[Android] mobile guard input box jitter and mobile phone vibration
Check apidemos, find view / animation / shake, find the corresponding animation code, and copy it directly
When importing a project, it is reported that the R file does not exist. In many cases, the XML file is wrong
Animation shake = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this,R.anim.shake);
et_ phone.startAnimation(shake);
The XML file for animation is shake.xml
Interpolator is an inserter, which can define the speed of animation, etc
Call the setinterpolator () method of the animation object to set the inserter. Parameters: interpolator object
Implement the interpolator interface anonymously, override the getinterpolation () method, set the custom animation rate in, and pass in a flaot X
Vibration effect of input box
Get the vibrator object, call getsystemservice () method, parameter: vibrator_ SERVICE
Call the vibrate() method of the vibrator object, parameter: ms
The permission android.permission.vibrate needs to be added
This can make some vibrators~
cycle_ 7.xml