Java is the last day of next month
I have a variable of nowdate type. I want to set the variable nextdate to include the last day of the next month For e…… -
Use Java stream to get the index of Min size list in ArrayList
I have a list of integers, such as LIST1 = (1,2,3) and List2 = (0,1) My list contains LIST1 and List2 It can contain m…… -
Java – abstract base class in dart
I've been programming in Java for nearly two years, but now I'm turning more to web programming, so I'm turning to Jav…… -
Java – on COM sun. Using generics in codemodel
Use COM sun. Codemodel, I want to generate a generic LinkedList field I can create an original field using the followi…… -
Java – what is the character char ‘0x8’?
I have a lot of data in the database When I try to read a part of the data, generate some XML and send it to the web s…… -
Java – find hash table with maximum size
I have the following data structures: Map<Integer,Map<String,Double>> ---------------- | | a 2 | |…… -
Java – how to set the screen / window size when using ghostdriver
I use ghostdriver as webdriver implementation in Java - based projects I want to take a snapshot of the page The defau…… -
Java enumeration list in class [copy]
See English answers > java enums: List enumerated values from a class 4 Namely public static <T extends Enum>…… -
Java – sun. Not found security. ssl. SSLSessionImpl
When I try to use okhttp or javax ws. rs.client. Client, the following error occurs In sun security. Search in SSL pac…… -
Java – many Boolean flags are entered into the class
I have a dialog box that displays various contents according to the status of the application and the security of the …… -
How can I disable a node without graying it out in JavaFX?
My problem is that I can disable nodes so that users cannot interact with them when printing However, for the same rea…… -
Java – add string value
Here is the Java problem: Solution String str = "abcde"; String str = "abcde"; System.out.println(getIncrementedString…… -
Java – system. Java on Windows Where’s err?
I have a Java GUI based application that writes some diagnostic messages to system Out and system err. Where are these…… -
Java – lock files when writing files to disk
I have two separate threads F1 and F2 (specifically, two Java. Util. Concurrent. Futuretask instances) running in para…… -
How do I use instance variables twice without renaming them?
Help, I've just started learning Java. This online tutorial I'm doing requires me to create an instance of a class The…… -
Java – random number generator
I need to write a program in Java to generate random numbers within the range of [0,1] using the following formula: Su…… -
Java – peek() actually sees the element flow through a point in the pipeline
My question is expressed in the simplest way: According to Javadoc: I have a 10 meter pipe, 3 to 7 meters away from th…… -
java – org. elasticsearch. client. transport. Nonodeavailableexception: no configured node is available: []
I run elasticsearch on docker, which is available locally $curl { "status" : 200,…… -
Recent Java references?
I've been programming java, but I've been away from it for some time Anyone can recommend a very good java reference, …… -
Java: copying properties from one object instance to another
Say you have public class Car{ private Engine m_eng; public Car(){ } public Engine getEngine(){ return m…… -
The easiest way to extract jars in Java
Basically, I have a jar file that I want to unzip from JUnit test to a specific folder What is the easiest way? If nec…… -
What is the difference between byte [] and list in Java?
Both can be used to create byte lists But what's the difference between them? byte[] buffer; List<Byte> buffer; …… -
How do I send commands to a running Java program?
I have a java program that I want to send commands from my Win32 Application Usually I use WM_ COPYDATA, but what opti…… -
Java mongodb 3.0 driver query without filter
How do I query using the Java mongodb 3.0 driver? I tried to query unique category records from the location collectio…… -
java – Collectors. Set implementation in toset()?
See English answers > what is default set / list implementation with collectors in Java 8 stream API? 1 Stream.of(1…… -
Java – use durationformatutils to format periods in a good way
This is very effective: out.println(DurationFormatUtils.formatPeriod( new Date().getTime(),mat…… -
Exception in Java platform library
Sometimes I check the Java platform library for inspiration There are many good design solutions, such as this questio…… -
Converting arrays in Java
Suppose we have an array of integers, such as int [] x = {0,1,2,3}; Can I convert x to an array of string type? Can I …… -
Java 8 list copy
See English answers > how to clone ArrayList and also clone its contents? 17 I can't update the employee object pub…… -
Find a method in the Java logging framework scenario
Java has many frameworks / APIs to help you log in to your application: >The Java API has java util. Logging packag…… -
Java – hibernate comment, specifying column defaults
I have a domain object with the following comments @Entity @Table(name = "REQUEST") public class Request { /** …… -
Java – is there a delayed loading implementation of JList?
Is there any way to implement delayed loading with swing's JList? Solution In a way, yes You can create a custom listm……