Android’s use of okhttp may trigger a point of oom
There is a problem: you need to add signature verification to all requests to prevent brushing the interface; The incoming request URL and body generate a text string and send it to the server as a header; There are ready-made signature verification methods: string dosignature (string URL, byte [] body); The current network library is based on com.squareup.okhttp3: okhttp: 3.14.2. This is very simple. Of course, it is good to write an interceptor and then pass in the URL and body of the request object. Therefore:
public class SignInterceptor implements Interceptor { @NonNull @Override public Response intercept(@NonNull Chain chain) throws IOException { Request request = chain.request(); RequestBody body = request.body(); byte[] bodyBytes = null; if (body != null) { final Buffer buffer = new Buffer(); body.writeTo(buffer); bodyBytes = buffer.readByteArray(); } Request.Builder builder = request.newBuilder(); HttpUrl oldUrl = request.url(); final String url = oldUrl.toString(); final String signed = doSignature(url,bodyBytes)); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(signed)) { builder.addHeader(SIGN_KEY_NAME,signed); } return chain.proceed(; } }@H_404_4@okhttp的ReqeustBody是一个抽象类,内容输出只有writeTo方法,将内容写入到一个BufferedSink接口实现体里,然后再将数据转成byte[]也就是内存数组.能达到目的的类只有Buffer,它实现了BufferedSink接口并能提供转成内存数组的方法readByteArray. 这貌似没啥问题呀,能造成OOM?
是的,要看请求类型,如果是一个上传文件的接口呢?如果这个文件比较大呢?上传接口有可能会用到public static RequestBody create(final @Nullable MediaType contentType,final File file)方法,如果是针对文件的实现体它的writeTo方法是sink.writeAll(source);而我们传给签名方法时用到的Buffer.readByteArray是将缓冲中的所有内容转成了内存数组,这意味着文件中的所有内容被转成了内存数组,就是在这个时机容易造成OOM! RequestBody.create源码如下:
public static RequestBody create(final @Nullable MediaType contentType,final File file) { if (file == null) throw new NullPointerException("file == null"); return new RequestBody() { @Override public @Nullable MediaType contentType() { return contentType; } @Override public long contentLength() { return file.length(); } @Override public void writeTo(BufferedSink sink) throws IOException { try (Source source = Okio.source(file)) { sink.writeAll(source); } } }; } @H_404_4@可以看到实现体持有了文件,Content-Length返回了文件的大小,内容全部转给了Source对象。
这确实是以前非常容易忽略的一个点,很少有对请求体作额外处理的操作,而一旦这个操作变成一次性的大内存分配,非常容易造成OOM. 所以要如何解决呢? 签名方法又是如何处理的呢? 原来这个签名方法在这里偷了个懒——它只读取传入body的前4K内容,然后只针对这部分内容进行了加密,至于传入的这个内存数组本身多大并不考虑,完全把风险和麻烦丢给了外部(优秀的SDK!).
快速的方法当然是罗列白名单,针对上传接口服务端不进行加签验证,但这容易挂一漏万,而且增加维护成本,要签名方法sdk的人另写合适的接口等于要他们的命,所以还是得从根本解决. 既然签名方法只读取前4K内容,我们便只将内容的前4K部分读取再转成方法所需的内存数组不就可了? 所以我们的目的是: 期望RequestBody能够读取一部分而不是全部的内容. 能否继承RequestBody重写它的writeTo? 可以,但不现实,不可能全部替代现有的RequestBody实现类,同时ok框架也有可能创建私有的实现类. 所以只能针对writeTo的参数BufferedSink作文章,先得了解BufferedSink又是如何被okhttp框架调用的.
