Android – activitymanager does not save real_ GET_ Tasks warning
I received a warning message on the Android phone (Nexus 5) on activitymanager. It doesn't seem to come from any specific application. And it keeps displaying for about 2 seconds. Does anyone know why? Or should I investigate for more information?
It looks like the application is using get_ Permissions for tasks, which are already in lollipop: Deprecated in tasks
The error is specifying the use of real_ GET_ Tasks and there is an error report on this problem (although I didn't take the time to see if it's exactly the same):
Sorry (I checked it now), according to the code 10078, it is uid:
private boolean isGetTasksAllowed(String caller, int callingPid, int callingUid) {
if (!allowed) {
Slog.w(TAG, caller + ": caller " + callingUid
+ " does not hold GET_TASKS; limiting output");
} frameworks_ base/blob/master/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/
Invalid Sign
I don't know what 10078 uid is on your device. You can try 'ADB shell' and 'ID' and want it to appear