Java settings have multiple equality criteria
I have a special request. I need to delete the object list repeatedly according to the combination of equal standards …… -
How to convert an existing Java Import class file into Android studio project
I need to know how to convert existing Java The class file is correctly added to the Android studio project My goal is…… -
Java singleton internal class error understanding
I have been programming java for the past two months, but I have experienced programmers in Python and C I know I made…… -
Need help to start converting original G3 fax files to TIFF format via Java
I have an original fax file (G3 / T.4 format), which needs to be programmatically converted into multi page TIFF throu…… -
Java – why does spring security use the default pre authentication check?
I recently implemented some security improvements in a spring based Java application of my employer, and I have covere…… -
Java – problem converting Base64 string to hexadecimal string
TLDR: I recently decided to try Matasano crypto challenges, but for whatever reason, I decided to try to write the fi…… -
Java – combines two strings into a single string representing a path
See English answers > how to combine paths in Java? 9 How can I do this? Solution Apache commons IO do what you wan…… -
The simple java implementation of the Floyd warhall algorithm doesn’t seem to work?
I have been trying to implement Floyd warhall algorithm in Java instead of "three loop nesting", but I can't seem to f…… -
Non public top-level classes in Java
What is the reason for creating non-public top-level classes in Java? Suppose we have foo Java, there may be class Foo…… -
Java – use log4j to customize the log file name in mule
I'm trying to modify log4j XML to use the appropriate appender to change the log file name generated by mule This is l…… -
Java – ora-01733 (virtual columns are not allowed here) after database update
One of our databases has been updated from Oracle 9i to 11g Since then, one of our programs has repeatedly encountered…… -
Disable the close button in the Java Jface dialog box?
How to disable the close button in the Java Jface dialog box (if possible, make it disappear completely)? Solution For…… -
How to display two list item results as one to obtain multiple results Using Java in selenium webdriver
Here, you need to combine the two list data to print the two list results in a specific format For example, as shown i…… -
Java – Android music player in UI thread or background
I'm trying to create a simple Android application to play audio files in SD card >By default, the service runs on t…… -
Java – spring boot Jar – missing embeddedservletcontainerfactory
Spring boot (1.2.7) web application (responding to SSL request) runs well on IntelliJ idea Build a jar artifact to run…… -
Java – Apache camel dynamic consumer
I created this camel route from("direct:pageExtraction") .bean(PageManager.class,"setProperties(*,${header…… -
How to use Java libgdx to effectively read text files of floating point numbers?
I am writing a small scientific data visualization application in Java / libgdx The application first reads the text f…… -
Java-405 error code when calling from Jersey rest client
I am requesting a put operation, and I redirect to the get service URL after the request is executed Here, I face the …… -
Java – multipart resolver does not process multipart requests
I recently made some changes to my spring application by adding CSRF support To do this, I must also change the way I …… -
Java – hibernate manytoone n 1 select id
N 1 select query I encountered a strange problem My mapping looks like this: @Entity @IdClass(MyTablePK.class) @Table(…… -
Java – repeated input errors when using POI with gradle
I started a project that needed the Apache POI library I pasted them in my build Everything seems to be fine in the gr…… -
Java – ignore the record of repeated exception messages from third-party libraries
I need to deal with the repetition of specific exceptions in the log I use slf4j and logback to log in to my applicati…… -
Java – create the assertclass () method in JUnit
I am creating a test platform for the protocol project based on Apache Mina In Mina, when you receive a packet, the me…… -
Java – how to get the contact name from the Android (calllog. Calls. Content_uri) table?
I am new to Android and am developing an application. I need all outgoing call logs, numbers, call duration and contac…… -
Java – clicking on an item results in an IllegalStateException
How did this happen? I used recyclerview in the clip, and the clip itself implements my click listener Sometimes, clic…… -
Java – numbers and occurrences in the array
My job is to use the package implementation of array. You can add and delete numbers as needed So far, I have successf…… -
Java – spring data JPA – custom sorting in jparepository
I used spring data JPA and spring data rest and created a jparepository for my thing entity @Repository public interfa…… -
Load a record with
What is the preferred way to load a record using doctrine? I'm using it $em = EntityManager::create($connectionOptions…… -
Java – can I open repl in the context of a spring web application?
I am developing web applications based on spring MVC and hibernate on Tomcat 8 (for deployment and local development) …… -
Java – Google server authentication code failed login
So I managed to use the new Google login to work GoogleSignInOptions gso = new GoogleSignInOptions.Builder(GoogleSignI…… -
JavaFX is relative
Everything is great to work on this desktop application There were some problems with her and there, but each one was …… -
Java – add JPA to the right
NewRequest. java @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) @Basic(optional = false) @Column(nullable = f……