BufferedSink相关的类包括Buffer,Source,都属于okio框架,okhttp只是基于okio的一坨,okio没有直接用java的io操作,而是另行写了一套io操作,具体是数据缓冲的操作.接上面的描述,Source是怎么创建,同时又是如何操作BufferedSink的? 在Okio.java中:
public static Source source(File file) throws FileNotFoundException { if (file == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("file == null"); return source(new FileInputStream(file)); } public static Source source(InputStream in) { return source(in,new Timeout()); } private static Source source(final InputStream in,final Timeout timeout) { return new Source() { @Override public long read(Buffer sink,long byteCount) throws IOException { try { timeout.throwIfReached(); Segment tail = sink.writableSegment(1); int maxToCopy = (int) Math.min(byteCount,Segment.SIZE - tail.limit); int bytesRead =,tail.limit,maxToCopy); if (bytesRead == -1) return -1; tail.limit += bytesRead; sink.size += bytesRead; return bytesRead; } catch (AssertionError e) { if (isAndroidGetsocknameError(e)) throw new IOException(e); throw e; } } @Override public void close() throws IOException { in.close(); } @Override public Timeout timeout() { return timeout; } }; } @H_404_4@Source把文件作为输入流inputstream进行了各种读操作,但是它的read方法参数却是个Buffer实例,它又是从哪来的,又怎么和BufferedSink关联的? 只好再继续看BufferedSink.writeAll的实现体。
BufferedSink的实现类就是Buffer, 然后它的writeAll方法:
@Override public long writeAll(Source source) throws IOException { if (source == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("source == null"); long totalBytesRead = 0; for (long readCount; (readCount =,Segment.SIZE)) != -1; ) { totalBytesRead += readCount; } return totalBytesRead; } @H_404_4@原来是显式的调用了,long)方法,这样就串起来了,那个Buffer参数原来就是自身。
然而麻烦的是BufferedSink的接口非常多,将近30个方法, 不知道框架会在什么时机调用哪个方法,只能全部都实现! 其次是接口方法的参数有很多okio的类,这些类的用法需要了解,否则一旦用错了效果适得其反. 于是对一个类的了解变成对多个类的了解,没办法只能硬着头皮写.
第一个接口就有点蛋疼: Buffer buffer(); BufferedSink返回一个Buffer实例供外部调用,BufferedSink的实现体即是Buffer,然后再返回一个Buffer?! 看了半天猜测BufferedSink是为了提供一个可写入的缓冲对象,但框架作者也懒的再搞接口解耦的那一套了(唉,大家都是怎么简单怎么来). 于是FixedSizeSink至少需要持有一个Buffer对象,它作实际的数据缓存,同时可以在需要,long)的地方作为参数传过去.
private long writeOrCountBytes(@Nullable BufferedSink sink,boolean countBytes) { long byteCount = 0L; Buffer buffer; if (countBytes) { buffer = new Buffer(); } else { buffer = sink.buffer(); } for (int i = 0,size = encodedNames.size(); i < size; i++) { if (i > 0) buffer.writeByte('&'); buffer.writeUtf8(encodedNames.get(i)); buffer.writeByte('='); buffer.writeUtf8(encodedValues.get(i)); } if (countBytes) { byteCount = buffer.size(); buffer.clear(); } return byteCount; } @H_404_4@有这样的操作就有可能限制不了缓冲区大小变化!不过数据量应该相对小一些而且这种用法场景相对少,我们指定的大小应该能覆盖的了这种情况。
接着还有一个接口BufferedSink write(ByteString byteString),又得了解ByteString怎么使用,真是心力交瘁啊...
@Override public Buffer write(ByteString byteString) { byteString.write(this); return this; } @H_404_4@Buffer实现体里可以直接调用ByteString.write(Buffer)因为是包名访问,自己实现的FixedSizeSink声明在和同一包名package okio;也可以这样使用,如果是其它包名只能先转成byte[]了,ByteString应该不大不然也不能这么搞(没有找到ByteString读取一段数据的方法):
@Override public BufferedSink write(@NotNull ByteString byteString) throws IOException { byte[] bytes = byteString.toByteArray(); this.write(bytes); return this; } @H_404_4@总之就是把这些对象转成内存数组或者Buffer能够接受的参数持有起来!
