Java – how to use MDC to dynamically create log file names in log4j 2
I'm trying to generate different log files based on the values passed through MDC in log4j After trying several method…… -
Java – any possibility of using jpaupdateclause for batch updates in querydsl?
Is it possible to use jpaupdateclause for batch update in querydsl? In exploring the jpuspdateclause class, I only fou…… -
Java – hibernate and criteria APIs return an object array instead of tuple
I'm trying the criteria API and I'm facing strange problems with tuples I am building a query similar to that describe…… -
Differences between different implementations assigned to a wider range of types in Java
I know that assigning subclass implementations to variables of interface type is a best practice to maintain flexibili…… -
Java – layout parameter layout_ Weight is ignored unless layout is also specified on the tag_ Width and layout_ height
I treat this message as an error and cannot run the application <include android:layout_weight="1" layout=…… -
Java – can I use the same POM Redefine imported Maven dependencies in XML?
I'm working in an application server environment, and I'm using BOM to collect dependency information, as follows: <…… -
Java – check if string x is equal to any string in string []
If the string entered by the user is equal to any string in the string array, I try to set a Boolean value of true I i…… -
Java – object cache data structure with “object expiration”
Which data structure in Java is best suited for in memory object caching, where objects have a separate expiration tim…… -
What non free tools do java developers like
Most of the developers I interact with are using eclipse (I prefer NetBeans) and will take advantage of many free plug…… -
Java – upload running files in PHP
I know it sounds strange There is a PHP file on my server, which is responsible for processing the upload The Java pro…… -
Java – class level custom annotations cannot be detected in spring AOP
I tried to intercept classes in spring with the following settings Interceptor @Aspect @Component public class MyInter…… -
Java – how to run a thread repeatedly after a period of time
I want to run a thread (perform some time-consuming tasks in the background and do not update the UI). It just downloa…… -
Java – invalid name pattern when trying to pass custom Oracle type object mapping
Java spring customizes the Oracle type as a parameter and gets the following error I don't understand what the invalid…… -
Java: faster overloading or if / else
I have children's classes, and each class has other members who bring different types of value There may be longobject…… -
Java – sort the vectors of custom objects
How to sort the vectors of custom objects and select the attributes to sort? I do see this question & answer, but …… -
Java – how to enable reasonable default caching for public files in Grails 3 applications?
I have a Grails 3 application with images, CSS and JS files under Src / main / resources / public These use the 'no ca…… -
Java – duplicate resource error using Duplicate Finder plug-in
I have a project consisting of many subprojects Consider the three modules a, B, C. B depends on a and C, depends on a…… -
Java – test the browser at the same time; Received error
Now, I'm trying my first test, which will test browsers chrome, Firefox, ie and safari at the same time But I got the …… -
Can I write “foreach” functions in Java?
In PHP, you can do foreach ($array as $key = > $value) {/ / code. Can you create a function in Java to execute fore…… -
Java – IntelliJ code formatting, keeping / * package * / on the same line
In some cases, it makes sense to use package visibility for certain methods /* package */ int getSpan() { return…… -
How to use multiple threads to execute map, filter and flatmap in rxscala / Java?
How to use multiple threads to run filter, map and flatmap on observable: def withDelay[T](delay: Duration)(t: => T…… -
Java – Lucene search even if it should return no results
I am creating a Lucene search application. I use multiple instances of different analyzers and indexwriters of their i…… -
Playframework – cause: javax persistence. Entitynotfoundexception: bean deleted – deferred load failed
Edit: additional information: play.api.Application$$anon$1: Execution exception[[EntityNotFoundException: Bean has bee…… -
java – String. Error in replaceall() function
I'm trying the following code: – String x = "asdfg/dgws"; x.replaceAll("/","\\"); But it was a failure This gave me th…… -
Java – ternary operator does not work
NetBeans says my ternary operator is not a declaration How? int direction; direction = (Math.random() < 0.5) ? 0 : …… -
Java – InputStream closed by imageio
I encountered a very strange problem with imageio Some objects in my java program have an image I use the static metho…… -
About classes extended from base classes (Java)
I am a beginner of Java, trying to write a party task system for the game I am writing. I have a few questions I want …… -
Java – prime factorization of large numbers
I want to find the prime factorization of large numbers less than 10 ^ 12 public static List<Long> primeFactors(…… -
Why does the java compiler complain that local variables are not initialized here?
int a = 1,b; int a = 1,b; if(a > 0) b = 1; if(a <= 0) b = 2; System.out.println(b); If I run this, I receive: Ex…… -
Java – to in Oracle_ Display time zone description in char()
I have an SQL query select to_char(cast(sysdate as timestamp with LOCAL time zone),'YYYY-MM-DD,HH24:MI:SS TZR') from d…… -
Java – namespace issues
I have the following questions I tried to wrap the code from C to Java COMMON. H namespace rinad { namespace mad_manag…… -
Java – how to split large XML into small pieces using vtdgenhuge?
I want to break the large XML into small pieces I am using vtdgen to split the XML file into small pieces, which is su……