Solve the problem that recyclerview nested recyclerview causes the page to jump to the middle
In a word, add the following paragraph to the outermost recyclerview layout file android:descendantFocusability="bloc…… -
Android – add button to graphic canvas
I am using the answer to this question: drawing on canvas and save image to create a canvas to draw an image I am open…… -
Java – Parcelable works without proper implementation
In the Android application, I send a bundle from an activity to a fragment public class Bar implements Parcelable { p…… -
Android – swipe to close the recyclerview with animation on the background
According to my understanding, one possibility to realize the sliding to release of recyclerview using the background …… -
Android – unable to listen to preference changes?
class Userviewmodel extends viewmodel{ appPrefs.registerOnSharedPreferencechangelistener(preferencechangelistener)…… -
Android – make a call using Rx, and then make multiple parallel calls from the result of the first call
I must call the API that returns the list of items. For each item in this list, I must call another API (if the list r…… -
Android databinding activity completed ()
I try to use the databinding library to implement MVVM in my application. I can find a solution to the simple tasks I …… -
Ajax doesn’t work in Android WebView
I'm loading a website in WebView. We use ajax on the website. It also works well in web browsers and mobile browsers, …… -
Android – why doesn’t the AdMob advertising frequency limit work?
I set up two display times per minute for each user, but it didn't work. The advertisement will be displayed every tim…… - http request failed, HTTP status: 500 (ksoap2)
I am using ksoap2. When I send a request to the server and get http request fails, HTTP status: 5…… -
Android – cannot resolve base64.encodetostring
I'm trying to save an image on firebase using the following code Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(imgDecodableSt…… -
Android – white border around dark theme cardviews
I have a custom control that extends cardview. I add it to the linear layout so that I can create a card grid. I don't…… -
Android – ‘com. Example. * *’ and ‘com. Example. * * {*;}’?
When I use Proguard, what is the difference between com. Example. * * and com. Example. * * {*;}? For example, what ha…… -
C# – what is the best way to slide and click on the relative layout in Android?
public bool OnTouch(View v, MotionEvent e) { if (gestureDetector.OnTouchEvent(e)) { //…… -
Gradle relies on using latlng in Java projects
I want to use the latling class in my java project…… -
Android – view is at the last position of the parent, but it is still blocked
What I want to do In the bottom sheet dialog fragment, I want a view that always sticks to the bottom of the screen, r…… -
Android Studio: include library test classes in app test
The (relevant) parts of my project folder structure are as follows ├───lib │ └───src │ ├───androidTest │ …… -
C# – fragment initialization sequence in mvvmcross 5 navigation service
I have questions about the navigation service introduced in mvvmcross 5 In version 4: > I use Showviewmodel< vie…… -
Android – why not use the “newinstance” pattern in the activity?
This seems to be a good way to simplify how to set parameters for fragments, so I'm curious why it's not often used to…… -
Android using NDK has no reference defined
I'm trying to implement the code here When trying to compile it, I received the following error: Error:(339) undefined…… -
How do I update Android things apps?
What if you need to update these applications, such as solving security problems? Many Internet of things devices are …… -
Android – private void sendregistrationtoserver (string token) parameter token is never used
I've tried all the available answers, but it doesn't help. What did I miss here? private void sendRegistrationToServer…… -
Android – the action bar displays only one item next to the search view
I want to have a search view and two buttons in the action bar, so I created menu / options_ menu.xml: <menu xmlns…… -
Android – how do I programmatically scroll recyclerview through specific pixels?
I expanded recyclerview, so I can expand it. It works the way I want, but now I want to scroll x pixels programmatical…… -
Android – onscroll gesture detector
I want to implement onscroll when a scrolling event occurs. But I don't understand how to use the parameters received …… -
C# – xamarin.forms property is not saved in Android version
I'm using xamarin. Forms and application. Current. Properties to persist user settings. I tested it on Android and it …… -
Android – Scrollview in percentrelativelayout 23.2.1 has incorrect zero height
I have a layout, which contains a Scrollview with LinearLayout and its children: a percentrelativelayout 23.2.1, anoth…… -
Android – how to use the ble connection of service connection across activities without stopping the service or disconnecting?
I have three components >Activity1 has buttons for connecting and disconnecting ble > activity2 needs to obtain …… -
Android – batch insert in realm
I decided to use realm for my project. I have read the document and can't understand how to import all mobile contacts…… -
Android – how to display insert ads every x seconds
I need to display insert ads in my app every x seconds. I've closed this code. It works normally, but the problem is t…… -
Android – update location using fusedlocationproviderclient, jobscheduler and jobservice
I'm trying to create a background location tracking service using the new fusedlocationproviderclient with jobschedule…… -
Android – keep clips?
Hi, I have a question about keeping fragments when recreating an activity. I heard that one way is to use setretainfra……