Java – OpenSSL decryption returns false
I try to encrypt the password in Java and decrypt it in PHP using opensll I got nothing but Boole This is my java code…… -
What language can replace Java?
I may release a premature question. Maybe I'm just scared for no reason, but the way Oracle handles Java is not very p…… -
Java – JPA inheritance is not dry
I have inherited the job, but it's not very dry I have to repeat the coding for each new bolt type It's best to show m…… -
Java – Android image view gradient background
Therefore, I don't want to update ImageView to change the gradient according to some events of mobile phone gyroscope …… -
Java – Base64 coding takes too long in Android
I capture images with my camera I save the file in the public photo directory and save URI to the file I want to save …… -
Java beginners about string [] args in the main method
So I'm just trying to exclude string [] args from the main method It's assembled! But the JVM is displaying an excepti…… -
Java – clarification of “int” numbers starting with 0
public class Test { public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { int i = 012; Sys…… -
Declare the initial value of BigDecimal array in Java
I want to declare a BigDecimal array with an initial value of 0, as follows: BigDecimal[] val = {0,0}; But it doesn't …… -
Java – matrices does not work in OpenGL
I am trying to create an orthogonal matrix and an appropriate model and view matrix to view a simple triangle just to …… -
Try to create a hash table in java with string as the key and double as the value
In the following procedure: import java.util.*; public class HashTableStringdouble { // private Hashtable<String,…… -
Java – Test thymeleaf custom dialect with mockito
I recently wrote a custom dialect and a custom processor for thymeleaf to handle some custom tags and replace them wit…… -
Java – how to establish websocket connection in Android service?
I've been trying to create an Android service that will allow me to maintain a websocket connection and send some data…… -
Unable to create service com parse. PushService:java. lang.NullPointerException
I'm using the service Push notification My code: ParseCrashReporting.enable(this); …… -
JBoss logging for Java unit testing?
I inherited some java code explicitly implemented using JBoss logging I know this is usually configured as JBoss subsy…… -
Java – tolower case (char) method?
Obviously, there is a method that accepts a char and returns a char:…… -
Java – Tomcat JDBC connection resource not published
I have a project using Tomcat JDBC connection pool According to JDK specification, connection The close () method shou…… -
How to convert XML to JSON in Java and avoid the parser trying to parse strings into numbers
I'm using org json. XML library to parse XML into JSON In my XML documen…… -
Java – cannot add to ArrayList “misplaced construct (s)”
I have a simple ArrayList setting, but I can't seem to add objects import java.util.ArrayList; public class Inventor…… -
Java – update database in JSP
I wrote this java code for my JSP page to update the user's current login details The code does not show any errors or…… -
Java – use the long string in JSON (> 1 show) of Jackson token stream
I'm trying to write some code to process JSON documents, which contain extremely long string values (more than 1 billi…… -
How about Printing Java maps?
See English answers > How do I effectively iterate over each entry in a Java map? 38 I created the following maps: …… -
Java – error trying to create hive table using custom serde
I have a file that contains the data that needs to be uploaded to the hive table I wrote a custom serde (which is basi…… -
Java – use hibernate 4 and Postgres’s “select for update of”
I'm using Postgres 9.3 5 and recently updated hibernate from 3.2 to 4.3 eleven As a result, I couldn't run the "select…… -
Java – set the orientdb of the shard
I'm trying to set up on 3 servers For example, I am >Node1 is a client_ 1 and has a client_ Copy of 2. > Node2 i…… -
Get the input and output quantity of MapReduce in Java
I want to get the number of inputs and outputs of the map phase and the reduce phase and time of completing the map / …… -
Using sockets in Java to communicate with multiple clients
Suppose I have 100 clients in my office I must create an application in which a running main thread is waiting for any…… -
Java – use the recycler view in Android to use two sets of multiple images for data binding at the same time
Our problem is to update multiple images in the recycler view by clicking any single item in the recycler view using d…… -
Java – Android ImageView not loaded
I'm using Android ImageView. I put the image in the drawable folder and change the ImageView source to this image But …… -
Java – include null check in mongorepository query by example
I tried to use mongorepository to find everything from a collection that meets specific search criteria using the foll…… -
Java – removes duplicate public output from both lists
I have two arrays I want the output to be a common number between two lists, but the following code will output duplic…… -
Java – jdbcbatchitemwriter – syntax error near keyword “on”
I am running the following query to insert records from my spring application into my SQL Server database using the jd…… -
Java – why does eclipse use older versions of code when exporting runnable jars?
I have a project that works perfectly when I run in eclipse However, when I exported it as a running jar, it gave me a……