Various version information in build.gradle of Android studio
Android studio uses gradle to build the project. Gradle is a very advanced project building tool. After we import the Android project, as long as the project synchronization is successful, the following folder will appear.
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1. Apply plugin, which declares whether it is an Android application or a library module.
2. Android closure, which configures various attributes of project construction: (1) compilesdkversion is used to specify the variant SDK version of the project, (2) buildtoolsversion user specifies the version of the project construction tool. (3) Defaultconfig closure: default configuration, application package name, minimum SDK version, target SDK version, version number and version name. (4) Buildtypes closure: Specifies the configuration for generating installation files and whether to confuse the code; (5) Signingconfigs closure: signature information configuration; (6) Sourcesets closure: source file path configuration; (7) Lintoptions closure: Lint configuration;
3. Dependencies closure, which specifies all dependencies, local dependencies, library dependencies and remote dependencies of the current project;
4. Repositories closure, warehouse configuration.
// 表示这是一个应用程序模块,可直接运行
// 标识这是一个库模块,是依附别的应用程序运行
apply plugin: ''
android {
// 编译sdk的版本,也就是API Level,例如API-20、API-28等等。
compileSdkVersion 28
// build tools的版本,其中包括了打包工具aapt、dx等
// 这个工具的目录位于你的sdk目录/build-tools/下
buildToolsVersion "28.0.2"
// 默认配置
defaultConfig {
applicationId "zj.dzh.qq" //应用程序的包名
minSdkVersion 16 //最小sdk版本,如果设备小于这个版本或者大于maxSdkVersion将无法安装这个应用
targetSdkVersion 28 //目标sdk版本,充分测试过的版本(建议版本)
versionCode 1//版本号,第一版是1,之后每更新一次加1
versionName "1.0"//版本名,显示给用户看到的版本号
testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"//Instrumentation单元测试
// 指定生成安装文件的配置,常有两个子包:release,debug,注:直接运行的都是debug安装文件
buildTypes {
// release版本的配置,即生成正式版安装文件的配置
release {
minifyEnabled false// 是否对代码进行混淆,true表示混淆
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), ''//是否支持调试
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])// 本地依赖
// 远程依赖,androidx.appcompat是域名部分,appcompat是组名称,1.0.2是版本号
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.0.2'
implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:1.1.3'
testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'// 声明测试用列库
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.ext:junit:1.1.1'
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core:3.2.0'