Java: design idea of stopping callable threads
I'm writing a program to do some batch processing Batch elements can be processed independently of each other, and we …… -
Java – dynamically change the class attribute of Jasper’s textfieldexpression
I have to display a jasper report in textfield The report is generated as an excel file The problem is in a particular…… -
Java: capturing sound output
Is it possible to capture the computer's sound output with Java? I can capture the microphone, but this is not what I …… -
java. Lang. assertionerror: expected status: 200 actual: 404
I received this error message: java.lang.AssertionError: Status Expected :200 Actual :404 My controller is …… -
Java – dynamic layout with extensible cells
I'm really stuck in a layout I have to make with Java swing I have to build a dynamic form that iterates over both the…… -
Java – how to rotate an image based on two points
I have some images I manipulate. In these images, I always have two points (x1, Y1) and (X2, Y2) like this: |---------…… -
Java – VTD XML big data XPATHexpression does not use namespaces
When running the namespace, I have a small test file If I delete namespaces, do I do something wrong with huge code? C…… -
Rest – asynchronous and wait in vuejs
I can't use vuejs, Axios, async / await and promise (?) Retrieve data from the rest - API <template> <div&g…… -
Java – using LinkedHashMap’s multidimensional byte array… Is there a better way?
I'm new to Java programming, so please forgive me for my new question:) I'm using LinkedHashMap as a file cache for th…… -
Java – how to implement the equals / hashcode method for a class with two fields
I override equals and hashcode in a class that contains two fields My first method is to use epsilon test in equals me…… -
Java – regular expressions: using system. Java out. Println (m.matches()) will not print all matches;
I execute the following code: public static void test() { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("BIP[0-9]{4}E"); Matcher m = …… -
Run the Java screengrabber sample
I'm trying to test screen grabber sample from JMF Who can tell me how to write the main method to run this example? I …… -
Java – jar version control
I can generate jars from eclipse. What is the jar version number created for each jar export? to greet, magggi. Soluti…… -
Java – get mojoexecutor. Java after integrating Maven and eclipse Execute exception
When I execute Maven installation from eclipse, I receive the following error. When I execute it manually, I don't get…… -
Java – Google App Engine – configure default logger to send email
In my gae / J application, how do I configure the default logger to report errors via email? Solution Smtphandler alre…… -
Java – large event list in GWT eventbus
In the example provided by the Google Web toolkit, they add event handlers to only one class of the entire application…… -
Java – operation names must be unique in eclipse
I had a problem using the web service implementation during the solar eclipse (Mars, neon lights, oxygen...) It does n…… -
R: How to store vectors
I'm trying to write a function to determine the Euclidean distance between X (a point) and Y (a set of n points) [,1] …… -
Java string instantiation
Why does this code return "false" instead of "true": If I remember correctly: A string (string pool) pointing to an ex…… -
Java multithreaded cache using a single updater thread
I have a web service with an average of ~1k request threads running at the same time These threads access data from th…… -
RMI java reflection
I am using RMI to allow access to my java application through MATLAB, which runs in another JVM MATLAB has a good inte…… -
Java – unexpected login in spring boot application on orderedrequestcontextfilter
So I'm developing a non - Web server with spring It has grown a lot recently I'm a little worried about the following …… -
Java – twisted throughput limit reduced
I'm developing a program that allows you to simulate a network on a machine For this purpose, I use twisted for asynch…… -
What is the difference between Java certificate and VBA certificate?
I already have VeriSign's certificate to sign java code To support Java applications, I wrote an outlook macro and wan…… -
Java – feedback on different back ends of GWT
I have to redesign an existing application that uses pylons (Python) on the back end and GWT. Net on the front end Exi…… -
Java – how to do “large-scale” job scheduling (quartz?)
I have a general problem related to quartz scheduling framework: I need to execute the task after a fixed period of ti…… -
Java – generic Dao and service layer
I will design a Dao layer for my application My focus is that services only call Dao, which is independent of the unde…… -
Java – mybatis maps attributes to wrong enumerations
My domain class has properties that map to enumerations Strangely, mybatis 3.4 X (3.4.0 and 3.4.4. This applies to 3.3…… -
Java – use kotlin’s Hibernate: @ manytoone (fetch = fetchtype. Lazy)
I'm using hibernate and kotlin, and I met fetchtype on the @ manytoone relationship Lazy problem Consider the followin…… -
Java executes bash scripts that run daemon scripts
I'm processing a bash script that runs when my java server application requests a server restart The actions performed…… -
Java – Google Reader API authentication
I'm trying to use this snippet to authenticate on Google API services: RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();…… -
Database – development using virtual machines
I have recently been given the role of managing or developing the environment, including: >To manage the version co……