Java – how to add a filter before another filter in spring security?
My application has two different security configurations One is oauth2securityconfiguration and the other is ldapsecur…… -
Java – caliper: how to run multiple benchmarks?
I wrote some benchmarks using caliper How do I run multiple benchmarks at once? I currently have many classes that ext…… -
Java – hibernate – native SQL unmanaged entity collection
This documentation chapter explains how to return unmanaged entities for native queries Is it possible for these entit…… -
Java – search the code base for large methods
By default, hotspot JIT refuses to compile methods larger than 8K bytecode (1) Is there any way to scan cans (2)? >…… -
How to parse a documentfragment using the Java standard DOM API
This is how I parse well formed XML documents in Java: DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInst…… -
Java – primefaces 3.0 – exceptions in node selection when the tree is in a
This problem is mainly aimed at the primefaces development team, but maybe others know the solution I can't upload scr…… -
Java – invalid character found in method name The HTTP method must be a token
This is not a repetition of other problems (or at least problems I have encountered), because I don't use SSL / HTTPS …… -
Java program for code formatting
Is there a program (Java program) that formats code according to Java code format conventions? Is there an ant task? S…… -
Java – use hamcrest to compare each item in two separate lists with its own matcher
I try to compare the two lists: ListA (a1,a2,a3,...) ListB (b1,b2,b3,...) I hope A1 and B1, A2 to B2, A3 to B3 But I h…… -
Java – automatically configure the eclipse workspace
I have an eclipse workspace that consists of 15 different Java projects To configure the eclipse workspace, each time …… -
Problems with deploying Java applications
I have just completed a Java application linked to sicstus Prolog Now I need to deploy it, but I have encountered the …… -
Java – hibernate cascades many relationships
Dormant novice I have two tables a and B, which have a many to many relationship defined by table AB (a_id and b_id), …… -
Java – @ requestparam validation
Is there a way to validate a request parameter with spring without checking it in every function? Solution If you use …… -
Java – cannot convert to non-specific nested types using generics
I have two nested generic classes Is there any way to get rid of it Type mismatch: cannot convert from MSG < value …… -
Java – Federation – openid logout
Try Federation with appengine I have implemented the authentication part, but logout caused some problems When users c…… -
Java – what API is used to make game applications in J2ME
How to start a game application in J2ME? API is mainly used to develop game applications in J2ME Solution 1 Getting St…… -
Java – how do I get the current script name and line number in rhino?
I am using Java and Mozilla rhino to create a game engine. I want all errors to call a function and provide it with er…… -
How to record exceptions masked by finally block exceptions in Java?
Please note that: Problem: in Java, in try finally, if the try block throws an exception (named a), the control will r…… -
Communication between Java server and Android client
I've built a java server application and tried to get my Android application to communicate with it After reading Andr…… -
Java – how to filter chat messages by normalizing alphabetic forms?
I filter chat messages on the chat system, where I need to limit the string to Latin-1 English Users tend to use creat…… -
Java – wicket is changing the requesturl
I have a wicket application that can be deployed in different environments One environment is the server behind the HT…… -
Java – JRE in docker is out of memory
I'm trying to build and SBT 0.13 13 dock image similar to @ L_ 403_ 0 @ one Run Java $Java_ OPTS -jar sbt-launch. Jar …… -
Java – you cannot successfully create a project using GWT Maven plugin with GWT 2.2
I am completing a GWT project according to the documents of GWT Maven plugin and Google Web toolkit blog, but it is no…… -
Java – @ manytoone mapping is not applicable to connection inheritance
I have the following database structure: CREATE TABLE `author` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`name` …… -
Java – Custom cancellation of futuretask
I have implemented custom cancellation logic, as described in concurrency in practice Encapsulating nonstandard cancel…… -
Java – share multiple messages using the same intent selector in my application
I have this code Intent sharingIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_C…… -
Java – JAXB empty node in binding
JAXB cannot resolve the binding for this example: <xs:element name="classA" type="classA" substitutionGroup="classS…… -
Parse the XML file using java to get a list of names
I am currently developing Android applications, which means learning Java I've been playing Python for years, but now …… -
Java – the world readable preference in honeycomb cannot be accessed
I have a free game and I'm making a paid version Free game in my mode_ WORLD_ Integer values are stored in the shared …… -
Java – factory setting jodatime – where can I find the specific historical conversion date / time?
I use the joda time package to calculate the duration between two historical instances in Android applications / activ…… -
How to play different sounds in Java?
I want to play sound in Java private Clip clip; public Sound(String filename) { try{ AudioInputStream ais…… -
How to use requestfactory: With (propertyrefs) to combine objects
I'm new to GWT. I need your professional advice My question is how to use requestfactory: With (propertyrefs) to imple……