The best way to translate this java code into kotlin
URL url = new URL(urlSpec); URL url = new URL(urlSpec); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConn…… -
Duplicate code blocks in sonar for import statements in Java
On sonar 4.5 6 (default setting), I see the message duplicated blocks as The Java code of the message I received is as…… -
Java – converts two Boolean values to int
This can be very easy If I have two Boolean values a and B, how can I get the equivalent "binary" number? false and fa…… -
Java – refactoring a simple populated long method
I'm refactoring a method with more than 500 lines (don't ask me why) @ h_ 403_ 7@ public List<Hashmap> getProduc…… -
Java – why does my jdialogs leak?
I have a JFrame from which I open a jdialog and another jdialog – menas from the dialog. I have three windows visible …… -
Java – Tomcat server timeout in eclipse
I encountered a Tomcat server problem in eclipse I received the following timeout error: Server Tomcat v7.0 Server at …… -
Combining functions and predicates in Java 8
In the isbigorder method, if the total price of the products in the order is greater than 1000, it must return true Ho…… -
What is = =?
>Search this website, no references found int[] test = {0,1,2,3}; System.out.println("test1[3] ++== 0 is " + (test[…… -
Java: how to access jobs in try catch – loop?
This problem got me into a huge try catch loop I want smaller So how do I access assignments in a loop? $javac TestIni…… -
An attempt to use resources in a multithreaded server in Java
I'm reading a book "java networking 4th Edition" and Chapter 9 on server sockets, while explaining the multi-threaded …… -
Java – other languages in PHP and Hadoop / MapReduce implementations and other languages in the cloud
I began to learn some Hadoop / MapReduce, mainly from PHP background, and only need some Java and python However, it s…… -
Lambda – converts the string list to a sorted map string length as the key
I have a list < string > and I have to convert it into a map. By grouping strings of the same length into a list…… -
Java – how do I know what exceptions can be thrown from a method?
How do I know what exceptions a method call might throw? Solution Look at the throws clause of the method signature to…… -
Java – call again: < >
What's this called? List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>(sectionIDs); (< > section) I know this …… -
Java – Custom swing components: questions about methods
I'm trying to build a new Java swing component. I realize that I may be able to find something that can meet my needs …… -
How to add a thread and other threads in Java?
I have a main thread to start 10 other threads I want to finish the main thread only after all other threads stop So I…… -
Why should I use null (string []) in Java?
In some fragments, I noticed that the array is initialized by converting null values into string arrays, such as: Stri…… -
How to round 0.0 to 0.00 in Java?
I use the following functions float val=0.0; DecimalFormat toTheFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); float value=Float.…… -
Java – find coordinates in circles
I'm using Google maps under Grails for mashup. Users can create geonces by selecting points and radii on the map This …… -
Java – do not modify the list, but still get concurrentmodificationexception
This is not a typical concurrent modificationexception problem until you look at another concurrent modificationexcept…… -
Java – pass the file as a command line parameter and read its line
This is the code I found on the Internet to read the file line. I also use eclipse and set the file name as SANSHIN. I…… -
How to edit template documents (form letters) from files using Java?
This is my first time playing Java. I need to be able to replace some words in the template Sample template – "Dear pu…… -
Java – commons exec: when I call the executor Suspend when execute (commandline);
I don't know why I try to capture the output of the process through commons exec, and then I continue to hang I have p…… -
Java – when to use getinstanceof instead of constructor
A few months ago, I attended a speech hosted by representatives of two independent software development companies It i…… -
Java – similar to camera Parameters. Gethorizontalviewangle() and camera Parameters. What is the Android Camera2 API of getverticalviewangle()?
All this is in the title, but in the now deprecated Android camera API, there are two methods: camera Parameters. Geth…… -
Java EE – Liferay 7 service builder does not automatically update the database
In my Liferay 7 project, service builder can well generate the file tables SQL (with complete SQL), but it will not be…… -
In Java, if only the last numeric item is replaced, what is the best way to sort an integer array?
This is an array of integers Solution Take the last element as an insertion sort -
Java – dagger 2 activity injection does not work
I'm trying the new dagger 2. This is my first time to implement it, but I can't make it work I think I got the concept…… -
Can Java modules call C modules?
Just out of interest, can I call the C module from the Java module? If so, what should I do? Solution Yes, you can do …… -
Java – looking for numbers greater than the average – why doesn’t my if statement work properly?
I'm testing a program that contains different text files of randomly generated numbers The Java program is built to ad…… -
10 Ethernet in Java?
Does Java 6 support 10 gig Ethernet out of the box? It doesn't seem to require Java changes, but I think I remember th…… -
Java – deletes the last known entry in HashMap on map
OK, so this is a different bit I have a new HashMap private Map<String,Player> players = new HashMap<String,P……