Java – how to filter by entity class attribute in Hibernate
I use hibernate in Java to map classes to database tables I have a personnel list. Each item has many pets and each pe…… -
Is java – spring too complex for JDBC operations?
I've just seen spring's JDBC framework - it looks like a learning curve - and I still can't find the latest quick star…… -
Java – generate name arrangement and database
Using "generating all permutations of a given string" as a reference, I try to have my program (when a name field is d…… -
Java – images that need to select code from the camera and Gallery – applies to all Android phones
private void selectImage() { private void selectImage() { final CharSequence[] items = { "Take Photo","Choose fro…… -
Block / disable JavaFX 2 WebView right click
I am looking for a way to prevent / disable JavaFX scene. web. Right click in WebView More specifically, I don't want …… -
Java – static variables and methods
I encountered a class set like this: public class MyClass { private static boolean started = false; private MyCl…… -
Leiningen Java agents does not work in uberjar
In my leiningen project, I have the following configurations: :java-agents [[ "3…… -
Java – check if the file is open
I need to write a custom batch file renamer I've done most of the work, except I can't figure out how to check whether…… -
Java – how do I check the number of objects created in heap memory?
I want to see how many objects Java creates when running the program My intention is if I use the code string s = new …… -
Java – handling 401 errors (spring security)
I can handle 404 errors @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND) @ExceptionHandler(…… -
Java – manage MySQL partitions using hibernate
We are currently evaluating the use of MySQL partitions for our small applications The application is basically at the…… -
Java – what are the benefits of having multiple logger instances instead of just one static logger class?
So I checked the best practices on logging in Java (slf4j, log4j, logback, etc.), and it seems that the appearance of …… -
Java – cross platform desktop development
I need to provide cross platform engine / framework suggestions for desktop PC application development (windows, MAC, …… -
The Java – ini4j store method changes the comment character
I want to change the key entry in part of the INI file I use the ini4j library So I wrote the following code I can cha…… -
Java – can I add keys / values to a map in a map in one line of code?
I have HashMap 1, which contains five keys. All keys have hashmaps as the value I want to add key / value pairs to the…… -
Java – wowza authentication using external jars
This is the source code of jar: public class WowzaTesting { boolean authStatus = false; public boolean authen…… -
Java – get different results when rounding decimals
double radius = 5; double radius = 5; double area = Math.PI * Math.pow(radius,2); // System.out.println(ar…… -
Java – resource never closed in try with resources when method linking
try(InputStream in = url.openStream(); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(in).useDelimiter("\\A")) { try(InputStream in = u…… -
Java – error running calendar API sample code
Attempt to implement from Started Google calendar c…… -
java. io. Is filewriter designed for one-time use only?
I'm using Java io. Filewriter builds a program that keeps writing to the same file During runtime, whenever I need to …… -
Java – Tomcat uses defaultservlet to get static content in external directory
I have a simple web application that allows users to upload and access files When users access uploaded files, the ser…… -
Java – recursive code that runs slowly on the UNIX box but fast on windows
I have a java code, which is a combination of while loop and recursion The problem we face is that for the UNIX box [H…… -
The Java chrome selenium CI test was suspended randomly for 3 hours
Our CI Java chrome selenium test hangs randomly for 3 hours before socket timeout We get an error: 2015-08-31 10:18:47…… -
Java – Jfilechooser with custom filesystemview implementation
I extend filesystemview and override every method in this class The model is as follows: public class RemoteSystemFile…… -
Java outputs even numbers in exponential format
I have some even numbers output in this format: Format.String("%1.4e",doubleNumber); The result is 1.123456e 03 How to…… -
Java – int / long,float / double
I understand that "2.5" is automatically double. In order to make it a floating point number, I need to do "2.5f" (or …… -
Java – eclipse type erasure
I have a method defined like this: public <T> T methodName(Class<T> clazz) My unit test I mistakenly teste…… -
Java – bubble sort 2D array
I need to build a bubble sort 2D array code The trick here is that I can't use the one-dimensional array helper or mov…… -
Java – JPA onetomany list cannot find mappedby attribute that should be inherited
We are currently making some requirements. We must add some similar entities (car pictures, pet pictures, holiday pict…… -
selenium – junit. framework. Assertionfailederror: test not found in register
I had a problem making this test case work Who can point me in the right direction? I know what I did wrong. I just do…… -
Strange array behavior in Java
This is a simple array declaration and initialization int arr[] = new int[10]; for(int i = 0; i<arr.length; i+…… -
Java – how long does the HTTP connection remain open when we use the asynccontext mentioned in the servlet3 specification?
How long does the HTTP connection remain open when we use the asynccontext mentioned in the servlet3 specification? fi……