?"; //定义HQL语句 Q…… -
Hibernate show_ SQL attribute: Specifies whether to output SQL statements
hibernate. show_ SQL = attribute value Example <property name="hibernate.show_sql"> true </property>…… -
Spring delete method: deletes the specified entity data
delete(Object entity) Example public void delBoyUser(TbUser user){ HibernateTemplate htm = getHibernateTemplate()…… -
Struts 2 checkboxlist tag: create multiple checkboxes at a time
< / s: check@R_947_2419 @List > / / display of multiple selection boxes < / s: Form > Examp…… -
Servlet life cycle (illustration)
Methods related to servlet life cycle 1) Init() method 2) Service() method 3) Destroy() method Servlet lifecycle (thre……