public class FixedSizeSink implements BufferedSink { private static final int SEGMENT_SIZE = 4096; private final Buffer mBuffer = new Buffer(); private final int mLimitSize; private FixedSizeSink(int size) { this.mLimitSize = size; } @Override public Buffer buffer() { return mBuffer; } @Override public BufferedSink write(@NotNull ByteString byteString) throws IOException { byte[] bytes = byteString.toByteArray(); this.write(bytes); return this; } @Override public BufferedSink write(@NotNull byte[] source) throws IOException { this.write(source,source.length); return this; } @Override public BufferedSink write(@NotNull byte[] source,int offset,int byteCount) throws IOException { long available = mLimitSize - mBuffer.size(); int count = Math.min(byteCount,(int) available); android.util.Log.d(TAG,String.format("FixedSizeSink.offset=%d," "count=%d,limit=%d,size=%d",offset,byteCount,mLimitSize,mBuffer.size())); if (count > 0) { mBuffer.write(source,count); } return this; } @Override public long writeAll(@NotNull Source source) throws IOException { this.write(source,mLimitSize); return mBuffer.size(); } @Override public BufferedSink write(@NotNull Source source,long byteCount) throws IOException { final long count = Math.min(byteCount,mLimitSize - mBuffer.size()); final long BUFFER_SIZE = Math.min(count,SEGMENT_SIZE); android.util.Log.d(TAG,String.format("FixedSizeSink.count=%d,limit=%d" ",size=%d,segment=%d",mBuffer.size(),BUFFER_SIZE)); long totalBytesRead = 0; long readCount; while (totalBytesRead < count && (readCount =,BUFFER_SIZE)) != -1) { totalBytesRead = readCount; } return this; } @Override public int write(ByteBuffer src) throws IOException { final int available = mLimitSize - (int) mBuffer.size(); if (available < src.remaining()) { byte[] bytes = new byte[available]; src.get(bytes); this.write(bytes); return bytes.length; } else { return mBuffer.write(src); } } @Override public void write(@NotNull Buffer source,long byteCount) throws IOException { mBuffer.write(source,Math.min(byteCount,mLimitSize - mBuffer.size())); } @Override public BufferedSink writeUtf8(@NotNull String string) throws IOException { mBuffer.writeUtf8(string); return this; } @Override public BufferedSink writeUtf8(@NotNull String string,int beginIndex,int endIndex) throws IOException { mBuffer.writeUtf8(string,beginIndex,endIndex); return this; } @Override public BufferedSink writeUtf8CodePoint(int codePoint) throws IOException { mBuffer.writeUtf8CodePoint(codePoint); return this; } @Override public BufferedSink writeString(@NotNull String string,@NotNull Charset charset) throws IOException { mBuffer.writeString(string,charset); return this; } @Override public BufferedSink writeString(@NotNull String string,int endIndex,endIndex,charset); return this; } @Override public BufferedSink writeByte(int b) throws IOException { mBuffer.writeByte(b); return this; } @Override public BufferedSink writeShort(int s) throws IOException { mBuffer.writeShort(s); return this; } @Override public BufferedSink writeShortLe(int s) throws IOException { mBuffer.writeShortLe(s); return this; } @Override public BufferedSink writeInt(int i) throws IOException { mBuffer.writeInt(i); return this; } @Override public BufferedSink writeIntLe(int i) throws IOException { mBuffer.writeIntLe(i); return this; } @Override public BufferedSink writeLong(long v) throws IOException { mBuffer.writeLong(v); return this; } @Override public BufferedSink writeLongLe(long v) throws IOException { mBuffer.writeLongLe(v); return this; } @Override public BufferedSink writeDecimalLong(long v) throws IOException { mBuffer.writeDecimalLong(v); return this; } @Override public BufferedSink writeHexadecimalUnsignedLong(long v) throws IOException { mBuffer.writeHexadecimalUnsignedLong(v); return this; } @Override public void flush() throws IOException { mBuffer.flush(); } @Override public BufferedSink emit() throws IOException { mBuffer.emit(); return this; } @Override public BufferedSink emitCompleteSegments() throws IOException { mBuffer.emitCompleteSegments(); return this; } @Override public OutputStream outputStream() { return mBuffer.outputStream(); } @Override public boolean isopen() { return mBuffer.isopen(); } @Override public Timeout timeout() { return mBuffer.timeout(); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { mBuffer.close(); } }@H_404_4@以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持我们。
以上是编程之家为你收集整理的android 使用okhttp可能引发OOM的一个点全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决android 使用okhttp可能引发OOM的一个点所遇到的程序开发问题。