Java: regular expression replacement
I have this string: foo bar 567 baz Now I want to add string num:. Before each number So the result must be: foo bar n…… -
Java: how to programmatically determine that a dataset does not follow a normal distribution?
In a java program, how to determine whether the data set I own follows a normal distribution? Is it possible? Is there…… -
Output a block to the console in Java
Hi, I'm doing my course. My task is to use "*" to make a 5 × 5, but you must use "." Fill in like this: ***** *...* *.…… -
An effective way to shuffle JSON arrays in Java?
Is this the best way? Now, I convert my jsonarray to an ArrayList of a custom class, using collections Shuffle () to p…… -
Java main – call another method
I have the following code: public static void main(String args[]) { start(); } I received this error: non static metho…… -
Best practices for handling multiple exceptions in a similar manner in Java
Is there a standardized best practice for the following situations? I have a code block that can generate many differe…… -
Java – classloader loads the wrong file
I use this snippet to get the file as the input stream File version Txt is packaged in the jar of my application, whic…… -
What are the benefits of Java – executors?
In a life without Java executors, a new thread must be created for each runnable task Creating new threads requires th…… -
Java – jcombobox in JTable cell
I have a JTable created using a model, which is based on an object matrix for(int i=0; i < n ; i++) { ..... …… -
Java – clone and subtract sets – is this useful?
private HashMap<DataObject,HashSet> AllDataObjects; private HashMap<DataObject,HashSet> AllDataObjects; .…… -
Downloading CSV files programmatically using java
Scenario: the website I use to study stock data has a link on the page to export the data to a spreadsheet The format …… -
How to set a specific location in a string in Java?
I have a string called str str = "hi john"; Now I want to set J char to g. how can I do this? Solution You cannot modi…… -
java – ThreadLocal; Is it the same every time you create a copy of a variable?
I'm still confused about the concept of ThreadLocal I've read Javadoc and other related issues, but the terminology us…… -
Why do we need to rewrite equals and hashcode in Java, and why can’t we use the object class to implement them
Guys, please let me know why we need to override equals and hashcode in the real world, and we can't use equals and ha…… -
Java – how to get the file system path of the context root of any application
I'm working on Web applications I'm in my JSP request Called on getcontextpath (), but strangely, I got the address / …… -
. Net – is there a textwriter subclass that triggers an event when writing text?
I wrote a method that accepts textwriter as a parameter (usually console. Out, but not necessarily) When I call this m…… -
Java – reads a byte array from the socket
I have read the sun guide and different similar questions I want to read some unknown number of bytes from the socket …… -
Java – what is a regular expression that removes spaces in parentheses?
I'm writing a program in Java to accept queries If I had a query like this insert into abc values ( e,…… -
Adding Java objects to the database
For college assignments, I was assigned a prize object, which contains text, pictures or video content I want to save …… -
Java – parses XML that contains XML in an element, which you can do
I have a "complex item" in XML, and then a "WorkItem" (in XML) containing a lot of other information. I want this to c…… -
Java conversion / classloader problem
The following is a simplified version of the problem: SomeClass c = (SomeClass) obj.getSomeClassParent() Not always, e…… -
Java – expect this loop to be infinite, but it’s not
This is my java code: public class Prog1 { public static void main(String[] args) { int x = 5; whi…… -
What are the problems with using objects in Java to call static methods?
If I have the following: class A { public A() { } public static void foo() { System.out.println("foo() called"); }…… -
Java multithreading – passing data structures to threads
The application I'm writing generates a characterlist character at some stage At this stage, I am trying to create a t…… -
Read / write int on X86 machine without lock
Suppose in a C program, I have a p thread running on a 32-bit machine and int Max – a shared 32-bit integer Each threa…… -
A Java method class with enum
I have an enumeration that looks like public enum MyEnum { myValue { @Override public String myMethod(Stri…… -
Java – how to fix errors when inserting datetime into DB
I want to do this: pr.setStartdate("2006-09-10T00:00:00"); I received this error: java.sql.sqlDataException: The Synta…… -
Java – how do I use relative paths instead of absolute paths?
So I have a strange question about Java I'm reading and writing files, so the path is very important to me I want all …… -
How to convert a string date with a full month name into a date object in Java?
How to convert a date with a full month name into a date object in Java? This is the sample I need to convert. Date: D…… -
Java – complexity of code
What is the complexity of a program with only one loop? Is it log n? Solution Well, it really depends on what happens …… -
java. util. prefs. Preferences. Put() is valid, but preferences Nodeexists() always returns false
I have some simple code for learning OAuth authentication using the landmark library I'm trying to use Java util. pref…… -
Language independent – use hash mapping to optimize the binary tree and insert o (1) to write to the subtree
First of all, I assume that I have missed some important things when considering this problem, but I still want to rel……