Android – firebase jobdispatcher – scheduled jobs are lost on device restart
I'm using firebase jobdispatcher. I have scheduled some work. If I keep the device on, it works normally. But if I res…… -
Android – error using duplicate fileprovider in manifest.xml with Cordova
How is it possible to have multiple providers of the same type in the list? Due to the file provider brought by Cordov…… -
Android – custom res screens and res icons are replaced by default Cordova screens and icons
I am using Visual Studio tools from Apache Cordova I have tested cli 6.4.0. Unfortunately, there are errors in res scr…… -
Android – espresso junit4 – log in once before running all tests
I want to write some automated tests for one of my applications. All functions need to be logged in So, I have written…… -
Android – recyclerview project content is not visible
Use recyclerview to display data from JSON. Each recycler item contains an image and several textviews But whenever I …… -
Or clause in firebase Java Android
Who knows how I can make a common "or" in the where clause in firebase? I need to do this in the query because I send …… -
Android – adjust the width and height of the dialogfragment
I have a problem with the width and height of dialogfragmentn. This is my class representing dialogfragmentn: public c…… -
Android – how do I pass non Parcelable objects from one activity to another?
I have two objects instantiated from two different classes, which do not implement parseable or serializable. I want T…… -
Android calls JS, and JS calls Android
1.main.xml 2.demo.html When you click the button in the first interface, the HTML content changes M…… -
Unable to resolve billing: 1.0
I have similar problems, such as here, but in my case, gradle cannot solve the billing library v1.0, even if I add the…… -
Java – how to automatically fill edit text from the middle?
I'm developing a contact manager project for I want to automatically fill in the end of the e-mail address…… -
java – AWS Lambda:ClassNotFoundException
Whenever I try to test my lambda function on AWS lambda, I currently get a classnotfoundexception. The exception is sh…… -
Android – context sensitive issues within MVP presenters
I am a novice in Android MVP mode and work on my project. I have some basic questions related to Android context in th…… -
Filter rxjava observable using other observable
I am using rxandroid 2.0.1 and rxjava 2.0.6 I have two observable: one returns may < MyObject > based on some st…… -
Android – retrieves specific data from the firebase database
I am using the firebase database and Java to create a chat application on Android. Whenever a user registers for the f…… -
Android – cannot find “libsupportjni. So” in debug version type
I use muiltdex, which must happen when I choose the debug build type; But it doesn't happen when I choose to publish t…… -
Android sideslip and breakpoint sequel
Note: to write in the position of the layout, replace the linear or relative layout, and write two sub layouts. The fi…… -
Android studio 2.2.2 uses the binary repository to publish my app module to jcenter as a library
Here, I have successfully completed the QR code scanning project. I use the qrcodereader view 1.0.0 V URL repository. …… -
Java – some questions about gradle for Android Development
I have some questions about gradle >What is the difference between buildscript. Dependencies and? Dependency? > …… -
Cannot find explicit activity class. Have you declared this activity in androidmanifest.xml
I am trying to implement preferenceactivity in my application, following the answers accepted in this question I got t…… -
Java – do immortal objects really exist?
In this article: xamarin – use weak references to prevent immortal objects. It says that if two objects strongly refer…… -
Android – add text to layout?
I have a horizontal small screen layout. I have some text in the textview in the layout... But it is not displayed. I …… -
Charles notes
1. Installation: configuration of ubuntu16.04 system Charles 2. Use Charles to capture the HTTPS request of android ap…… -
C# – setsupportactionbar crashed in visual studio and xamarin
I'm trying to create an Android application using xamarin and visual studio. Suddenly, I encountered a strange error w…… -
Android – edit text cursor bug after closing the dialog box
I have a problem. I don't know what to call it or what causes it I'm learning Android SQLite and starting to write a s…… -
Android – fitssystemwindows ignored by constraintlayout
I try to display an activity in my application. The status bar is completely transparent. I add to my style: <item …… -
Android – login to the Facebook SDK using an existing token
I am developing an Android application with social network login support. Now I have the problem of logging in and out…… -
Java – how to properly add listeners to taxi
I'm using slide to show the album cover, but somehow I can't show it. I want to add a listener to slide to find errors…… -
Android – how to set a background image in text
Who can tell me how to set the background image in the text? (not a textview background picture) can I use drawable or…… -
How does Android place autocomplete get the search location list by default
I implemented the local autocomplete function in my application, and wrote the search keyword in EditText to obtain th…… -
Android – firebase searches by character
I use firebaserecycleradapter in my firebase application. Until now, I don't know how to search firebase by character.…… -
Options for effectively drawing byte array streams for display in Android
In short, what I need to do is to display the real-time stream of video frames in Android (each frame is in YUV420 for……